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Stone I hadn’t planned on taking Dominic to bed. But I also wasn’t going to complain when I woke up to him still in my bed. We had spent the last week talking every day. We clicked completely. Never once not finding something to talk about. With every conversation, I only grew more and more attracted to him. All that was left was to find out if we were just as compatible with each other in bed. And damn if we weren’t. He was amazing. Now all that was left was to not f**k s**t up. Not with him and not with my parole. I couldn’t go back to prison, not after finding him. Laying there watching him sleep, I thought about waking him up and taking advantage of him again. But that thought was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. Sighing, I climbed out of bed, ensuring his lower half was covered before grabbing a pair of shorts and pulling them on as I made my way through the small apartment. Peeking out the side of the curtain-covered window on the door, I groaned at the sight of my parole officer. It was Saturday morning. Didn’t the guy take a day off? Opening the door, I moved aside so he could walk inside. Hopefully, his visit would be quick this time, and I could get back to bed. “Mitchell, good morning,” I grunted my response as I closed the door. “Morning.” I stood watching him move around the small area as if he couldn’t stand in one spot and see the whole place. Then, noticing Dominic in my bed, “Who’s this?” He pointed at him. “My boyfriend, Dominic.” He nodded and moved on, looking around. I am glad he wasn’t going to make me wake Dominic up. I was also glad he wasn't going to ask a million questions and moved on with his inspection. When he was done walking around, he pulled a urine sample cup out of his bag and handed it to me. Rolling my eyes, I walked into my bathroom, leaving the door open. I had a feeling that was coming. Good thing I hadn’t emptied my bladder yet. It didn’t take me long to fill the cup up to the line, and since I already started, I finished emptying my bladder before taking the cup back out to the other room. Disappointment filled me when I found Dominic sitting up in bed. Snapping his gloves on, my parole officer took the cup from me. Making sure the lid was on tight, he placed it in a plastic bag, sealing it and nodding. “I think that is everything then. I will see you in my office next week, Mitchell.” Sighing, I nodded and followed him to the door, glad he was leaving. Making sure the door closed behind him before turning back around to find Dominic smiling at me. “Mitchell?” I rolled my eyes. “Yes.” Nodding, he continued to smile at me. “I think I like Stone better.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Good.” During our small exchange, I made my way back across the room, so I was now standing next to the bed. Reaching up, he pulled me back down into the bed with him, rolling us, so he was leaning over me. Our lips found each other as though there were magnets attached to them. The kiss didn’t last long before he pulled back and was smiling down at me. “You told him I was your boyfriend.” Raising an eyebrow, I tilted my head to the side slightly. “Are you not?” His smile grew as he shrugged. “I am good with the title. But if we are going to define our relationship here, then I think we should talk about your smoking habit.” I nodded. From a couple of off-handed comments he had made during our conversations, I knew that he wasn’t a big fan of cigarettes. So I already knew quitting was going to be a topic of conversation eventually. In fact, I have already started cutting back. Wrapping my arms around him, I flipped us over, so I was now looking down at him. “I am working on it. Now stop talking.” Leaning down, I claimed his mouth with mine cutting off any more he wanted to say. But that's all the farther we got. Someone knocking on the door interrupted us. We both tried to ignore the knocking but whoever was at the door continued knocking, not stopping. The longer they knocked, the harder it was to ignore. Both of us eventually gave up with a sigh. Both of us climbed from my bed at the same time. Dominic moved into the bathroom while I moved to the door. Using a bit more force than I needed, I opened the door. Standing on the other side was Rooster. “Oh good, you are up. Pull some clothes on and come down to the clubhouse.” He didn’t wait for a response before turning and walking back down the stairs. Sighing, I closed the door again and began pulling on some clothes. So much for spending more time in bed with Dominic. Who looked just as disappointed as I felt when I broke the news to him that Rooster needed me at the clubhouse and I would see him later. But he also didn’t say anything and allowed me to go. Both of us left my tiny apartment at the same time. I watched as he climbed into his car and pulled out of the parking lot before making my way out and across the back parking lot to the clubhouse. I took my time. There were only a couple bikes along with a car parked outside the clubhouse, so whatever Rooster wanted me for, I could tell it wasn’t club business. So I wasn’t in any rush and took my time smoking a cigarette on the way, putting the cigarette out just before walking in the front door and making my way back to Roosters office. There was no one in the main room. There weren't even any of the club girls out and about, which only happened when one of the old ladies was around.
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