Chapter 5: First hunt

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When we got home, mum opened the door and I broke down into more heaving sobs, I’d never been so f.ucking emotional before, but heartbreak over your first love was a f.ucking killer. Mum held me as I collapsed against her, and even dad looked guilt ridden when he realised just how much I loved Benji. I glared at him and snarled, “happy now.” I stormed up to my room and slammed the door. I didn’t leave for days, mum tried to get me out, Rom tried, but I beat the s.hit out of him, and he didn’t try again. Fenris came next. “Jax? Let me in.” “F.uck off!” “Let me in, or I break the door down!” “Break the door, I’ll break you!” I heard him sigh. “I just want you to know that I love you, and I’m here for you, you need anything, let me know and I’ll be there.” “Noted,” I grumbled. He left me alone after that. Fenris knew how I worked better than the others, a day later I came out of my room and went into his. He looked up at me from his gaming, didn’t say anything, and just held out a spare PlayStation four controller. I took it and joined him. I slowly started to feel better from then on, I focused even more on my plans of hunting other killers and predators down. I avoided dating altogether, when I was on speaking terms with Romulus again he tried to get me to hook up with girls out at a bar, but I wasn’t interested, all I wanted to do was hunt, to kill again, and feel that same rush. I became almost obsessed with it. I wasn’t stupid, I didn’t want to just go out and kill until I was certain I’d covered every area on how to not get caught. Being a werewolf helped, I could shift to my wolf form and kill, or I could travel in wolf form, so I didn’t leave any shoe marks, or tire tracks, or even human hairs. I was daydreaming about it all when Rom introduced me to some hot brunette, I was going to brush her off until he grinned, “she’s a cop, working her way up to detective, hot right?” That caught my attention. I smiled at her and held a hand out. “I’m Jax.” “I’m Zara,” she smiled. I looked her over, she was really hot, curves in all the right places, nice t.its, nice ass, long wavy locks of dark chocolate brown hair, she was wearing a tight short mini dress and had amazing legs, her high heels made them look even better, plus she was female, I wasn’t ready to date males again anytime soon. A cop, maybe I could use her, she’d be an incredible asset to what I wanted to do. That’s how I met Zara, I hadn’t expected to fall for her, well, I didn’t quite fall for her, I never really loved Zara, maybe the better wording was ‘in lust’ with her, she was hot and nice, she was submissive, I was dominant, we worked. I think in some ways she was a rebound for me, I did care about her though, but our relationship was an open one, I never wanted to settle down or open myself that much to someone again, so when she’d suggested having an open relationship I jumped on it. Benji had f.ucked me up a lot when it came to relationships. I closed myself off from people now, didn’t show affection, didn’t like to be so vulnerable in case they hurt me like he did. I became cold and distant, the only person I was somewhat more affectionate towards was Zara, she was naturally a girly girl and that seemed to bring out the gentleman in me, that, and her submissive ways, I found myself opening doors for her, giving her my jacket if she was cold outside, taking care of her, but in the bedroom we were very different, she accepted I didn’t want s.ex. I always made it clear up front these days that it was foreplay or nothing if you wanted to date me, most people accepted that. Zara was fine with it too, but she did like romance in bed, she liked lit candles, gentle touches, she didn’t like anything rough or k.inky, but I did, I’d grown more used to my f.ucked up ways and the things that turned me on, with an open relationship she got to meet guys willing to give her that soft lovemaking and foreplay, and I got to dominate girls or have them dominate me, I liked being dominated and given pain. I understood by now that my love of pain came from the past, from my first change, how much I’d enjoyed the pain ripping through my body, back then it was because I knew it would save my life, at some point it had turned more s.exual, I couldn’t really explain it, but that’s where it had started, I knew that much, guess my body subconsciously remembered the euphoric feelings I’d felt during that first change and now whenever I felt pain, it gave me those same feelings, who the f.uck knew, I liked it and I accepted it these days. There was one girl who was willing to do whatever the f.uck I wanted. If I wanted her to spank me until my bled she would, if I wanted her to hit me, she would, she was a regular lover of mine because she was the best and willing to do the most, some of the others got freaked out and drew the line with blood play, not her, she’d pull out her penknife and cut me wherever I wanted, and as deeply as I wanted. Sometimes we took turns, and she wanted to be the submissive, she liked almost all the same things I liked, she liked it if I