Kinley's Persuaded

1188 Words

Kinley was still fuming mad the next day, throwing a pillow haphazardly at the door as she swore. Even though she'd threatened to do so, she hadn't quite been able to bring herself to tell Thomas or Sam, for that matter, that she was leaving and he'd have to find another carer. She couldn't bear to leave Sam to Lily's mercy either. She suspected the woman would welcome the chance to get to Spencer and push herself into Sam's life. Right now she was wondering what the hell she had been thinking. She heard a weak knock on her door and, expecting it to be Sam or her father, she called out in a low voice "Come in", doing a double take as none other than Spencer came in looking quite hesitant at disturbing her. "Hey" he said softly as she downright glared at him, "do you mind if we talk for

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