16 - Family fun

1368 Words

Melissa “So, he climbs the highest tree in the forest, foot slipping. . .” Jai rolls his eyes at Stella, making me laugh. “And he ends up falling and breaking his wrist.” “It healed inside a minute,” Damian picks up. “Yet, he stood there screaming, causing everyone outside the family to fall to their knees, hands over their ears.” “That’s right,” I nod while looking at Jai. “You got the Banshee from your mother.” Jai grumbles. “Who told you?” “Not you, obviously.” Stella laughs. “Adam.” I clarify. “When he was singing your praises and telling me to give you a chance.” Jai smirks, then leans in and kisses me softly. I laugh against Jai’s mouth when his siblings gag playfully. After three days at the cabin, Jai and I returned to the packhouse. It was beautiful there, and Jai and I ha

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