Chapter 8: The cage

1999 Words
“I just need a place to crash, and I don’t want you there.” “You still won’t talk to me?” He asked. “You’re still trying?” He sighed, and muttered, “fine, I’ll stay at my partner’s place.” I knew he was trying to get a reaction out of me by letting me know he was with someone else now, did I expect him to still be single and alone after four or five years? No, but even though it had been a long time, it had the effect he wanted, it hurt. “Alright, leave the keys for me.” I forced calmness into my voice because f.uck was I giving him the satisfaction of knowing his words hurt me. He couldn’t really say no to me, even though I’d told him I would pay his rent for the year, I’d carried on paying it, I don’t know why, but he had a partner now, so he could f.ucking pay for it after this. I couldn’t take her back to the pack house. When we got to Benjis place, I kicked the door shut, and she shyly asked, “are you sure about this?” “Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked, turning the lights on. Her eyes grew wide when she saw me. “This has to be some sort of prank, right? Sleep with the ugly girl?” I frowned at her, “what? No, why would you think that?” “Look at you! You’re really hot, actually you’re quite beautiful, like one of those men on the front cover of some model magazine or something.” I snorted a laugh, “nah, I’m not that great.” I guess my own insecurities made her a little more confident because she came over to me and cupped my face in her hands, letting her gaze travel over my face and body. “You’re gorgeous, so hot it’s almost unreal, sexy golden blonde curly hair, flawless skin, chiseled jawline, full and very kissable Cupid bow shaped lips, and those eyes, wow those eyes are stunning, a piercing green one and a piercing blue one with stunning golden flecks, they’re so unusual.” She took a step back and looked me over. “And then there’s your body, even with that long sleeved top on I can see how powerfully built you are, all that muscle.” I was used to giving the girls compliments, not receiving them, well, besides a ‘you’re sexy’ or ‘you’re hot’ comment. I felt a little awkward with all the attention on me, so I pulled her in against me and murmured, “well I’m deadly serious about wanting you.” I kissed her. I slid my tongue in her mouth and pushed her up against the wall, I hadn’t even gotten to touching her t.its when she came, yep, she came just from me kissing her. I didn’t want to ruin her orgasm, so I kissed her until she was finished, and then I pulled back to look down at her. “Sorry, it’s my first time with everything,” she mumbled. I bit my lip and grinned at her, “that’s alright darling, you done or you want more?” “I want more.” I gave her more, I laid her on the bed naked and sucked her t.its while she played and explored with me, running her hands over my body, playing and tugging on my c.ock. I went down on her and licked her p.ussy until she was moaning and crying out, coming for the second time. Guess she had some confidence now because she took over and made me lay down, she licked and sucked my d.ick, exploring and learning how, and then she straddled me and asked shyly, “is this ok? I’m not too heavy?” I slid one hand on to her waist, and with my other, I lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. “Don’t be silly, babe, It’s fine.” She rubbed her p.ussy on me until we both came, and then we showered together, maybe played around a little more in the shower before climbing into bed and falling asleep. I caught her in the morning trying to slip out of bed. I grabbed her wrist and sleepily asked, “sneaking off?” “Sorry, I know how this works, a one-night stand, I’ll get out of your way,” she whispered. I tugged her back into the bed with me. “You ain’t going anywhere.” I pulled her into my arms and kissed her, then pulled back and asked, “unless you want to?” “Nope,” she grinned. I grinned too and we made out. Linda was a really sweet woman, kind and gentle, and quiet, my type of girl, and it wasn’t long into us dating that I fell for her, it was serious enough I broke up with Zara. Zara had been creeping me out more and more anyway, I’d go to the pack house, and she’d be outside watching me in her car. Whenever I confronted her, she always had some excuse of wanting to take me to lunch or something, so we broke up, in her mind though she was convinced I was only pranking her, and we were still together. I took Linda out on dates, she hated it for multiple reasons as time went on. One of them was that she got so insecure and self-conscious when people looked at us, mostly women who she said gave her dirty looks as if she shouldn’t be with such a good-looking guy, the second reason was the same reason I used to drive Rose mad, my lack of affection. Werewolves naturally were not affectionate creatures, but I had been affectionate with Benji, since he had broken my heart though, I’d closed myself off and