Chapter 7: Stalker

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When I was done with him, I cut him up to make it easier when burning the body outside, when it was only bones and teeth left I ground them into dust until there was absolutely nothing left, then I put the fire out, and throwing bleach over the spot, I washed any last trace of him away. No one would miss him. I’d recorded more t.ortures and kills I’d committed, but that was one I still had, the one Rose hadn’t seen, but knew I had on my phone, and asked if I jerked off to it. I hadn’t answered her, truth? Yes. The same night I recorded it I did too, I knew I was a psychopath at this point, I shouldn’t have been turned on by such f.ucked up s.hit, but I couldn’t help it, I’d lay there and do my usual s.hit of trying to come, looking at a p.orn magazine, or watching p.orn, but nothing made me come harder than those videos of me t.orturing evil f.ucks. Rose knew most of my dark s.hit, but some things she didn’t know, certainly not in detail. No one f.ucking knew, except you now, I guess, lucky f.ucking you. I didn’t just watch the videos, sometimes while I was in the middle of inflicting pain on them, I would pull my d.ick out and start w.anking. It was f.ucked up, I knew that, but I also knew it wasn’t something that was going to go away. I didn’t always do it, it was rare that I did, mostly I just stuck to the videos. I got better and more creative with my method as time went on. Zara knew at this point what I did, sort of, I didn’t directly tell her, or admit anything, she even told me not to, but she did say if I needed help, to ask her for it, other times she’d tell me it was time to stop. I was twenty-two when I realised she was too much for me, she was a great friend and person for helping me with such a thing, but as a girlfriend, she was starting to freak me out a little. I’d gone so long on focusing on killing and not having lovers, that when I was ready to start dating others again, she grew possessive, even though we still had an open relationship. She had still been seeing other men, and I suppose she had gotten used to me being loyal to her and not seeing anyone else. When I mentioned having a date, she sulked that whole day. I was getting ready when she came into the bathroom and asked, “can’t you just cancel and spend the night with me?” I looked at her through the mirror. “We agreed to have an open relationship, and you’re still seeing all your lovers, this is the first one I’ve had in a year.” “But you have me,” she pouted. “Are you going to give me what I want?” I asked. “What do you want?” “I want rough, I know you don’t like rough, so I’ll play submissive and you play dominant. Spank me, hurt me, that kind of s.hit.” “Hurt you how?” She asked. I shrugged and went back to sorting my hair. “However you want, just make it hurt. Spank me, cut me, hit me, anything.” When I turned to look at her, she was pale and her eyes were wide. “I can’t do that.” “I need it, babe.” “Fine, go on your date,” she mumbled. I pulled her in against me and kissed her. “I won’t be long, I just want the pain, not the girl, you’re my girl, alright?” She nodded, still pouting. “Baby, look at me.” She looked up at me. “You’re who I want. I’ll come back after, and we can do whatever you want. We can cuddle up, watch a film or have a drink, I can give you some attention.” “S.exual attention?” She asked. “Yeah.” “But you don’t like gentle stuff.” “Not all the time, but I can make an exception. I’ll kiss your neck, you like that, I’ll kiss your p.ussy and l.ick it for you, could use the strap on if you want, make it feel like I’m f.ucking you?” She nodded, “ok. How come you won’t have s.ex with me?” She asked. I inwardly groaned, I’d been dreading that question. “I’d like to be married first,” I lied, it was better than me telling her it was because I wasn’t in love with her. We’d both started off dating with promises that it would be just casual, no falling in love, but I was starting to realise that she’d fallen in love with me at some point, I didn’t realise how much to a creepy level it was until that night. I went for my date, went for a drink and discussed what I wanted done, and what she was willing to do, we were professional about it, for a human it was important to have the rules, and I couldn’t tell her it didn’t matter because I was a werewolf who could take pain and damage much more than any human. We went back to hers, did our stuff, and when I was leaving her place I sniffed the air, didn’t catch anything, but I had that feeling of being watched. Rounding the corner I saw from the corner of my eye Zoe sat in her car watching me. What the f.uck? She was stalking me? I was going to ignore it, but it was weird, so I thought f.uck it and went over to her. “What are you doing here?” “Hey sweetie! I only got here ten minutes ago, I figured I could pick you up.” I frowned at her. “I drove here, I don’t need you to pick me up.” She shrugged, “it was a stupid idea, I just thought it might be romantic.” “It’s creepy.” “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. Zara made it hard to stay mad at her, she always acted like some damsel in distress and had a way of making me feel guilty. Sighing, I said, “it’s fine, but don’t do it again, I can’t leave my car here, so I’ll drive and meet you back at yours.” “Ok!” She smiled. I climbed into my car, still a little confused by her behaviour. She was weird that night too, we enjoyed a movie and ate, everything was fine, and then she wanted me to eat