
1867 Words
Owen's pov Have you ever known someone was meant to die just by looking at them? Yes, of course. Who hasn't been in that situation? Have you ever known someone needed to be f****d so bad just by the first glance? I might sound like a horny psychopath, but I can promise you that I'm not. I'm sane. Perfectly sane. Penelope ate her meal slowly, her eyes lighting up as if she'd never had good food before. She's not the person I want dead. Why would I want a woman this.... well I seem to have lost my train of thought but you get my point. She's such a strange creature. No other werewolf can captivate me the way she does. And we've only just met. Imagine, what would I feel after year together? When she finishes her meal, I helped her trash the plate. The bell rang for the next class, and she gracefully allowed me to walk her to her class. I couldn't hide my smile. She didn't remove her hands from mine, so warm. Her scent fills me as she leans in. Her moves are almost controlled. When we cross a group of people, she acts even more like we've been together during the break. She must love public display of affection. I know I do. Will she let me show her off? Will she? I should ask. Our footsteps link up, stopping at the exact moment and I almost fall to my knees. The perfect sync. Our connection is incredible. "This is it." Her lashes, long and white, flutter. Her natural hair must be a different shade. Why else would her lashes be white? It fits her though. The black of hair makes her eyes pop. Her features are balanced out. "Can I kiss you?" Her spine stiffens, an image of her tensing up on the brink of a ground breaking orgasm fills my mind. My insides melt wondering what she looks like when she's feeling pleasure. "On the cheek." She tries to hide her small sigh of relief. I won't push her. We're still strangers, it'll change soon. Hopefully. Until then, I will satisfy my urges with watching her. And the little touches. My thumb brushes the soft pink spots of her knuckles. "Yeah." YES! My body can't seem to stay still, shaking as I tip my upper body towards her. She's no short, but definitely not tall enough to match my height. I like it. My lips pressed into her cheek. Heat shoots through me. A happy sound floats from throat. The rumble making me vibrate. "I'll see later." I said, to keep my mouth from drifting towards her neck. Pale as she may be, when she turns pink, I think I lose a bit of myself. In a good f*****g way. Oh it's so good. I released her, and waited until she had gotten into the classroom. She didn't meet my eyes, but the color around her skin said my kiss may have made her shy. She's so cute. I turned away, listening for the person who I was talking about at first. Huxley rounds the corner, his eyes wide and a small smile hitching up his lips. There's a bit of worry in my brother's eyes, but it does nothing to cool the storm raging my insides. I fell into steps with him. "Owen-" "I know what you're going to say. And I don't like it." I reached into my blazer, pulling out my favorite pocket knife. It belonged to our mother. She wanted me to have something to remember her. Huxley has her necklace. At the time, I was terrified that she was going to give me the crushed skull necklace. I would have burned it or sold it for a knife. Mother clearly knew her children. Huxley cherishes that damn thing like his life is hanging on it. And I cherish this. I flicked it at his arm, he moves swiftly out of reach. Not even shocked that I tried to cut him. I've been trying to physically hurt him for years, this is nothing knew. I love my twin. I don't want him dead, but I'm a little bit messed up. Sometimes I want him to bleed. "What do you think I'm going to say?" "Don't act the fool. It never suits you." His smile increases, now a full blown grin. "Be careful with her, Owen. Our mate cannot be replaced. Vamps don't get a second chance. We have one chance to do it right." I nod, making a humming sound as though I was learning something new from him. "I'll do my best to treat her tenderly." "You're already stalking her. That tenderness is gone. I'm not saying you shouldn't be yourself, just-" "- tune it down for her?" He claps me on the shoulder. "There you go. Get to class." He says, shoving a piece of paper into my hand. Huxley turns, and runs off. Keeping his speed normal. God damn do-gooder. He never breaks a rule. An obedient saint. Or puppy. With the face of a criminal. As for me.... "Halt." A man, too big to be a student, steps in front of me. "Students aren't allowed to be out right now. Unless they're heading to their classes or-" I cut him off by showing him the paper. A hall pass gifted by my class president brother. The man snorts. "f*****g Huxley. I'm assuming you're Owen?" He quirks up one eyebrow. I flash him my fangs. "I could be." "Definitely Owen. Alright, the hall pass is legit. Get to your