Chapter 3: First love

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That was the first time I felt that same s.exual desire since I’d killed the man. I had freaked the f.uck out at first, I didn’t want to be like that monster that had taken me. Over time though, I realised I was different from most serial killers, well, the feelings and methods were the same I suppose, but the reasoning and motives were not. I didn’t get turned on if I watched a movie where the innocent character was hurt, I only felt that way when the evil one did. I tried to ignore it, but usually when I was in bed—by now us triplets had finally been ready to have our own rooms—I would lay there and touch myself, pretty normal for a teenage boy, but the more I got into it, stroking myself, working myself faster in my hand the more I’d start thinking back to that night, when I’d been stabbing that man, how good it felt. I was giving myself a handjob when the same thing happened, I started thinking about how it felt killing him, I tried to stop myself, I tried thinking about Robin, the sweet shy girl from science class, I’d been crushing on her for years. I tried to picture her naked, it worked for a bit, then my mind drifted back to the killing. I got up, grabbed a porn magazine I’d stolen from dads room—pfft, why he needed that when he had mum I didn’t know— I looked at the hot blonde with her huge t.its and her legs spread wide showing her p.ussy, I tried w.anking to that so hard, but I didn’t feel much of anything. You think I would, a teenage guy horny and looking at pics of hot naked blondes, but even there I was weird, I didn’t give a s.hit about looks, ok, I liked her p.ussy and her t.its, but it could have been anyone on that cover, a f.ucking grandma would be fine for me, Romulus liked to tease me about it. I didn’t know if it was my more wolf like ways or if it was just me, looks just weren’t that important to me, I liked to be different too, I didn’t like to follow the crowd, if all the boys in school wanted hot and popular Jenny with the big anime t.its and blonde hair with green eyes, then I wanted Robin, the sweet quiet girl with mousy brown hair, thick glasses and church going clothes. I wanted the good girl. That didn’t mean I didn’t ever look at someone and not notice they were hot, I did, it just wasn’t the most important part for me, it was the last, if anything. I tried to think of Robin again, tried to be real dirty with it and imagine how tight and wet her p.ussy would feel, I imagined how good she smelt, she always smelt good, like oranges and plums, her shampoo, probably. She didn’t wear much else and I liked that, as a wolf the perfume of girls hurt my nose, Robin wasn’t a girl who wore perfume. I was close, thinking about her, and then, as always, it went back to the killing, the blood, how good it felt as it sprayed on me, how good it felt cutting through his flesh, and then I was coming, I came so f.ucking hard it spurted everywhere. F.uck, I was f.ucked. “Jax?” “Wha—huh?” I came back to the present for a moment to see Matilda glaring at me. “Get to work, Jax, I don’t pay you to sit around daydreaming.” “Uh, right, sure thing, darling.” She blushed when I called her that, I didn’t know why, but it made her walk off quickly, which I was glad for because no f.ucking way was I typing boring s.hit up. I got a text on my phone and pulled it out to see Rose had messaged asking how I was doing. Sarcastic b.itch, she knew I hated being here. I sent her a message back: I’d be doing better if you sent me a picture of your t.its. Ok, I was winding her up and didn’t actually expect her to send me a nude pic while she was at work. I opened up the next message she sent though, and my eyes widened, she had sent me one, a taunting one. She was topless, grinning at the camera while Nick held her t.its from behind hiding them from me, and teasing me with the fact he got to touch them right now, they’d both pay later. I looked around the room making sure no one was looking, then I undid my belt buckle and pulled my d.ick out to take a picture of it. I sent it to Rose with a message: you are both sucking my c.ock later. For those that didn’t know, Rose was my true mate, and Nick was her second chance mate, but also my mate too, it was complicated to outsiders, but it worked for us. I liked guys too, I preferred women when it came to s****l stuff. I remembered the first time I figured out I liked guys too, I must have been eighteen and in the last year of school. I still had my crush on Robin, but there was practically a male version of her, he was called Benji, got teased for it, but I thought his name was cute, he was black with a soft skin tone like milky coffee, he wore glasses like Robin and was a wiry looking guy who always wore sweaters. After soccer practice I was in the shower beside his when I casually looked over and saw his d.ick, he was so f.ucking shy and didn’t realise I was staring like a perv, I liked watching him wash it, touching it, and I knew I had a crush on him too, not just s.exually. It got to a point when I felt more confident in myself to ask someone out, but I didn’t know who I liked more, Robin or Benji, didn’t even know if he was into guys. In the end I chose Benji, not because I liked Robin any less, it was just easier to catch him alone as being guys we spent more time in the same areas, like the changing rooms. I went over to him when it was just us two left, and he looked up fearfully at me, I knew he got bullied badly, worse than I ever had, probably thought ‘great, here comes psycho Jax to join in.’ “Benji, can I ask you a personal question?” He nodded meekly. “Do you like guys or girls, or both?” He frowned at me, and quickly said, “girls.” “F.uck, alright, I was gonna ask you out, sorry.” I went to walk away, and he called out, “wait.” I looked back at him. He was wringing his hands nervously and said, “I like guys, I thought you’d beat me up if I admitted it.” “Nah, I wouldn’t do that. Would you go on a date with me?” He nodded shyly and said, “how would we hide it from the others?” “I ain’t f.ucking hiding s.hit, if they want to cause problems they can come to me.” “I can’t fight,” he mumbled. “You won’t need to, I’ll protect you.” He smiled shyly and that was that, we dated, I took him to the movies for our first date, wouldn’t have been my first choice, but I knew he was really shy, and he’d feel more comfortable there than at some busy bar. For the first few weeks no one noticed we were dating, Benji, despite my words tried to keep low down on it, almost avoiding me at times in school, he was terrified he’d get beaten up for it. I caught him one time being beaten anyway, three guys who I knew were his main bullies. F.ucking cowards, picking on the quiet guy, three of them as well. Rolling my eyes, I went over and grabbed the ringleader, always go for the ringleader to make the best impression, I’d learnt. I hauled him off Benji by the back of his jacket and smashed my fist into face. His friends stopped kicking and punching Benji and tried to help him by jumping on me. I blocked their hits, a few got me in the eye and jaw, but I’d been training with dad how to fight now I was old enough. I was muscular these days too, well-built and it didn’t take me long to grab one in a headlock and sidekick the other in his ribs knocking him back. “F.ucking like beating the timid guys, do ya? You f.ucking p.ussies!” The one in the headlock tried wriggling out, I tightened my grip, choking him, then I started punching him in the face over and over again with my free fist. The leader of them tried grabbing my ankle, but I stomped on his wrist and broke it. He screamed in pain and within seconds they were all begging and pleading, apologising and promising to never touch Benji again, even suggested they be his bodyguards from other bullies. Huh, that worked. I nodded. “Alright, deal, but if I even so much as catch a whiff of any funny business, it won’t just be your friend’s wrist I snap. Understood?” They quickly nodded, but I didn’t let them go until he agreed too. They helped him to his feet and took him to the nurse. “Don’t f.ucking tell them it was me!” I called out. “I’ll get you for it when I return from my suspension!” “We won’t!” They all quickly said and rushed off. “That was violent,” Benji whispered. He was still curled up on the floor, bleeding. “Too much for you?” I asked, and took his hand, helping him to his feet. He thought about it and shook his head. “No, I’m glad if it means they leave me alone now.” Smiling, I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He pulled back, and I murmured, “there’s nothing to be scared of. Kiss me.” I kissed him again, and he responded, allowing me to claim his tongue with my own. He was human, there were schools for supernaturals, no one knew that except for us of course, but there weren’t any close by to where we lived so we went to a human school. I shouldn’t have been dating Benji, technically I could if it was just a bit of fun, but I knew it wasn’t, he meant more than that to me. He was my first love. It was only two months in when I told him, not at the greatest of times either. We were in the bathroom stall, he was on his knees giving me head. “F.uck, you’re good at that,” I moaned. He sucked me harder knowing I liked that, this helped, being s****l with others, it meant I wasn’t thinking of my first kill all the time, i could focus on who I was with and enjoy them. “f**k yeah, keep s.ucking it like that, baby,” I moaned. I stroked his hair and held his head, pushing more of myself into his mouth. He could deep throat, and it felt f.ucking amazing, I was coming and panting when I moaned, “f.uck! Yes! Yes! F.uck yes! Benji, I f.ucking love you!” I came in his mouth and he had to swallow before he could speak. He looked up at me. “You love me? Or are you only saying that because you’re horny?” I helped him to his feet and kissed him. “I love you.” Grinning, he said, “I love you too.” Dad tried to break us up when we were still dating after we finished school, he was starting to realise how serious it was. If he grounded me, I just snuck out the house, if he threatened me, I just stared blankly at him, once he’d hit me to try and scare me, but I liked pain, it didn’t do anything to scare me at all. During one of our many arguments, in a quiet and dangerous voice, I said, “I’m not leaving him, I love him, and nothing you can say or do will make me change my mind.” “We’ll see about that,” he snapped. I’d walked off, not believing him. I was truly ready to give up everything for Benji, I would have left the pack if I needed to, would have done anything for him, even marry him. I wasn’t prepared for what came next.
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