(42) Marie Clemonte...

3542 Words

Almost as if time were frozen, everything felt like it had stopped around me. My eyes bulge wide as they lock on to my newfound target; the shadowed figure becoming my sole focus while my surroundings disappear one by one, meaningless as I slip into my petrified trance. I feel my body begin to shake erratically; unable to do anything other than stare back at the hooded figure menacingly greeting me, shuddering as I fight the outpour of burning tears welling at the corner of my stinging eyes.           How did he find us? Get Raven and get out of here, Willow! It’s not safe! Despite my wolfs encouragement to scream for Raven I find that my words fall short; breathless murmurs escaping me in place of wanted desperate calls, falling victim to the paralysing fear as it begins to smother me

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