Chapter 10

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Temisa is in her father's mansion as their home is a standard duplex in a government-owned estate, as her father bought the duplex as a new house. "Father, have you submitted my CV and letter of application to the new boss?" Temisa asks, as her father just steps into the living room and she sits on the couch filing and brushing her long nails. Mr. John just stares at his daughter as instead of her standing up to welcome him, she sits comfortably on the couch filing her long nails and asking him questions like he's her errand boy. "Temisa, you're quite unbelievable, not even a welcome greeting from you to your father?" Mr. John asks, as he drops his briefcase on the living room center table and slowly loosens his necktie. "I am sorry, father. Good evening, father. Welcome," Temisa drops her leg down from the couch where she previously rested it and relaxes while filing her long nails. "Where's your mother?" Mr. John asks, and Temisa responds, "She went to the market to refill the house with foodstuffs." "And your elder brother?" "Father! I am not their keeper, and I don't know where Martin went either as I didn't ask him about it." "Hmmm," Mr. John sighs. "It's okay," Mr. John makes his way to walk back to his room downstairs as the top floor his children use the rooms alongside his wife. Just then, Temisa asks him, "Father, you haven't said anything yet about the letter I submitted to your company today?" Mr. John pauses and stares back at Temisa. "Temisa, you should know that the company has people in charge of managing affairs for new applicants. I don't know, and I didn't even get to see the new boss," Mr. John replies. "What do you mean by that, father? Weren't you the one who told me that the CEO personally requested you to bring my CV to see if I can be enrolled to get along with his son?" Mr. John shakes his head as he meets Temisa's gaze. "I am tired right now, Temisa. Allow me to rest, and besides, you said you're not interested in working with the BENSON GROUP. How come you suddenly changed your mind? Don't tell me you're already tripping for the new CEO you haven't even met?" "Father! How can you even think of me as such?" Temisa frowns as she chews her bubble gum and her eyes narrow at her father angrily. "Do I know? What if you have seen photos of the new CEO somewhere and automatically fallen in love with him?" "Father!" Temisa exclaims, and just then her elder brother, Martin Patrick, returns. "What's going on here?" Martin asks as he walks into the living room and greets his father, "Good evening, father. Welcome home." Martin walks to the stairs in the living room, wanting to go upstairs. "Welcome, son. Where did you go?" Mr. John asks as he shifts his gaze away from Temisa to face Martin. "I went out to see a friend. How was work today in the office?" Martin asks. "Fine, son. How about you? Aren't you contemplating starting something other than this online business you're into?" Mr. John questions, as he stares at his son. He only has two children, Temisa and her elder brother Martin, who is three years older than Temisa, and they are both dark-skinned. "Father, online business is more lucrative and less stressful if you're consistent and know what you're into. You can never understand this, father, as yours is just office work," Martin responds with a smile. "Really, just be sure of what you're into, as you're no longer a kid and you need to get serious with your life!" Mr. John warned. "I know that already, father, and I am serious and into vlogs and music creation and am fine with it. You can focus on Temisa for now," Martin winked to his sister but Temisa glared at him. "Yes, and about your sister, you talk to her to behave herself and get ready to resume with me to work on Monday," Mr. John stated as he turned to go back to his room. "Wow, so quick, father! They didn't even waste time in approving new staff?" Martin asked loudly. "No, not that," Mr. John's words trailed off as he paused. "What's the matter, father?" Martin asked, and Temisa was also eager to know as she stared at her father. "Nothing serious, just that a lot of female workers resigned in annoyance today and some later returned with new outfits other than the previous ones they wore to work in the morning." "Why's that, father?" Martin asked in surprise and Temisa was more eager to know why, and Mr. John sighed. "There's a new dress code implemented for all the female staff who are working with us. The new CEO instructed them not to wear outfits that are too tight, too short, or anything that will make them look too hot, as he's against it." "Wow, father!" Martin burst out laughing, but Temisa didn't find it funny at all as she loves dressing hot and wearing skimpy outfits. "You can't be serious about this revelation?" Martin asked, but Mr. John replied, "Of course I am, as it delayed the production and manufacturing agencies for today, as a lot of female staff refused to follow the new boss's orders until the company security chased them out. So, Temisa, when you finally email to resume work with them on Monday, you should dress responsibly to avoid being chased out." "Father!" Temisa exclaimed and stomped her feet to the ground. "It is the new boss's order, Temisa, to create a work-free environment without any form of distraction," Mr. John explained, and Martin agreed with him. "You're right, father. Who knows if one of these female staff tries to seduce him and he notices and implements that, hahaha," Martin chuckled, and Temisa passed him a deadly glare. "What's it, sister?" Martin asked her as he tried to hold his laughter, while Mr. John sighed and walked towards his room door. "Father, we aren't done talking yet!" Temisa called after him and he responded, "Later, my daughter, as I am tired for now." Mr. John opened his room door and walked into his room to rest as he was tired. He walked to his shelf, dropped his briefcase, and sat on his bed to take off his shoes. Then he stood up and prepared to take his evening bath. He could hear Temisa still arguing outside his room with her elder brother, and he walked over to his bathroom to take his bath. "I cannot work with them, brother. Imagine me wearing oversized clothes to work just to fit into the company and how their useless CEO wants me to look," Temisa said. "Temisa!" Martin tried to hold his laughter, and just then their mother arrived as she walked into the living room and overheard Temisa clearly mention "useless CEO," making her wonder which CEO was being referred to as useless. Her daughter was busy discussing him loudly with her elder brother. Mrs. Bianca saw her husband's car parked outside in the garage, and she knew he was fully around and listening to them. She walked into the living room and questioned them, "Which CEO is useless, Temisa?" making them pause and stare back at her. "Mother, you're back!" Temisa asked in surprise, and Mrs. Bianca smiled as she walked up to sit on the nearest couch. "Yes, I'm back and I overheard you just now mention a useless CEO to your brother. Which CEO is that? Don't tell me it's your father's company CEO that you're referring to as useless?" Mrs. Bianca questioned, and Martin burst out laughing again as he turned to make his way upstairs. "Welcome back home, mom," Martin welcomed his mother first as he started climbing the stairs. "Yes, son, which CEO is your sister discussing with you about?" Mrs. Bianca asked, but Martin quickly hurried his steps upstairs. "Why not ask her, mother, as I don't really know and have not heard or seen any useless CEO either," Martin quickly went to his room, and Mrs. Bianca sighed and stared back at Temisa, who was standing beside the stairs too. "Temisa?" "Mom, I was just talking about Dad's company CEO. Like father said, he's against women dressing hot to work, and if I am to resume by Monday, I have to comply and wear an oversized suit to work too. You know that I don't wear any oversized clothes, let alone an oversized suit," Temisa said. "I know that, sweetheart, and I saw it on the news too," Mrs. Bianca responded. "Where's Felicia? Let her come and take my bag of groceries first from the car. Felicia!" Mrs. Bianca called out to their maid, who was also her adopted daughter. "Yes, ma'am," Felicia, a 20-year-old young lady, immediately ran out from her maid room downstairs and walked out to meet Mrs. Bianca in the living room. "Welcome back, ma'am," Felicia welcomed Mrs. Bianca. "Thank you, Felicia. Go to the car's boot and offload all the things I bought from the market and take them to the kitchen," Mrs. Bianca informed her. "Okay, ma'am," Felicia smiled as she collected the car keys from Mrs. Bianca's hand and made her way out of the living room, going to the garage to offload all the things that Mrs. Bianca had bought from the local market. She took them straight into the kitchen, using the kitchen back door as an entrance into the mansion instead of following through the living room entrance door.
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