class. You got lucky this time. As you do, almost every time." I swallowed my laugh, and rushed to my class. I've skipped the first half of the day, because I was following my prescious little wolf around. The rest of the day was boring. I skipped lunch to finish up something for a teacher. I'm what they call a magic moron. I fall asleep during every class, and get straight A's. How? My brain absorbs more knowledge while I'm asleep. This only works for classes. So in a way, I'm a proud moron. Weston texted me as I stepped out of my last class. Being one of the four most important wolves means my schedule is worse than most students. My training is for a specific position. I can't disappoint the king. Weston: we're waiting outside for you. Get here now, or you're walking home. Me: Penelope wouldn't like that. Weston: Why is everyone acting like she's been amongst us forever? I blew out a low breath, I'm not sure why we're acting that way. But she's our mate. I wish she'd been with us forever. What was her life like? Without us? Was it okay? Did she always dream of meeting her mate? Does she hate that we're more than one? I scanned the halls, stopping by my locker to collect my bag. The speakers made a weird sound before the principal's voice came through. "Students, a quick announcement. We have a wolf among us. She has the protection of the royal family. So don't do anything stupid or the headmaster will f**k up your lives. That's all." "A little bit too late for the news." I heard a familiar tone say. She huffs, and rubs her nose. "Owen. Where's Remy?" I leveled her with a glare. "Swooning over our mate?" She barks a loud laugh. "That f**k boy?" "Yeah." I shrug, is that supposed to be some kind insult? Remy feels no shame in who he is and neither do I. "Whatever." She tosses her hair to the side and struts away. If he said the word, I would kill her. But he won't. I found the guys, and Penelope leaning against the car. Huxley and Remy seemed to be some kind of a serious conversation from their expressions. While Weston stood next to my dear Penny. She looks tired, and ready to end the day. "Hey." I said, sending her a wink. My eyes took a photo of the slow rise of her blush. She's so easy. If I didn't know any better, I would think that she's never gotten a compliment before. But that wouldn't be right. "Get in the car." Weston flicked my forehead, and snatched my elbow. He made me sit next to Remy, no offense at all. I love my blood mate. But I wanted to be locked next to Penelope. Like the prince and my twin. Penelope looks awkward in between, them but it's where she belongs. We headed our separate ways once we got home. She rushed to her room, and I tried not to prepare a plan to set up cameras on her room. I tried really hard. And kept myself distracted with homewor- Nope, I can't lied that bad. I ran to the game room and busied my mind with one of my favorite games. I wish we had one bathroom. And she had to sneak in every morning to us it. I am so creepy. What is wrong with me. After a while of gaming, I returned to my room, showered and went to get some blood from the fridge. Penelope was in there. Her hair wrapped into a messy bun, it's so cute. But dear gods, I have come to you once more to plead for my soul to never leave me. I firmed a grip to the side of the door. My eyes heating up from seeing her in a matching pair of pink shorts and a short sleeved shirt. The blood that was powering my brain, rushed south faster than I can run. My c**k thickens, and my lungs are just as awestruck as I am. My legs almost turn to pure jelly when she bends to check the bottom cabinet. Whatever I did right in the last life to deserve this..... I need to do it again to ensure I keep seeing views like this. Hands knock my shoulder, I can hardly feel it. A presence settles beside me. "Holy shit." Remy whispers. Penelope catches this, her ears give. a little twitch. She pushes up, her spine curving and my eyes rolling. I fell backwards, letting my body hit the floor. That woman, is f*****g gorgeous. I'm ready to die right now. Her scent quickly rushes into my nose as she kneels next to me, and grips my face. Worry shines on her features. "Owen, are you alright?" "I am now." I replied in a sing-song baritone. Remy cackles. "He's fine, baby. Did you need something?" Her fingers are still on my cheeks as she turns to look at Remy. Is she braless? Holy gods. "Yeah. I'm hungry. I can't find any snacks or ingredients." "I can cook for you." Remy sounds short of breath. "That would be great, but it's not-" "It's settled. I'll make us dinner. Owen, get up." "Never." I wrap my hands around Penelope's neck and press my nose into her hair. Taking a sniff of her shampoo and natural scent before letting go, and crawling to the living room. "I AM READY TO DIE!" I holler for anyone to hear.
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