(21) Give a wolf a break...

5000 Words

Despite spending most of the day assuring Elijah that I’m fine, he remains reluctant to give the dust from this morning a chance to settle. Persistent in his conquest of earning my already given affection back, my mate patiently waits on me against my protest, dotingly directing all of his attention solely my way. After some time, Elijah eventually loosens up when his self-held grudge dissipates gradually—losing himself in the conversation as it flows effortlessly between us. Sensing his angst vanish, I settle down and relax within my mate’s company. Swept up by the unending list of topics waiting to be explored, we blissfully discuss all that comes to mind, uncaring of the world, while it passes us by in a pleasant blur. As if the novelty of my presence had yet to wear off on him, I watch

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