Chapter 8-4-1

2054 Words

Lily and Helen were laughing as they hauled in the last of the grocery bags. Helen stayed long enough to help Lily put everything up before giving her a kiss and a whispered word of encouragement. Lily put on a casserole to cook slowly while she went into her room to shower and change. She had made up her mind she was going to grab life with both hands and hold on to it as long as she was given. Wasn’t this what she was supposed to help Ethan with after all? How could she help any of them if she was too afraid to do it herself? Caleb wasn’t the only one bottling up his emotions. Lily realized she had been doing that her whole life. Now she was going to show the men just how much they meant to her. She was going to love them with every fiber in her being and accept whatever they gave her

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