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Clara Gears had warned me that their newest member to this chapter of the MC looked an awful lot like my dad. But that was an understatement. Watching Stone as he made his way around talking with all the guys was exactly like watching my father when he was around any member of the MC. The guy not only looked like my father, but he held himself the same way. His mannerisms were even the same. And from what I knew from what Gears and Jax had told me, Stone didn’t know his father, and even though he had actually been a member of the MC for nearly as long as they had, he has never met my father. The main reason being he had only recently gotten out of prison for strangely similar charges my father had also spent time in prison for when he was younger. Just watching him, it was hard not to say something to Summer, my sister, at the time. Sending her a text. ‘Hey, random question, but do you have a picture of dad from when he was around our age?’ Her response came faster than I thought it would with a picture of both our mom and dad from their wedding day. ‘What’s going on?’  Snapping a quick picture of Stone, who was currently talking with Gears and Jax, I sent it to her. I was right. Stone looked exactly like my father. They were identical, actually. It took her a minute before she responded. ‘Who is that?’ I figured she was looking over the picture during the short pause and knew what she was going to ask and had already started writing out my response. So when she sent her question, I was already hitting send with the answer. ‘His name is Stone. He is a transfer from a smaller chapter that couldn’t set him up properly after getting out of prison. Gears says he doesn’t know who his father is. But all of us are in agreement he looks just like dad. What do you think?’ Again her response was delayed, and knowing my sister. I knew she was analyzing the picture thoroughly. ‘They could be twins.’  So she was in agreement with the rest of us. ‘Jax and Gears wants to get the two in the same room...It is strange watching this guy as he interacts with everyone. I swear it is like watching dad when he is around the guys.’ As I waited for her to respond again, I continued to watch him. It was honestly a bit scary how someone could look and act just like my father. There was no way this guy was not related in some way. And by how old Gears had told me he was, I was confident in the fact that if my father is this guy's dad as well, my dad hadn’t cheated on my mother. I mean, I suppose there was a small chance of that. But it would have been in the very beginnings of my parents' relationship. And I knew my dad well enough to know he doesn’t even look at other women. After what felt like forever, Summer finally responded. ‘Do you really think dad has a son he never told us about?’ Reading her message, I looked back up and watched him for a moment longer before responding. ‘What other explanation do you have? They have to be related somehow.’ I suppose maybe a cousin of some sort. But dad didn’t have any siblings, and I don’t ever remember him talking about family from his father’s side. Actually, all I knew about my father’s dad was that he had died when my father was a kid. I didn’t even know how he had died or anything else about him.  ‘Yeah, but you said Stone doesn’t want to know his father. So should we really be getting involved?’ Sighing, I shook my head. Of Course, she would play devil's advocate. I sent her the emoji that looked like it was rolling its eyes. ‘And if he is our brother, then dad should know.’ To me, it was only right. And I know our dad would want to know. She returned the eye-roll emoji. ‘I agree, but is it our place to push this on them? If they are not, and it just so happens that the guy looks like dad, that could cause some issues. And you said he said he didn’t want to know his father.’ I rolled my eyes. I mean, she did have a point. There was a small chance Stone wasn’t related in any way. But I was obsessed now with knowing. 'We want to get them in the same room.’ There was no harm in getting them to be in the same room, was there? Summer responded with the eye-roll emoji again. ‘We shouldn’t get involved.’ Sighing, I returned the same emoji to her. ‘We aren’t getting involved. Just getting everyone together.’ And with that, she stopped fighting the inevitable. I mean, at some point, dad would come up for a visit anyway, and the two would be in the same room regardless. So why not make that happen sooner rather than later? ‘What’s the plan?’ I could almost hear the sigh that went with her question. And I couldn’t help but feel like I won as I sent her a smiley face emoji. ‘We are going to invite a handful of guys from there for a visit. Just make sure dad joins them.’ Gears and Jax had already started planning for a few weeks from now. And we all knew my dad wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to come up for a visit. ‘Fine, but if this blows up in your faces, I want no part in the fallout.’ Again I could almost hear the sigh in her voice as she gave in to the plan, and again I couldn’t help but send her a smiley face. ‘Thanks, sis.’ I was still smiling when Gears and Jax walked over to me after leaving Stone with Dominic. “Summer said she would help.” They both smiled and began planning how we would get the two in the same room.  As we continued to plan to get Stone and my father in the same room, the more I thought about what Summer had said. And I had to somewhat agree with her that this could go sideways. So I told Gears and Jax we should talk with both my father and Stone separately and tell them what we thought. From what I knew from the guys, Stone had told them he didn’t want to know. But I had a feeling that was more from fear of if we were wrong. So I had a feeling if it came from me, it would be better than if it came from the guys. And after running everything by Rooster, this chapter's president, he agreed to set up a meeting with Stone and me and allow me to use his office. I had already talked with my dad over the phone. It wasn’t exactly the easiest conversation with him. I mean, I really didn’t want to know anything about my father’s s*x life. But, on the other hand, I was relieved to know that if Stone is my father’s, he would have been conceived before my parents had gotten together. Given that it wouldn’t have been that long after Stone was born, it would have been around when my mom would have had their first child had she not had a miscarriage. But that left the question of who had my father been with that soon before my mother. The only person he could think of was a club girl but couldn’t remember her name or which chapter she had been from, only that he was sure she hadn’t been from his. Which really was way more information than I ever wanted to know about my father. As I said, it wasn’t the easiest conversation to have. But he was willing to find out, but only if Stone wanted to know. He wouldn’t push the subject if Stone honestly didn’t want to know.  And that leaves me here now, sitting in Rooster’s office alone, waiting for Stone to walk in so I could talk to him. I still wasn’t sure what all I was going to say. I was just glad that the guys were going to allow me to talk to him alone. I knew they were all sitting over in Jax’s office, so they weren’t that far. But I also didn’t think they needed to be right there. I don’t believe even if Stone becomes angry, that he would do anything to harm me. Time felt like it was dragging on forever. I was starting to think he wasn’t going to come. But then I heard Rooster’s voice out in the hall. “Go on in my office there. Someone wants to speak with you.” There was silence after, and a moment later, the door opened.
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