Chapter 1 The last meeting

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Going Away for Training Guess who? l said using my hand to blindfold Jake. Jake and l have agreed to meet here today because he has something very important to discuss with me, this has always been our secret meeting spot where we play and shift to our wolf form when we want to do some rescue work without being seen by anyone. We have been friends since our childhood and we always tell each other the truth and do not keep secrets from each other. Though Jake is five years older than me, he treats me like his equal and always likes to protect me like I can not stand up for myself. He is the son of the Alpha of my pack, he is good-looking and easygoing. Everybody in the pack loves him because he does not look down on those not rich or nobles in the pack like his mother does to most of the families in the pack members who are not rich or from a noble family. My friendship with him has brought a lot of enemies for me from she-wolves who were hoping to become the Luna of the pack. There is this particular girl who always pretends to be kind to me whenever Jake was around but becomes hostile when he is not. Her name is Maria though very pretty but she is a spoilt brat who believes she is supposed to be Luna because her father was the Beta of the pack. She always looks for ways to bully me with her group of friends who flock around her because of what they get from her and her father's title in the pack. I told Jake that she is a bad person and he promised to speak to her. Though he has spoken to her, she continued to taunt me and even threaten to kill me if I report her to Jake. She clearly did not like the friendship between Jake and me or rather she was jealous of the fact that she doesn't get much attention from Jake who she wishes to mate with so that she can become the Luna of the pack. I know I can handle her but I am not supposed to show my true identity because of the battle ahead of me. This was what my grandmother told me when I first shifted for the first time. As such I tend to keep a low status and pretend to be a weakling when am in the circle of my playmates. Most of the people I play with are older than me because they are mostly Jake's friends. Some are nice while some are friends with him because of his position in the pack being the son of the Alpha and what they can get from him because he was an easygoing person. The Luna who happens to be the mother of Jake, on the other hand, tends to forget her rule as the Luna of this pack which is to treat every member of the pack like her child, she is just too proud and arrogant but, Jake, on the other hand, he is carefree and loves everyone in the pack just like the true Alpha he is. I, on the other hand, am the only child of my parents too like Jake. I am thirteen years old and have shifted since I was seven years old, my parents are not what you can call rich because they are from the lowest member of our pack who people see as poor and a nobody. You know how people from that kind of family are being treated by the noble families. It is kind of frustrating trying to behave like someone you are not. I have always liked a carefree life, I like helping people and caring for people who are weak and helpless. My parents knew I shifted because I told them immediately, I got home that day and it did not come as a surprise to my mother who knew the reason but my father was surprised and begged me to keep it a secret until the ripe age for every werewolf to shift. You see Jake and l took a liking to ourselves the first time our part met, it was like we knew each other before and had been prevented by some force from the meeting. This happened when I was seven years old, I had gone out to play like I always do. I wondered to the forest, it was like something was steering me to go further into the forest, I just felt a pull, the pull was so strong that I was unable to control myself and I had to go with the flow, I have never been to this part of the first before. Immediately I got a bit far from the pack, and the transformation began I felt this pain all over my body, the pain was intense that a scream broke out from my mouth, I heard a sound like bones breaking, and there came a voice from my head telling me to stay calm that the pain will subside and she introduces herself to me after I shifted to my wolf form that her name is Lily and that she was my wolf and that we have been paired by the moon goddess. My wolf alerts me that I was not alone until I heard Jake speak to me, he was also surprised to see me shift because it was a rear thing to happen in the werewolf kingdom except for some special cases in which the elders always investigate to know the root cause of things like this. My wolf was a special breed and it is rear to be seen around. I was afraid that he might want to report or harm me but he spoke gently to me. " Hey you do not have to be afraid, I just want to help you." He spoke gently to me when he observed I was trying to run away from him I can see the look of surprise and amusement in his eyes as he approaches me " Is this your first time or you have been doing this for a long time? if it is yes? Just nod your head but if no, shake your head." He says to me as he tried walking closer. You know in your wolf form it is not possible to speak to anyone except through the mindlink but I was surprised and I can see the surprised look in Jake's eyes too when I spoke out to him. "This is my first time. I have never shifted before and I have no idea how this work. I want to shift back can you help me out?"I said to him, but he just stood there and was staring at me with shock in his eyes. "Hello, can you hear me, or do I need to explain to you again?" I shouted and it seem to work as he looks at my face and came toward me. "Can I touch you? Your wolf is gorgeous and I like it." He said with admiration in his eyes Is this person for real? I asked a question and all he could say was he want to touch my wolf. Does he even realize I might be at risk if someone gets to know about this? "Can you hear me speak? or you do not understand what I am saying? I said do you know how I can change back to my human self? All you can think of is touching and admiring my wolf. " Oh, I am sorry I just got carried away by the beauty of your wolf. You see, I have never shifted into my wolf form yet but my father told me what to do when it happens unexpectedly to me." He explains while he moved forward to touch my wolf and I felt some kind of peace when he touched my wolf. He was so engrossed that he forgot to guide me back to my human form. " Please I need you to help me back to my human form." " Okay, just close your eyes and think of yourself in your human form, that was what I was told by my father." He explains it to me and I tried it to see if it was going to work and before I realized it, I was back to my human form but I was