Chapter 8-4-2

2202 Words

“I don’t know. I burn so deep. Please. Help me. I want you so bad.” Lily cried out again as another wave of desire raced through her to her p***y, making her ache with an incredible need. “This is how you make us feel inside, Lily. This is how we’ve been burning for you since the first time we saw you. I’ve burned every f*****g night, wanting to bury myself inside your p***y,” Caleb said as he gripped Lily’s long hair in one of his hands. “You are ours, Lily. You are never going to leave us, do you understand. If you try, we’ll f*****g find you and bring you back. You belong here, Lily. You belong here with us.” Caleb kissed Lily savagely. All his fear of losing her, all his love for her overwhelming him to the point he had to show her how he felt. It was too much to keep bottled up insid

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