punched her in the face, made me uncomfortable at first, but she came so hard when I was more violent, and it was always consensual, plus I couldn’t be squeamish about hitting her when she happily did it for me. Werewolves didn’t discriminate with genders, we’d fight one another, male to female as hard as if we were the same s.ex, but a human female was different, they were more delicate, more easily hurt, it took some effort to pull my punches and make sure it was no harder than a human for my lover. She liked when I got really dominant and degrading too, liked me standing over her and p.issing on her, it was pretty hot, and I learned a lot from her, I lost touch with her when I finally was ready for my next kill, I took a break from the s.exual side of things and only stuck with Zara because the rest of my mind was focused on the kill, I didn’t have time for multiple lovers. I wasn’t a saint, I did manipulate Zara to a degree, I got her to open up to me about all her darkest fears and desires, I jokingly asked what she’d be willing to do for me if I ever killed someone. She’d said she would help me, but only if they were a bad person, that was it for me, I knew I could kill, and if I needed help, I could go to her for it. My first kill was some disgusting f.uck who reminded me of the man that had kidnapped me and Rosie, even looked the same, he wasn’t just a predator though, he liked to t.orture his victims after, before finally killing them. I’m not proud of it, but I pretended to really want to spend the day with Zara, I asked if I could come to work with her, she’d risen to a detective fast, and thinking I was being all loving and cute she happily brought me in and showed me off to everyone before taking me into her office. I kissed her, I sat her on the table, spread her legs and licked her out, buttering her up I guess, and keeping her in a good mood. When she came, she offered to give me a blowjob. “Go on then babe,” I grinned, and pulled it out for her. I made sure we were behind her desk with her under the table, I insisted she do it there in case anyone walked in. Being under the table meant she couldn’t see anything and was too busy sucking me off to notice I was using her computer. I knew some hacking skills, ok, a lot, I’d studied that along with everything else I studied, anything I thought would prove useful in life and for the things I wanted to do I studied. I hacked her password pretty quickly and looked for the man I wanted, I’d seen the wanted poster for him, and seen him on the news, which was how I found out what he liked to do to kids. They had his home address, he was clearly on the run, or they would have arrested him by now, but I was a werewolf, I could go there, get his scent and try tracking him down. Clearly I was distracted because Zara looked up at me. “Are you enjoying this?” I held her head and pushed myself back in her mouth. “Yeah, it feels good baby, I’m gonna blow my load,” I moaned, focusing on her mouth around me and imagining some dark s.hit, I could describe it, but I didn’t want to scar anyone’s minds, ok, f.uck it, you want squeamish don’t come to me and ask how my mind works, go to Rom, but you want dark? You want f.ucked up? Then you’re at the right place and I’ll f.ucking tell you. I needed to come fast so she didn’t become suspicious, so I imagined I was f.ucking a bloody hole, I’ll spare you the details of what exactly I was thinking about. I managed to get Zara’s password too and realised she was more obsessed with me than I thought, her password was both my name and my birthdate. I waited a few days, and then I went to the man’s address, I got his scent and was surprised to find there was a recent trail of it, he’d returned recently. That helped me a f.ucking lot, I was able to track his most recent scent and even better, he had stayed on foot. Clearly the guy was a f.ucking i.diot, he was still hanging around close to his hometown. I found him eating in a diner, he was wearing sweatpants with a hoodie, the hood was pulled up over a shaved head, and he had an overgrown beard, ok, not completely clueless, even I wouldn’t have recognised him if it weren’t for his smell, aftershave covering the smell of stale sweat. I sat at the table behind him and ordered a hot chocolate to blend in, maybe a weird choice for a man, but I couldn’t stand coffee, it stank and tasted like s.hit, you couldn’t pay me to drink that stuff. I was impatient in my own life, but when it came to this, came to the hunt, I had endless patience. I waited until the guy had finished his food, waited when he ordered another two coffees. He finally left, and I followed him out, I stayed as far away as I could without losing sight of him, didn’t matter too much, I only needed to follow his scent. He reached a car and I knew it was now or never, I’d lose him if he drove. The car park was empty except for us two, so I waited until he was by his own car, and then I hit him in the back of the head hard enough to knock him out. I quickly threw him in the trunk of his car and climbed into the driver’s seat with his keys.
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