A friend?

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Penelope's pov The concept of friendship has always eluded me. Perhaps it's because I never had them to begin with. Even before my parents death, I didn't have anyone to call a friend. My cousin and I were close for a few years. Then she started to drift off. After I became an orphan she terminated her communication with me completely. Making me an outcast amongst my own family. The stale reflective tiles on the floor makes my toes curl. They weren't bare, but I could somehow feel the tiles. My senses have grown greatly ever since I got Aphrodite. I held my breath in, as a method to keep my heart from escalating at the situation. My eardrums enjoy the momentary bliss of not having to ache from my heartbeats. I can feel my pulse as my thumb presses into my wrist. Right on a vein. Strange how this week has been. Monday till Friday. Today, is Friday. According to the school, it's sports and physical activities only. Monday was strange. Tuesday, not much better. Students loved to poke fun at me for being a wolf. I've never been ashamed of that, and I won't ever be. I'm not saying werewolves are superior. We aren't. We have our flaws. But there's so much about us that the world can't comprehend. I'd argue that we're more fascinating than the secrets of life. Wednesday and Thursday, Rose followed me around. Or maybe she didn't. I have no idea. I felt eyes on me throughout everything. Rose was in every class I had, so I guess I just made the connection that she had to be the one stalking me. Someone was definitely following me. But Friday arrived, and I watched my classmates who are still strangers to me, file up into their respective cliques and groups. It brought back the thought, I have no friends. No one to discuss my problems with. No one to call at night when things get really difficult. Or someone to ask questions about boys too. Because I haven't had a boyfriend before. Now I have four. I'm not as broken as I should be after getting my heart almost literally ripped out of my chest. I'd like someone with no involvement to the vampires or my old pack, to talk too. Even Rose has her clique, a group of girls who have been stealing glances my way then laughing. I scratch the side of my head, and stretched my body. The coach is having a discussion with one of the teachers. I don't know what kind of sports they're gonna do, but I hope I can keep up. "Hey! ROGAN!" My head springs up, hearing the thick baritone from the coach. "Yeah?!" I call back with caution. Not sure why he would be calling my name. There are plenty of students here. Who are vampires. "Front and center." Eh? Front and who- what? I pointed my finger at myself, just to be sure he was talking to me and not another girl named Penelope. Weston's single digit finds it's way to the back of my neck, and he tips his body to my ear level. Apparently, whispering is a part of the package with these guys. The hairs on my skin, pricked. Standing tall. Weston tone dripped with something I couldn't understand. But it made my body twitch, delightfully. "Just do what he says. We'll be watching. We've got you." He pinches me with that finger and his thumb, I jolt. My chest bouncing forward. Heat fuels me, and the students watch me intently as my foot takes the initiative. I crossed to the other side, Aphrodite fills my body with what would have been a roar, but is merely a rough rumble. She misses the touch. Please don't, I plead. My neck, the spot where his fingers had been, suddenly feels cold. The coach picks up a red ball from the rack of equipments. There's a baseball bat, and other items there that are tagged to a different sport. "Have you ever played dodgeball?" Yes, once. I was the one left behind. No team would have me, everyone would toss their balls at me first. "Yes, sir." The coach smiles. "Great, you're the first captain. Choose a team of ten." He drops the ball to the floor, and it bounces towards my face. I caught it before it could do any damage. So it's sports first, then defense. Just great. Why would he make me a captain? I turned my back to him, my shorts bunching up a bit. They gave me a size too small. Which is weird. I'm pretty slim, I didn't think there could be a size small that wouldn't fit me. My eyes cast over the students. A total of fifty. The others are on the bench. Obviously my first pick would be the men. I lifted four fingers and beckoned in their direction. Remy flicked his piercing with his bright pink tongue, his veiny hands slipped into the pockets of his shorts. They approached me with dazed looks, making me feel like a prey. All excluding Weston. He had this empty look, but his eyes told me he was analyzing me. Almost undressing me. I'm.... flattered. And confused. Maybe he'll undress me with his mind and put the clothes back on when he sees the mess under there. What else would he do? There's no way he'd be attracted to me nude. I have actual scars that never healed, buried in parts that should never been seen. Being nude..... Don't think about that Penelope. Now's not the time to worry about any of that. They'll never know. They won't find out what happened back home. They each stopped next to the coach, and I continued to search for other members to fill our team. Rose hand her arms crossed under her chest. She lifted an eyebrow, almost asking me to pick her. Or maybe she's telling me not to choose her. I chose three guys, and three girls. They didn't mind standing by me, or at least they didn't show it. "Take the left side, don't go next to the red line. Rogan, arrange ten balls on the line." I dropped my shoulders, and gave the coach a weak "Yes sir." Remy tapped my ass and gave me a thumbs up, then he walked to the left side of the court. My face blossomed, and my chest feels as though I've grown second heart. Too full with emotions. I didn't make eye contact with anyone, picking two more balls to add to the one I was holding. "Roseline, you're the next captain. Anyone that isn't chosen, find a place to sit. You'll be next." Rose walked by next, she tipped to the side. Knocking her shoulder into mine, causing me to trip on my own feet. I expected the discomforting embrace of the floor. My eyes slammed shut, and when nothing bine crushing came, I parted them back. Feeling a soft chest, with hard firm muscles on my side. I blinked, Huxley's widened silver pools were right there. I could feel his