(29) A promise to Raven...

2899 Words

“I don’t understand how any of this is happening,” I groan in complaint to my wolf, my body flopping onto the bed with little effort feeling slightly overwhelmed. I roll over to face the ceiling; gazing numbly as I place my hand on my forehead, soothing the gentle throbbing in an attempt of easing the creeping pain beginning to breakthrough.           Truthfully, I have no idea. At this point, your guess is as good as mine. “I swear it was your voice! It sounded just like you,” I mutter confused; my mind fogging with doubt as I try to decipher whether there was any truth behind what I had encountered in my dream, questioning my memory as I ask one last time, “-are you sure it wasn’t you?”           Willow, I promise it wasn’t me! How am I going to know anything without you knowing the s

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