(22) Rescuing the reaper...

4765 Words

**UNDER EDIT** Ash?” I gasp, my heart twisting at the mention of my lost brother's name. “I guess we don’t need to try mind-linking with him after all,” my wolf struggles to withhold her excitement, “-when do we leave?” “How long ago was this?” Elijah takes a stormful step towards his brother, profoundly wound up by the news. “About twenty minutes ago,” Isaac wipes the sweat from his brow, his breathing still frantic, “-I went to call you as soon as Frankie told me what was going on, but I must have left my phone back at the office. Thus,” he holds out his arms sarcastically, “-why I had to run all the way here. I was tempted to shift, but given that its rush hour out there right now, I didn’t think the Trinity Council would appreciate an influx of calls about a wild wolf running ramp

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