n*k*d and this made me shy. I used my hand to cover up where I can, you know what I mean. Jake took off his shirt and gave me one to wear to help cover my body. Ever since then we have been inseparable even though our families are worlds apart, we are always seen together and doing things that some are not aware of, I am not speaking of what adults do behind closed doors so take your mind away from the dirt. We have both stuck together ever since then, I mean Jake and I became friends ever since. My parents never oppose our friendship but rather love the fact that he was my friend and that he will be there to protect me as a big brother would and he has lived up to their expectations. Back to the present. I heard Jake say as he grabs my hands and turns around to stare at me. "l will never mistake that hand for anyone else in the world, I know you are the one, Lydia". While smiling with him still holding onto my hands. And I asked him the question that has been bothering my heart since he asked me to meet him at our usual " So if I may ask, Why did you ask me to meet you here at this time? What is the occasion for my dearest friend? I hope all is well and that l am safe. We promise to meet here tomorrow when I left earlier today?" l said jokingly to him because I know my parents would not oppose it even if he asked me to come out any time of the day. They trust him and respect him too. I looked at him in expectation of his reply "You know there will not be a problem when I am around because I will always protect you no matter the consequences." He says to me which made me feel proud to have him as a friend " So why this meeting at this time of the day, it makes me feel something must have happened for you to call me here again today. I asked him because it is never like that, when we go running we stay for some time then go home to return the next day or agree to meet at the pack house. He then spoke like something was going to separate us forever. This made my heart beat a bit "There is something I have to tell you and it is important I let you know but before l tell you, you need to promise me that you will always be there for me and that you will not leave me because the thought of not being around you will kill me and l will not survive without you by my side." Said Jake looking seriously at her with a sad expression. The sight of him looking like that brought fear to my heart. " Jake, you are scaring me now you gave me the impression that there was no problem, what is the matter that is getting you worked up? What is making you look this way, is something going to happen in this pack? Are you in some kind of trouble? Did you do something wrong? I said as am getting worried about the way he is looking now. He just smiled and made me understand that it is nothing serious. " There is no need to be scared of anything because I have not committed any crime and am not in some kind of trouble. The pack is safe but I just need you to make me that promise now. I crossed my fingers and put my hand to my chest, looking at him, and gave him my words "I promise you that l will always be there for you and you know you matter the most to me, l will not betray you, you will always have a special place in my heart Jake." He took my hands and looks straight into my eyes as if he could see through me and explained his reasons for speaking that way. "Lydia l have to go away for three years for training as this is what is required of me. For the would-be Alpha of a pack, that person needs to undergo training and I have to do this. l have tried to avoid this trip for a long time but my father is getting old and l have to take over from him very soon. And being an only child of the Alpha there is no going back I just have to be at the training program of the Alpha in training. There would not be anyone to take over the rule after my father, the pack members will not respect me and other packs too will not respect me. I also need to go so that I get to meet other Alphas of other packs for an alliance to be formed in case I need them in the future. The pack members might not want to accept me as their Alpha and that will mean letting my parents down you know am the only son of my parents as such I have to go to make my father proud of me. So please try and understand with me, this is not easy for me too as I am going to miss you a lot." He said pleading with me for my understanding. Tears started building up in my eyes as the thought of him leaving me for that number of years was something am finding hard to accept. "You mean for three years I will not see you? I am going to miss you a lot Jake, but you are one of our strongest warriors in this pack, must you go to some training before they trust you or before you can prove to them that you are capable of leading them? Moreover, you have proven yourself to them on several occasions and have been able to prevent attacks from any rogues in the pack. Remember how you saved those children from being kidnapped and brought them back to their various packs? You know l will not be able to live without you, how do you want me to survive while you are gone? Do you know how Maria and her friends treat me? I have to be careful not to expose myself, you know you are the one putting them in check all this while. Jake, how do I live and survive without you around?" I started crying because I knew it was not going to be easy without him. He could not bear to see me crying because he always treat me like a big brother. " Hey do not do this to me please Lydia, you know I will not be able to bear to see you sad or cry, it breaks my heart but I just have to do this for the well-being of the pack." He hugged me and place his hand on my back to calm me down. He further explains why it is a.must for him to go for the training program. " You know traditions are guiding us as werewolves so the tradition is tradition and l just had to obey it. Please try and understand, this is what every Alpha does before becoming one and I just have to go through with it." Jake pleads to convince me. I had no option since it involve the pack and his father, I don't have to think of myself alone, I also need to think of the pack too. "Okay, I have no choice but to agree with you on that but on one condition and if you promise me you will do it then I will wait for you and that is to promise me that you will always write to me every week to give me the news that you are doing fine and every information on the activities on the training ground so I will know you are okay." l ask him to make a promise which he immediately made. "Is that all you want from me? l promise on the moon goddess that l will write to you twice a week and you will be kept in the knowledge of everything in the training ground." Jake said crossing his fingers and I noticed the worried look on his face is no more there, he was now smiling like he usually does when he was with me but I, on the