The Fight

1111 Words
Kinley waited and sure enough it wasn't long until Thomas came up and told her that he had a sparring partner for her if she was alright fighting against a man. She was more than fine with it she assured him, glancing down at a worried looking Sam. She knelt to speak to him. "Sam" she said gently, making him look at her "I will be fine, don't worry. I'm really good at fighting" she told him and he nodded but still looked concerned. To be fair, Thomas was as well. After all with no wolf there was every chance that Kinley would be hurt and unable to heal for a long period of time. "Are you sure Kinley, you don't have a wolf so healing" Thomas trailed off and she just laughed and nodded. "I'll be fine." She got into the training ring, Thomas and Sam eyeing her apprehensively but making no move to stop her. Her opponent stepped in and she eyed him carefully. He was massive. Tall and easily towered over her own tall frame. His legs were like thick tree trunks and his arms were muscled like a body builders making her suspect that he was strong even in human form. He had dark brown eyes, almost black in fact and shaggy black hair down to his shoulders. He was smirking as he sized Kinley up, no doubt perceiving her as weak, something she was well accustomed to. After all with her curvy figure many assumed she didn't train let alone fight well. That was something to her advantage though. "I want a clean fight Jasper" Thomas yelled, the man in the ring nodding. Kinley forced herself to put up a mental block. While being able to read minds could come in useful during a fight, it was an unfair advantage and would feel like she was cheating. She'd prefer to fight honestly and lose then use a gift that others didn't know she had to get the upper hand. "Alright then, Jasper, Kinley" boomed Thomas "begin." Kinley waited, circling the man Jasper warily and tensing her body as she saw him go into an offensive stance. He looked impatient she thought wryly, something that could well be his downfall. Jasper lunged towards her and she easily dodged and spun back around, kicking out automatically and feeling her foot connect with his kneecap. He wasted no time trying to punch her in the mid section and she blocked him, headbutting him as well as thrusting her knee into his own stomach as he howled and she backed away, watching him get back to his feet, no longer looking amused but staring at her pissed off. She saw his eyes turn black and knew his wolf was close to breaking to the surface. "You b***h" Jasper hissed, his nose bleeding as he glared at her hatefully "I'm going to make you pay for that." He lunged and managed to get his hands around her throat. She saw his eyes gleam in triumph which was quickly replaced by anger as she wrapped her legs around his arms and tipped herself backwards, his hands dropping instantly as she sent him flying over her and jumping back up to her feet. She heard a thud as he hit the ground on his back, the crowd around them silent, Thomas looking at her approvingly while Sam still looked concerned. Jasper wasn't playing around anymore, launching a series of fast attacks that had her dodging and blocking, until he finally landed one to her midsection as she fell to the ground. Kinley knew he'd kick her while she was down, making sure to fall on her back and pretend to be wheezing. Sure enough he made the same mistake others had, coming right up to her to deliver a kick to her ribs and she grabbed his leg stopping it and in one swift move, punched him in the privates which made him double over and fall. She got up awkwardly and faced him, Jasper's face now bright red as he clutched himself, unable to move. The fight was over, at least as far as Kinley was concerned. She'd just turned to walk back to Sam when she heard an unmistakeable low growl behind her that made the hairs on her neck stand on end. That was the growl of a wolf and sure enough when she spun around, a large grey wolf was advancing towards her. She immediately went into defensive mode even as she heard Thomas yelling in the background, the wolf jumping towards her as she held her breath. She had one chance to knock him down or she was toast but as it turned out she didn't need to stress quite so much. The grey wolf was knocked to the ground by a furious black wolf that was easily two times the size of it. It growled in its throat as it stood over Jasper's prone wolf who struggled but then went deadly still as though just coming to the realisation of who the black wolf was. Kinley let out a relieved whoosh. She'd been worried about tackling a wolf even if she was capable of it. She briefly wondered who the black wolf was and why they had gotten involved in the first place. She wasn't naïve though and judging by the largeness and colour assumed it had to be none other than the Alpha himself. The grey wolf shifted back to human form while still pinned under the black wolf, Sam rushing to Kinley's side and hugging her around her waist. She bent down and gave him a swift hug, grateful to have kept the mind block in place despite everything. She could still sense his fear though and was sorry to have caused him so much anxiety. She watched wide eyed as the black wolf slowly transformed back into a man, a man that was glaring down at a very embarrassed looking Jasper. "You broke the rules of conduct" the man spat, his eyes now black "you were told human form only and still shifted because you were beaten fair and square. Get him out of my sight" he ordered and Kinley watched as Jasper was led away by two other warriors who were looking at him in disgust. Then the man turned and Kinley got her very first look at him. She sucked in a breath, dimly aware that Sam was greeting the man who swung him up in a hug as he turned to face her. Time stood still. In front of her was the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen in her life.
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