her p.ussy, which again, was fine, but the fourth time of me eating her out my tongue was f.ucking killing me, usually she only came once or twice, but tonight she was more f.ucking horny for it than I’d ever known her in the three years of us dating. I stopped licking her out and said, “babe, my tongue is gonna fall off if I do it anymore.” “Use your fingers,” she smiled. I got up and sat next to her on the sofa and fingered her, I knew she liked it slow and gentle, but she moaned, “harder.” I rose an eyebrow, but fingered her faster, then she asked for it harder, so I got rougher. “That feels good,” she moaned. “You like that?” I asked. “Yes!” She panted. My d.ick grew hard. “What else do you want, baby?” “I want you to use the strap on.” We went to her room and put the f.ucking thing on me eventually, it was a f.ucking contraption, but I figured it out. I got on top of her and pushed it inside of her slowly, but she asked me to be rougher. “Are you sure?” I asked. “Yes.” I f.ucked her with it harder and rougher, she was moaning and begging for it harder, and I was so f.ucking turned on, I liked her like this, but I noticed even though she was making the right noises and facial expressions, she couldn’t hide the slight wince she made every so often. I stopped and asked her, “is it hurting you?” “No, keep going.” I pulled it out of her and looked down, and then grew angry, both at myself and her. I took it off, threw it to the floor and she sat up. “Why did you stop?” “I know you’re in f.ucking agony, you should have told me.” “It was nice.” “Don’t lie Zara, your p.ussy is so f.ucking swollen and sore, I was struggling to get that f.ucking strap on inside of you it’s so swollen. You don’t have to pretend to like that s.hit for me.” “But it turned you on,” she said, giving me puppy dog eyes. “Babe, you turn me on, you don’t need to hurt yourself to impress me, I never want you in pain.” It was true, I was f.ucked up with the killing, but when it came to lovers, I never wanted to hurt them, or see them in pain and not enjoying themselves, if I met up with someone who wanted pain, that was different, they were consenting to it, and more importantly, they got off on it like I did. Zara didn’t like pain, and I knew that. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I just want you to like me.” I pulled her into my arms. “I do like you babe, a lot, you’re so f*****g sexy, just looking at you makes my c.ock hard, you don’t need to pretend to be into things you’re not, ok?” She nodded, and I cuddled her until she fell asleep in my arms. I didn’t usually show affection to anyone these days, but Zara just had that effect on me. I decided it was probably best if I kept my dates to the same nights she had hers, then she wouldn’t be thinking about it alone at home all night. One of the nights I wasn’t even on a date, Romulus had convinced me and Fenris to come out drinking with him. Pfft, Rose thinks Fenris is this sweet oh so sensible guy, he wasn’t, not always, we were at the crescent night bar, it was for werewolves, but you’d get the occasional human who stumbled in. I was sat at the bar drinking when I looked over and rolled my eyes. Fenris was kissing Chantelle, and he was not being the good boy he liked to show Rose that he was these days. He was discreetly f.ingering her p.ussy when Romulus came up behind her and started kissing her neck. I turned back around and took another sip of my drink, looking to my right, I saw a hot blonde sitting alone. I slid over to her and smiled. “Hey gorgeous.” “Hey handsome,” she smiled back, checking me out. “You single?” “I am.” “Looking for any company?” She was going to nod and say yes, but then she noticed my eyes. She leaned closer to look at them, “different coloured eyes, that’s so weird,” she laughed. “That a no?” “Sorry, they’re a little creepy.” “Uh, wow, alright then.” I stood up and ordered myself another drink and asked Fenris and Romulus if they wanted one, when I called out their names, she practically ran over to them. “Are you those triplets from the Ragnarok dragon wolf pack?” “We are,” Romulus grinned. She grew so wet I could smell it. “Where’s the other triplet? Which one’s the sexy, dangerous psychopath?” Pfft, f.ucking weirdo, I rolled my eyes while Rom pointed at me, “that would be him.” She grew wide-eyed when she realised she’d just turned down the werewolf she wanted, she came over to me, but before she could even utter a word I bluntly said, “not interested.” “But—” I got up and walked away from her. I saw another female sitting alone, a human female, but she was much more my type. It was Valentine’s Day, and I dropped down into the seat next to her. “You not got a date for valentines?” I asked. “Nope, men are never interested in me,” she smiled shyly. I looked her over, she was heavily overweight, I’d say around a size twenty-four in UK clothes. She had medium length curly hair, a plain face, not what most other men would find attractive, but I wasn’t most men. “You want to come back to mine?” “What for?” She asked shyly, and blushing. I shrugged, and grinned, “some fun, I’m horny, you’re lonely, I could make your night less lonely and a lot more fun.” “Ok, I’m up for that,” she smiled, and was blushing so hard. I hadn’t spoken to Benji since we’d broken up, but I called him while she went to the restroom. “I need to borrow your place,” I said as soon as he answered. “Jax?” He asked. “Yep, can you stay somewhere else for the night?” “What? Why?”
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