(28) It's time to talk about Sam...

3049 Words

An ominous dark cloud hangs above my head as I begin to gasp at the air greedily, allowing the pain of my past to disappear alongside each heavy breath I take, desperate for release. My eyes flicker around manically; paranoid and suspicious as I take in my surroundings desperately, frantically scanning the room for any hidden dangers or potential threats that may be lurking out of sight. My body tenses as I replay the unexplainable dream in my head; my chest tightening as I recall Sam and Sean’s menacing threats, contemplating the danger that may be heading my way if this dream holds any truth. A flood of salty tears catch in the corner of my burning eyes while I try to figure out the biggest mystery of it all. If this is real and not just a figure of my subconsciousness’s imagination, wh

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