become cold. Even though I loved Linda, I really struggled to show it, especially in public, I was afraid of opening myself up again and getting hurt. I think in some ways I’d convinced myself that if I was unaffectionate in public, played the cool tough guy, then it wouldn’t be so humiliating if she betrayed me, I could brush it off as I didn’t care anyway. It was stupid, but, eh. I was kissing her at her place and fingering her p.ussy, having a good time until I made her come. Lately, we would make out, fool around and s.hit, and then we’d end up arguing. “I need more from you, Jax,” she said. I sighed, and sat back against the sofa. “I love you, darling, isn’t that enough?” “It’s not enough you just saying the words. I want you to show me you love me, hold me, hold my hand when we go out and not act embarrassed by me.” I looked at her. “What? Darling, I am not embarrassed by you, you’re perfect to me.” I tried to kiss her, but she placed her hand against my chest. “It feels like it, and also you won’t have s.ex with me, why? Will you ever?” “Of course I will, I just, I’m old-fashioned and want to be married and s.hit first.” She nodded, “I can accept that, but I really do need more love from you.” I pulled her in against me with one arm, and kissed the side of her head. “I’ll try.” I didn’t try, we argued more than ever, and I knew I had to break up with her, I didn’t want to, but it was getting too much with all the lying on top of our arguing, I was a werewolf, I had to change regularly, and if I didn’t, I found myself snapping at her, and she didn’t deserve that. Dad was right, I couldn’t settle down with a human, no matter how much I might want to. It wasn’t like I was purposely going out looking to date humans, I would prefer a female werewolf, Zara was a werewolf, but the humans I met just seemed to be what I wanted in a mate. It sucked. Linda had absolutely no clue, but it wasn’t just lying about where I disappeared to at night when I changed to wolf form. I also was still killing predators and killers, by now my family had started to figure it out, other pack members too, when I kept returning home covered in blood, or my clothes had blood stains on them, rumours started to fly around and that’s why most werewolves now thought of me as the psychotic brother. They didn’t quite know what I was doing yet, but they knew I was doing something deadly. My heart was broken for the second time when I broke up with Linda, she didn’t beg or plead like Benji had, I think she knew it wasn’t working. I couldn’t give her what she wanted, so we ended it, but on good terms. I hugged her, and she promised to stay in touch. Did I cry? Nope, I’d made myself cold as f.uck after Benji, I did hurt, some days I was tempted to run back to her, but instead of doing any of that I just threw myself into my killing even more. I loved the hunt, the chase, I’d started hunting them in wolf form because it was even more of a thrill, the risk of being seen in wolf form, the wolf at the forefront of my mind so that it took effort and control to not chase if they ran, it was fun. I was sitting at home in my room one night when I had a message come through. Opening my phone, I saw it was from Zara. ‘Jax, I’m outside.’ What? No she f.ucking wasn’t, I got up and looked out the window, f.uck me, she was! ‘What the f.uck!’ I messaged back. ‘I miss you, come talk to me.’ I was going to ignore her and her creepy, but she was still useful, so I went out to her, and we talked, ok, and then we kissed, made out, I might have let her suck my d.ick. That’s how me and Zara worked for the next few months, we weren’t back together, but every so often when I was feeling horny, I’d call her to meet up and we’d f.uck around, once or twice I called her up to help me clean up any remaining evidence of a kill. In the end, I did back off because she was becoming too much of a stalker, not just to me, she’d stalk my brothers, my sister, heck she even followed dad once until he told her to f.uck off. Almost everyday, she’d be waiting for me outside my work. Yep, I had a job once, didn’t last long, apparently I was too blunt and rude to the customers and some had described me as having an ‘air of violence’ about me, whatever the f.uck that meant. I would have gotten another job, but dad was growing increasingly more worried about me, it was probably when I’d come home, covered not just in blood this time, but someone’s ear was on my shoulder, yep, didn’t clean up well enough that time, and he freaked out along with mum, he declared I was never to get a job because I was too dangerous and not mentally well enough, and then they locked me in the cage for the first time. “At least let me clean up!” I called out. “No, you can sit in that blood and gore and think about what you’ve done,” dad said. “I could, but that would only turn me on.” He looked at me horrified and then hurried back out.
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