
1160 Words

Sam was frightened as he curled up into a small as ball as possible, his mother's footsteps sounding incredibly close. They thudded loudly against the floor and he held his breath, hoping she would merely pass him but there was no such luck as she suddenly pulled the desk away with a growl and he was exposed right in front of her. "Sam" she barked, her eyes wild and her hair a mess as he cringed, her voice echoing in the dead quiet of the basement. "Why on earth are you hiding from me. I've called and called for you" she growled, bending down and staring into his eyes as his throat became tight and he found himself unable to answer. She didn't wait anyway, grabbing hold of his arm as he bit back a yelp, knowing that would only make her angrier. Instead he remained silent, the safest thin

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