small pants against my lips. He wasn't out of breath. "Are you okay?" I couldn't even nod. My brain disconnected for a second, and it was.... like a scene stolen from a movie. Where the crowd disappears into nothing. The protagonist hears nothing. All she can feel, all that crowds her senses is the man standing in front of her. That's exactly what this feels like. Huxley sets me right on my feet. "Penelope." I snapped myself out of it. Realizing that I was ogling his face like some creep. "Yeah. She just-" I shook my head, stopping myself from trying to explain. "She's not important." I heard a chorus of laughs. Huxley pats my sides. "You're right. She's not." He fixes me a promising stare that gives me chills. In a good way. I'm not proud to admit that. While Roseline picked out her group, I arranged the balls. I stood next to Weston once I was done. His neck tilts, and he only looks for a second. Then his head faces forward. His thumb rises, I feel the presence of his hand before it touches my skin. My brain hits the dash, and the ability to breath still exist but I found it impossible to remember how. He's soothing away my nerves by massaging the muscles of my neck, and if Aphrodite could make a sound, I'm sure she would be saying just how relieved she feels. "Alright, students. Let's play this game the right way. We've got Miss Rogan who doesn't have enhanced speed like vampires, so try to go easy on her." I gave the coach a bad look from the corner of my eye without thinking. Another school, another problem. I must have a dark cloud of bad luck following me. I kept my eyes on Rose, she had this sick smile on her face. It didn't bother me. A metaphorical light bulb appears above my head, and it turns on. I don't have to do anything. Clarity hit me. I walked behind the group, detaching Weston's sweet, almost illegal touch from my neck. My hips jut to the side, and my hand lands on it. My 'boyfriends' turn to me, their eyes light up when I winked. I hoped it wasn't a cringy move. Or that they weren't being nice. The coach blew his whistle, my team ran first. Weston grabbed two of the balls, Huxley another two, Owen and Remy took three each. Rose got her hands on one before the others could. She was the only one on her team with a ball. I watched her smile drop, as anger flushed her skin. The game was basically ours, and winning it without having to move a muscle wasn't satisfying. It was better than that. I'm like a queen. I shouldn't get used to it though. I'd like to do something on my own. My day filled out with the coach making me his sort of assistant by forcing me to run errands during each activity. My feet had given up on life by the time I was done helping him pick up every item. Defense class was the only one next. My body screamed for me to lay down and take a f*****g break. I reached my locker room. A private room I share with the guys, because they didn't want any girl to bite me in the girls locker room. I think that's my main fear now. Being bitten by a vamp. They'd drink me dry. or infect me. I've heard stories of what vampire venom does to a werewolf. The guys weren't here, so I focused on getting undressed and taking a shower. I stepped out into the cold room minutes later, with my towel clinging to body. It's still empty? Strange, they should be here by now. We're supposed to have lunch then, go for our next class. I pulled on the handle of my locker, my name written on the front with cut up pieces from magazines. My cheeks widened, Huxley was so sweet to do this. I could have memorized which one was mine but....I can't complain. They're almost suffocating. I'm not used to people touching me. Being around me, and not trying to hurt me. Someone like Rose is normal to me. Weston's soft taps on my nape, is too good to not have any bad intentions. Maybe they're trying to butter me up, then eat me? No, I'm their bride. So that can't be it. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to understand them is so f*****g confusing. My phone lit up the second the locker opened. I plucked it from my bag. King Alfred Salvatore: If you're looking for a place to make friends, and bond with people of your kind or from other species, you can use the app installed in your phone called- ForMe/ForUs The king texted me? An app to make friends? That is.... so nice. It's thoughtful. Weird. My brain struggles with my body, and internal turmoil to understand why people would be anything but ruthless with me. Me: Thank you sir. I'll be sure to use the app. I went to place the phone back, when another notification came in. King Alfred Salvatore: Don't mention it. I need you at a full capacity. You're acting like an alien. I'm guessing it stems from you being friendless and lonely your entire life. So use it, and get a social setting. People might believe you now, but they'll start questioning your relationship if you tense at every second or make a weird expression. King Alfred Salvatore: Especially Remy's old conquest, they're possibly expecting him to cheat on you or dump you. That never a worry of mine, but thank you, your majesty. King Alfred Salvatore: Be yourself would be a poor choice of words. I need you to be the best version. Penelope, it is essential for you to play this role right. Give them no room for doubts. The pressure is on. The king needs me to be at my best. I do not know what that is. How do I explain that to him? That I don't know what that is. That I'm confused about myself because I've never had the chance to truly explore it. Me: Yes, sir. So Remy used to sleep around. Oh god. f**k, his ex girls must be waiting to get me. King Alfred Salvatore: I'm counting on you. Don't make me regret it. I have lived my life without regrets. I hate having them. And I love to see things I hate perish or suffer. I gulped soundingly. Me: Understood. I went straight to the app the king suggested, and created an account. Hastily adding my likes, dislikes and clicking the option for a friend not lover. I was getting wrapped in my own head. Worrying about them tricking me into believing that this mate thing could bring anything but pain. The king was the cold water I needed. I'm not sure how he got all that information about me tensing up and making weird faces. He must have a spy on me. Four years. Full pay. And a chance for freedom. Aphrodite, help me unlock a side of me that can pull this off.
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