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Dominic I wasn’t at all surprised Jax and Gears got a few of the other guys to join them in their attempt at hooking me up with Stone. At the same time, I was surprised they were attempting to do it while so many other members were right there. They didn’t even know for sure if he was gay. Only saying they hadn’t seen him show any interest in any of the club girls, nor had they seen him with a girl since he was released from prison a month ago. Although, they hadn’t seen him with anyone, so that didn’t mean much. Maybe he was just picky, or he hadn’t found a girl he was into. The fact they hadn’t seen him with a girl didn’t mean he was gay. So I am not going to lie when I say I was nervous as I sat laughing with him after the others all left us. None of them being sneaky at all. Jax inviting all of us over for a game of poker only to have everyone fold and leave the table almost instantly after the cards had been dealt. I mean, come on. At least play a few rounds and bow out slowly. Make it look good, at least.  After a few minutes, our laughter died down, and I wasn’t sure what else to say. He was damn good-looking, and if I had met him at a bar or something, I would most definitely say something to him. But we weren’t at a bar. Instead, we were somewhere surrounded by MC members, to which he was a member of also. I know all the guys knew I was gay, and none of them gave a s**t. But that didn’t mean they would be down with one of their brothers being gay. Sitting there, I wasn’t really sure what to do. I didn’t want to get up and walk away. Actually, I wanted to talk to him and get to know him. But at the same time, if he wasn’t gay, I didn’t want him to think I was hitting on him and cause a scene. Unsure what to do or say, I set fidgeting with the cards that had been left on the table. The silence between us was growing almost unbearable. So much so that when he broke the silence, I was glad he wasn’t looking at me at that very second. Instead, he was watching the others act as though they weren’t watching the two of us.  “Does your brother try and play matchmaker all the time?” His voice breaking the silence made me jump slightly. Looking up from the cards I was fiddling with, I found him staring at my brother. A small smile played on his lips as he turned back to look at me. It was hard not to return the smile as I shook my head no. “Do you think if I were to ask you out, he would get a big head and try to do it more often?” Scoffing, I shook my head. “Probably, but I don’t think you should let that stop you.” His smile grew as he nodded. “I agree...How does tomorrow night work for you?” I am sure I was smiling like a damn school kid, but I didn’t care. “I think I could make some room in my schedule for you.” Chuckling, he pulled his phone out. “What’s your number?” I rattled my number off without hesitation, watching as he hit the keys on his phone. A few seconds later, my phone chimed, letting me know I had a message. Returning his phone to his pocket, he looked back up at me. “There now you have my number as well.” Excitement filled me. I am sure Jax and Gears will never let me forget that they introduced the two of us. But for now, I won’t think about that. As we sat at the table, the two of us were abandoned, at it was hard to ignore the other guys acting as though they weren’t watching us. Most of all, it was hard to ignore the fact that Jax and Gears were no longer hiding the fact they were watching the two of us. Knowing both of them so well, I knew the moment Stone and I were done talking. They would jump me and want to know if their plan worked. They would want to know if we were going to go out or not. If they were right. It didn’t help that both Clara and Sophia were right there with them. However, I found it refreshing that he didn’t seem bothered by the fact that there were so many of his MC brothers around that could see him obviously flirting with a guy. He wasn’t at all worried about what they would say or do. Or he didn’t give a s**t, and that was nice to know. Not that I thought any of the guys would do or say anything. It was just nice to know that he felt comfortable enough not to care.  As the sun started to go down, we noticed a good amount of the guys had started leaving. And to my disappointment, Stone decided he would head out as well. We had spent the last couple of hours talking, but I could sit here all night with him. He was funny, damn hot, and he asked me out. Sitting back in my seat, I watched as he made his way out through the house. Jax and Gears wasting no time before joining me at the table. “So?” Jax looked like a little kid being presented with a present, excitement radiating off him. “So what?” I smiled at him, knowing exactly what he was asking about. His face fell slightly. “You two?” Shrugging, I pushed my chair back, deciding I would make them wait to find out. “Welp, it’s getting late.” Standing, I watched as both their faces fell with disappointment. It was hard not to laugh at them as I walked away, leaving them at the same table they left Stone and me at.  The next day was spent flirting with Stone through messenger while we worked out what we would be doing for our date. We decided I would pick him up in my car. Not that I wouldn’t ride behind him. We decided together that our first date in a car would be nicer so we could talk easier. Also, I knew my way around town better than he did. So it only made sense that I drive this time. Picking him up, I was not at all surprised to find several of the MC guys hanging out outside watching as he climbed into my car. I am sure the moment we pulled out of the parking lot, my brother and Gears were both notified their plan worked. And I am sure I will have a bunch of messages later wanting to know how our date went. But for now, I was happy to forget about my brother and friend and enjoy the night. It had been a while since I had been on a date, and I knew it had been even longer for him.  Our first stop was dinner before showing him around town. The whole time was spent talking and laughing. I found it hard not to enjoy our time. He was easy to be around. And if I knew a member of the MC being openly gay wouldn't have had the same reaction my father had to finding out, I would have joined as well. I knew from the way he talked that not everyone was cool with it, but there were enough members who didn't care that it was easy for him to be openly gay. Not that he outright told everyone he saw he was gay, but he didn't hide it either.
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