The Agency

1148 Words
Kinley finished her cupcake and sat back, rubbing her stomach and moaning in delight. Her father just laughed at the blissful look on her face. "Delicious" she declared happily, standing and giving her father a peck on the cheek. "I'm going to go down and see Rowena at the agency, she might have a lead on a job for me." "You know that you don't have to work Kinley" he father began "I can take care of you until you find a mate of your own" he suggested. Kinley shook her head at him. They'd had this argument plenty of times before, especially as Kinley had gotten older and more independent. While it was a generous offer, Kinley much preferred to work for her own money and she enjoyed working as a nanny. She adored children. They could be little shits sometimes but their little hugs and kisses always caused a maternal instinct to come out. Besides what could be better than spending a day with a child or children as your work? Nothing, that's what. "Dad" she protested "let's not rehash this argument alright. I like working, I adore children. Plus it's not your job to take care of me financially. What if I never find a mate" she pointed out and he grumbled under his breath even though she still heard him. "Would still take care of you." She sighed. Her father was such a stubborn man sometimes but then so was she. She just grinned and began to sashay out the door, her father conceding the argument and reluctantly waving at her as she disappeared. All he wanted to do was take care of his baby girl. Was that so wrong? Kinley had been working ever since she was old enough and he'd felt like they spent less time together as she worked more and more hours. Although Kinley's father wouldn't admit it to her, after all it wasn't something you burdened your own child with, he felt lonely a lot of the time. Since his wife had passed away, Kinley had been the only constant in his life, the one thing he'd had to hold onto when it became too much and he felt like he was drowning in a sea of despair. He sighed. Maybe it was time to start travelling to packs in search for another mate? But he'd never been able to do it, not wanting Kinley to feel like he was replacing her mother and to be honest unable to shake the guilt of being happy again and disrespecting his wife's memory. He got up and slowly went back to the pack house, silently hoping Kinley wouldn't find a job straight away and knowing instinctively she would. Kinley bounced into the agency. It was a specific nanny recruitment agency for shifters and their children only. Which made it relatively easy to communicate with the children because you didn't have to worry about them finding out you could turn into a wolf. The agency's name was simple but elegant. The Children's Carer Agency was extremely popular amongst various packs and there always seemed to be work available or so Kinley was hoping as Rowena hurried over to greet her, a wide smile on her face. Kinley held back a smile as she looked at her friend, taking in the bright pink bubble gum hair combined with bright pink spectacles, pink dress and somehow she was also clad in bright pink boots. The result was shocking and yet so Rowena that Kinley was used to it. It might not scream professional to some but Rowena refused to change her look just to please other people and Kinley found that an admirable trait. Somehow Rowena was not surprised to see Kinley back at the agency. She'd already received an angry phone call from Kinley's last client and managed to soothe their ruffled feathers with a promise to send another nanny straight away. She didn't doubt for a second that Kinley would have had good reason to leave, aware of the powers her friend possessed. "So I take it you're looking for a new client" Rowena said laughing as Kinley nodded her head sheepishly. "I've already dealt with your last one so that's no problems but there's not much working going" she warned. "Is there something at least?" "Depends whether or not you're willing to travel a bit for this one" Rowena said as she sat behind her desk, Kinley sitting on the seat opposite. "How far are we talking?" "A few hours by car or by train" Rowena said "I have a client but he's also a single father mind you with a five year old boy who's in need of a live in nanny or carer fulltime." "What about weekends?" "Weekends you'll have free but they want you to be available for nights as the boy Sam I believe his name is called, has regular nightmares and often wakes up screaming. Your room will be attached to his as well so privacy may be quite limited. " Hmmm thought Kinley. She was intrigued by this client and the situation at hand. While she'd been a live in nanny before she'd never been expected to comfort a child in the middle of the night who had nightmares. Quite often the parents preferred to be the ones offering comfort. What was preventing the father from doing just that. "What's the father's name?" "His name is Spencer Mathias and I warn you now that he will be busy and unreachable most times in case it's an emergency" Rowena warned "he states that specifically in the letter." "Is he of a high status in the pack?" asked Kinley with a spurt of suspicion, one that was confirmed when Rowena reluctantly nodded. "He's the Alpha of the Blood River Pack, the strongest and most lethal pack in the country" she said sheepishly "I know how you feel about Alpha's and Beta's so if you don't want the position I can find someone else to take it" Rowena offered. Kinley thought about it. Rowena was the only one who knew her secret, knew why she hated Beta's and Alpha's with a passion and a deep hatred. But this sounded like a godsend and when Rowena mentioned the pay her eyes opened wide. This Alpha Spencer was offering a small fortune to take care of his son and Kinley was in desperate need of the money. She'd been saving for a car but had yet to purchase one, wanting a new model that was reliable and cost little in fuel. This would more than make it easy for her to save. She hesitated then made a decision as Rowena waited patiently for her answer "I'll do it when do I need to be there?" "You travel tomorrow morning on the train and start the next morning. Here's the address."
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