
1183 Words
Kinley woke up on the floor in the morning, her body feeling bruised all over and groaned out loud, Sam's head poking up in shock as he stared down at her from the relative comfort of the bed. His eyes were sheepish. "Sorry Kinley" he stuttered "I didn't mean to make you fall out of bed" he cried and she just shook her head at him. "You didn't" she sighed "I toss and turn a lot during the night" she added, getting up and wincing from the pain in her back as Sam watched her anxiously from his position. Kinley wanted to downplay what happened last night. She didn't want Sam to feel embarrassed or upset for what had occurred. She forced a large smile to her face "how about we both freshen up and then after breakfast we go do something outside" she suggested, a wry glance out the window showing it was a beautiful morning and that they had slept in late. "Ok" Sam said doubtfully "like what?" he asked. "What do you like to do outside? Besides painting? Do you like watching the other shifter's train?" she asked suddenly and he shook his head and bit his lip. "No" he said lowly "none of the other nannies wanted me to and they didn't like to train either." "Huh" Kinley said a little surprised. It was true that many female shifters disliked fighting but for them to not even watch the sparring was almost unheard of." She gave Sam a look "well I don't know how you'd feel about it but I happen to like not only training but also watching the sparring. Should we go take a look today?" Sam looked excited now. "Yes" he burst out, almost running to his room as Kinley gave a small laugh. She fairly staggered into the bathroom, turning the hot water on and moaning as the water in the shower cascaded over her body. It was a little bit helpful in waking her and she began to get dressed, shimmying into leggings and putting a top on, thankfully just before Sam came bursting back in, his eyes shining with excitement. "Alright" she laughed "coffee first though or I'll tear your head off soon" she muttered as he looked at her confused, happily following her down to the kitchen area where they made quick work of breakfast before heading out into the warm sunshine. Kinley inhaled the fresh air tinged with the scent of pine appreciatively. It was refreshing and now that she had copious amounts of caffeine in her, she was wide awake. She gave Sam a smile. "Where are the training grounds?" she asked and he pointed almost shouting "that way." She let him lead the way, his feet sinking into the soft lush grass, a wide smile on his face and she was amazed at how quickly Sam seemed to be coming out of the shell he'd been in when she'd first arrived. Had all the other nannies even bothered to get to know this precious child at all? Or had they applied for the position with ulterior motives in mind? While most shifter's waited for their mates, Kinley knew of a fair few who'd given up on ever finding theirs and had marked their girlfriends instead and married. She supposed it wasn't so bad considering that it was better than spending a lifetime alone in pursuit of something that might never happened. As it was Kinley could find her mate but after her previous experience she'd decided she never wanted to come across a second chance one. She was far happier on her own without having to rely on a mate for her happiness. She'd learnt to embrace this beautiful curves of hers and she'd become more confident, more of a bed them then leave them kind of girl. She was more than happy casting aside her inhibitions and accepting her sexuality. Didn't understand why more women didn't? After all it was alright for men to do it, so why shouldn't women have fun as well? She spotted the training ring in the distance and without thinking, still a bit fuzzy headed despite the coffee, grabbed Sam's hand in an effort to stop him running and distracting the two shifters that were currently sparring in the ring against each other. Straight away his thoughts flew into her head. I can't wait to see the fights. Wonder if Kinley can fight? Did dad come home yet? Why doesn't dad ever take me down here She could also feel his excitement, as well as his sadness as she dropped it his hand hurriedly, Sam giving her a confused look. "Sorry" she apologised "you're big enough to walk there on your own. Let's just walk though" she added sternly "we can't afford to distract the men who are fighting in the ring." He nodded and she let out a whoosh of relief. At least he was listening to her instructions and they got to the ring, joining the small crowd that were mostly made of warriors from what she could tell. Thomas was there as well and met them with a smile. "Kinley" he greeted "Sam, what brings you here?" he exclaimed. "I thought that it would do Sam some good to see what sparring's like and if it's alright with him" she added giving the boy a worried glance "and if it's alright with you that maybe I could spar a little as well." That clearly took Thomas by surprise as he blinked at her in astonishment. From what he knew Kinley didn't possess a wolf, but even so she still must train to be able to spar as a human. Or was she something more? Because to him she smelt more like a shifter with a hint of something else but it wasn't strong enough to be a witch and she definitely wasn't a vampire. It intrigued him and he wanted to see just what she was made of. At least she was dressed for the occasion in black pants and flowy top, unlike some of the other females who wore a crop top that showed off their midriff and low pants in the hopes of distracting the men. He couldn't help but admire Kinley's form. Sure, she was curvy with wide hips and her stomach wasn't flat, she had luscious breasts that could make any man drop to his knees and that bottom of hers was perfection. Any man would be lucky to have her as his mate and the fact she could fight was just a bonus in his eyes, raising her even higher in his esteem. "I want to see Kinley fight" Sam burst out and she laughed, ruffling his hair as she gave Thomas a sidelong glance, the other men in the background having finished and the group waiting to see what Thomas would say. There were only men in the crowd but that didn't upset Kinley, if Thomas gave her the green light she'd willingly go up against anyone who was willing to fight with her.
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