other hand, was dying inside of me and I did all I can to hide it from him. Then I asked him when the trip will be. "Now tell me, when are you leaving for the training camp.," l asked him. To my surprise, he will soon be leaving. "In two days. Father discussed it with me not quite long ago and order me to go in two days because the training has started two months ago but I was the one that has been delaying the journey, so you see why you should please bear with me it is not easy for me to leave you, but it is inevitable for me I just have to be at the training." He explained. I could notbbelieve that he will be leaving in two days, Tears started afresh again when I heard him say he was leaving in two days. But why has he not discussed this with me so I can prepare my mind when it becomes inevitable? He pulled me to himself again when the tears came uncontrollably from my eyes and hug me right, trying to calm me down. Then he said what I never expected he would say and this surprised me. "l pray to the moon goddess to grant us the wish of becoming mates because l can not imagine my life without you in it Lydia, my life will be worthless." l held on to him as if my life will drain out of me if he goes at that moment. I dried my face and summoned up the courage to ask him where the training will be to show that I have accepted to wait for him. " Where will the training hold? Are you going very far away?" I asked him. " The council will take us to the training ground, we will first report at the office to register our name, and then we will be taken to a ground created for training for both Alphas and the Beta of a pack. It is a three-hour drive from here and if I am allowed to leave the camp when there is no training I will come and see you. But from what I gathered they will not allow anyone to leave until the end of all the training program so we will make do with the letters to console ourselves, we were instructed to come along with everything we need because no one will be allowed out of the training ground. As they are very strict with the program." Jake explains and I can see that It was going to be a rigorous training since they will be prevented from going out. The thought of both of them going is something that causes me pain. I had thought Andy will be here to keep me company while he was at the training program. " So you are telling me that Andy will be going too, Am sure going to die of boredom, am sure of that. The only ones who are my trusted friends are going away, this is so bad. Why is it that both of you have to go, why not allow one person to go while the other wait until the other comes back from training? Why should the two of you go at the same time? I don't understand this" Lydia started crying again. It left Jake feeling frustrated seeing her cry like this and he tries to make her understand. "Lydia why make this difficult for me, we both have to go because we are going to rule this pack together because our work will be in unity as he is going to be the Beta of this pack and anytime I am not around he will be able to carry out the duties of the Alpha, he needs to be there with me because he is like my right-hand man? Jake explains to her so as to stop her from crying out her eyes. " Oh s**t! three years of no Jake and Andy, why this training? How do I live my life for that three years, how do I wish I can use some kind of magic to change this and cancel anything called training? This is just some s**t that I am finding difficult to handle" 1 said expressing my worries. He pulls me closer and hugged me while pleading for me to understand the inevitable situation before both of us. " Lydia, you know there is nothing I can do about it. You know my life too will not be complete without you in it too, so please understand my situation and accept that I will be away for three years. And as for those bullies, I will try to find a solution before I leave for the training ground so that they will not disturb you while I am away." Seeing that the situation was beyond me, I stopped crying and accepted my fate. " I guess I have to accept my fate, I will wait for you until you come back. You do not have to worry about me, I will find a way to put those bullies in their place. They are not a threat to me." I say to him because I know what I can do to stop them from attacking me. "That's my girl." Jake say and we decided to shift into our wolf and went for a quick run. You see Jake now has his wolf, he shifted two years ago and we have both been going running whenever we had the opportunity to go for a run. After running around for one hour we decided to relax for some time before going back home. We sat there for about thirty minutes and were chatting when Jake suddenly stood up and said he received an urgent call from his dad. "Lydia, I have to go now father mind link me that my attention is needed right now but l promise to see you again before going, and please no more crying when you get home because I can see your eyes are all red already with tears running down my face." Jake says while heading toward the packhouse and I watch him go. I felt like my whole life was going to crumble. l stayed on for a little while, thinking of the moments we have spent together in that spot for over six years now. I also think of a way to stop those bullies too because I can not allow this to continue. When a he-wolf or she-wolf is about to meet her mate, that is when most werewolves shift but mine was different. Because I shifted at the age of seven. I have no idea if Jake was my mate or not but Jake was the first one to see me shift for the first time because I was all alone on that day and why the moon goddess allowed this has been a mystery for both of us. He helped me through the pain and he thought about how to get back to my human form even though he has no wolf then. He has helped me keep my secret ever since he discovered this because it was strange to see such things among us werewolves and we are both not aware of what would happen if others found out about it. I have been forever grateful to the moon goddess for making our parts meet. He has also been very supportive of my education financially as my parents are not among the wealthy ones in the pack and always ensures l never lack anything. His departure is a really big blow to me as I do not know yet how I can cope without him. I sat there for some time and wipe my eyes out. Then I realized someone was trying to speak to me through the mindlink "Lydia where are you, please come home soon your father is worried about you and wants you home now. He has something to discuss with you." I heard Mother say through the mind link to me. "On my way home now, mom, tell him I will be there soon." l replied, I cleaned my face to prevent them from seeing the tear in my eyes so they will not be worried about me. Then I head home to meet my father.
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