Alpha Spencer

1089 Words
He stared down at the grave with his beloved wife and mate's name engraved on the tombstone. He'd debated internally over what to write, how to put in words everything wonderful about her in so few words. He glanced down at his son whose face was stoic, no tears flowing down his cheeks and felt a pang of guilt. Clearly Sam didn't feel that tears were appropriate, that it was another sign of weakness and he knew it was because of him that he didn't openly grieve for his mother. Rose Mathias Beloved mother and wife who will sorely miss her. 1999-2022 Only twenty five years old and already gone from this world. His eyes stared unseeingly at the crowd around him, numb, unable to respond to the various members of the packs who were conveying their sympathy to him. He blamed himself for Rose's death. If he had just listened to her, had heeded her warnings she would still be alive. If he hadn't gone into that rogue attack so blind and thinking he could take care of them himself she wouldn't have died trying to save him. He was oblivious to the fact that now it was just his son and himself left at the gravesite, kneeling down and feeling tears come to his eyes. "Why didn't you just stay away like I told you to. Why did you try to save me at the cost of your own life" he said angrily, ashamed at himself but unable to stop venting away. "What do I do without you now? How do I go on living when you're gone? We need you." He buried his head in his hands, only aware of his son's presence when he felt his sleeve being tugged at. "Dad" Sam muttered, hands now in the pockets of his pants "everyone's gone and it's starting to rain. We should go inside" he said as Spencer got awkwardly to his feet. "Everyone's waiting at the wake" Sam said again as his father blinked down at his son. Sam's face was pale, ashen, big dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep and from the crying he had done at home in private. Only five years old and already he seemed mature beyond his years. Spencer wanted to hug him but lately his son shied away from even the smallest of touches. Not that Spencer blamed him. Rose had always been the affectionate one, the one who'd adored their son from the moment she had given birth to Sam, while Spencer had wrestled with his own feelings, not sure how to display affection due to his own traumatic childhood. As a result Sam was wary of his own father and definitely didn't like to be touched by him. It was quite upsetting to Spencer who didn't know how to broach the subject. Perhaps it was best his son didn't get too close to him thought Spencer. At least then he wouldn't be hurt like everyone else in his life seemed to be. Rose had been the best thing to ever happen to him, finding her as his mate had been like finding gold. She was a rare jewel indeed and he'd loved her fiercely, would have done anything she'd asked without question. He'd been enamoured with the girl who had long thick reddish brown hair and dark green eyes. She'd been a librarian of all things. The fact that they met at all was laughable in itself. He'd never ventured into the library before but on that particular day he'd smelt the most heavenly sent of rose like a strong perfume and hadn't been able to resist tracking down the scent. It had been sheer luck that he'd found his mate and he'd thanked the moon goddess in his mind for blessing him with such a woman. Their relationship progressed steadily. Rose belonged to a nearby pack and had been all too willing to move in with him. He hadn't cared about her being an omega, didn't care much for anyone's status in a pack, treating all of the members in his own as equals. His beta Thomas was his best friend as was his gamma Jackson who'd shown him over and over again their loyalty to him as their Alpha. Rose however hadn't liked his friends and he'd never really discovered the reason why. In the end he'd put it down to inconceivable differences and left it at that. His friendship had gotten strained as a result but Rose had been his first priority and then Sam when he came along. Spencer knew he would never love anyone like his precious Rose ever again. He felt raindrops trickling down his brown hair and onto his clothes, soaking him as he came back down to earth, his son now looking at him impatiently, also soaking wet by now. He cast one last regretful look at the grave and then turned to Sam who looked extremely put out by his father's behaviour and delays. "Let's go to the wake" Spencer choked out, turning away and heading to the pack house, his son trailing behind. He began to talk to Rose in his mind. I'll never love anyone else Rose, I promise you. I'll do my best to raise our son to be a good man, a great Alpha who will take over from me when he's ready. I know how much you wanted that. I hope you're in heaven, looking down on us both and keeping a close eye on Sam. I don't know what to do Rose, how do I break through to my son when you were able to do it so easily? How do I become a father when I don't know how to without you by my side? He opened the pack house door and sidled slowly inside, aware he could no longer prolong the inevitable. His friends meant well but a wake had been the last thing he'd wanted, another painful reminder that his mate was no longer by his side. He took a deep breath and watched his son disappear into the crowd and begin to mingle with some of the other children as he hesitated. He only had to take a few more steps, face the reality and the truth and it was with a heavy heart and a broken soul that he finally bid goodbye to his wife and accept his life the way it would now be for the rest of his life. Lonely and without purpose.
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