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Stone It was hard not to feel even more accepted into this new chapter of the MC when the guys set up a whole get-together so they could introduce me to Dominic. He was definitely my type, and it didn’t take long for us to know we had a lot in common. It didn’t take long for me to figure out he was a bit of a nerd which only made him cuter. He was passionate about what he did and what he was into. Just being around him was comfortable. It was like nothing else mattered. It didn’t matter if people were staring at us and judging us. Even after dinner, when we were walking around, and he was showing me some of the places he enjoys going to. Walking hand in hand just felt right. My only reservation was that he is Jax’s baby brother, and the two seemed close. If things didn’t work out with the two of us, I didn’t want there to be blowback within the MC because of it. I didn’t want there to be bad blood between a fellow brother and me. So even though I would have liked to invite him up to my tiny apartment after our date, I decided not to. More like I chickened out more than anything. Though he seemed a little disappointed, I could also tell he wasn’t going to push it either. He was willing to wait. And even though we didn’t end up spending the night together, we still spent a reasonable amount of time texting each other after he got home safely. Our conversation even continued into the following day until we both had to get to work.  Heading down to the shop, I found it hard not to be in a good mood. Since I lived right above the shop, I was one of the first guys there. Opening the garage doors, I pulled the first car in for the day and got to work, which I didn’t get far into when Jax and Gears invaded my workspace. “So?” Raising an eyebrow, I shrugged at them. “So, what?” Jax rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up in the air and letting them fall back down to his sides. “Really, neither of you are going to tell us how the date went?” It was hard not to laugh at him. “Oh, that, it was good.” Sighing, he shook his head. “Just good. That’s all you are going to give us?” Chuckling, I shrugged. “Would you like more detail? I mean, it was our first date. We didn’t hook up afterward if that is what you’re looking for.” Watching his eyes grow big, it was hard to keep a straight face. “No...no...That’s not what I wanted to know.” I shrugged again. “Oh, what is it you wanted to know then?” Gears stepped forward, smacking Jax in the chest with the back of his hand. “I think what Jax is trying to get at is where we right? The two of you are into each other.” Again I shrugged. “I think we had a good time. As far as if we will see each other again, I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it.” Both of them nodded.  I thought that would be it, but neither one of them moved. “Can I help you guys with something else?” The both of them shared a look then Jax cleared his throat and looked back at me. “Well, we were wondering if you were dead set on not figuring out who your dad is?” Sighing, I shook my head. “Why is everyone obsessed with who my father is?” I couldn’t help but letting my annoyance bleed into my voice. I mean, really, why did everyone care. I didn’t know who the guy was, and I would bet my life on the fact he didn’t know he had a son. And if he did know, would it really matter. I mean, in my experience with father figures, I was better off without them. Even if the guy everyone had convinced themself was my father was my father. I didn’t really want to know. Yeah, they all said he was a great guy. But that didn’t make him my father. Sure he fit the description but so did a good amount of other guys in the world. And just because my mother had hung out with bikers before she got pregnant, that didn’t make my father one of the MC members. From what I know about my mother, my father could be any number of losers she dated way back then. When neither one answered my question, I sighed again. “Look, I get everyone thinks I look like a fellow brother. But that doesn’t make him my father, and I would rather not create any drama that could otherwise be avoided. I have gone all my life not knowing, and I am good with it. But, of course, if the two of us ever happen to be in the same room and he wants to find out, I may consider it. But I am not going to go out of my way to force that to happen. And I would appreciate it if everyone let it go.” Again the two shared a look, then nodded their understanding.  As I watched them finally walk away, leaving me to get back to my work, I could tell they weren’t going to let it go. I could tell the two of them were going to push until they figured it out. Sighing, I went back to work. My good mood was gone. I get they mean well. And if things work out with Dominic, I was grateful for their intrusion. But I really hope they let the whole father thing go. In fact, I really hoped all the members let the father thing go. I was good without knowing who my father was. Why did they care who he was? It didn’t really affect them anyway.
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