15 - No choice to be made

1934 Words

Alison “Adonis, tell me that’s not true!” I clutch Adam’s hand tighter as Mom stands yelling at Dad. We settled Jessie into our room before Dad called Adam and me to his office. Mom wouldn’t wait a moment longer for Dad to tell her what the hell he thought he was playing at. I was worried about leaving Jessie, but luckily, she fell asleep. I was concerned because she hadn’t long woken up, but Adam said it was nothing but the traveling that had worn our baby out; I believed him because I had no reason not to. The mansion hasn't changed at all in the time I've been gone, so I could easily find my old room. I cried a little to see my parents hadn't changed a thing about my room. I could imagine my mother sitting on the edge of my bed and crying over losing me. I don't ever want to feel how

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