Chapter Fifty One

2159 Words

I stood at my locker Monday morning with a slight smile. When I stopped thinking about everything so hard, I ended up having a lot of fun with Jaxx on Saturday night. Christy didn’t even know we were gone until hours later, which relieved my guilt there. I spent Sunday doing homework, catching up on chores, and then talking with Jaxx on the phone. He pestered me about when he could see me again, but I had to put him off with wrestling in full swing and Jazz Band beginning. Brina and John were arguing about something menial. Kyle and Reese weren’t at school yet, and Carl was pretending to read a book, but I caught him staring at me. “What?” I asked. “You look different,” he said. “But I can’t figure out why.” “I’m not different,” I argued. “Quinn, it’s almost 7:30 in the morning, a

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