Chapter Fifty Two

2565 Words

I got home after school and wandered into the kitchen. My brother wouldn’t be home for another hour, so my house was nice and quiet. I got in the fridge to get a bottle of water before sticking my head in the pantry to find a snack. I probably wasn’t going to have time to eat before the concert tonight, so I wanted to eat something now. I exited the pantry with the peanut butter jar and a sleeve of crackers to find a note on the kitchen island. Hey Quinny, I have to work late tonight, going to miss your concert. Dad has to go to a parent-teacher conference for your brother. They will probably miss it too. Good luck. We’ll be at the next one. Mom I stared at the note sadly. “Figures,” I sighed. “It’s okay. They can’t control when these things happen,” Sapphire tried to defend. “

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