Chapter 2: Bully

2014 Words
I didn’t know what to do after. I ran back over to Rosie, she already felt a little cold and I hated it. I ran back inside and grabbed a blanket off his sofa, it was dirty, more beige than the white it was supposed to be, but it was all I had, I grabbed a pillow too. Back outside, I laid the pillow gently underneath her head and pulled the blanket up to her chin so she’d be warm, so that her parents hopefully wouldn’t be too shocked if they saw her. I left her outside because I wanted her to be found as soon as possible, it could take weeks or even months if I put her inside. We were close to the road, so it should be pretty fast. I angrily wiped away my tears and kissed her forehead. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you, Rosie, but I’ll never forget you. Now you can be a wolf in the afterlife,” I smiled at her. When headlights flashed I quickly got up and ran away, I stopped to look back one last time, the car had slowed down, noticing the two bodies on the lawn, good, she wouldn’t be alone. I disappeared into the night. I made it back to the forest, I was able to smell my way back, which helped a lot. I was going to walk out and into the pack house when I stopped myself, I looked down at myself still covered from head to toe in blood, I needed to clean up first or mum would have a heart attack. I found a stream and pulled my top and trousers off, along with my underwear. It had been f.ucking freezing, but I made myself scoop up the water and wash and rub it all over my body until there was no blood left, even bent down and washed my f.ucking hair, I didn’t stop until I was unable to smell any trace of blood, if I couldn’t smell it, then neither would my parents. I buried the clothes, I’m pretty sure they were still out there today. I realised I was completely naked and couldn’t just walk in like that, so I went around the back and climbed the ladder on the outside of the wall, I tried opening my bedroom window, but it was locked, in the end I had to bang on it so Fenris or Romulus would open it. We shared a room at that age, as much as we argued and fought like any sibling, we also couldn’t stand being away from one another for too long. Romulus opened it and I fell through onto the floor. “Where have you been!” He hissed. I grinned up at him and gave a thumbs up. “I had my first change.” “Holy s.hit! What!” He whispered and helped me to my feet. “Don’t swear,” I whispered, yeah, me, the one who f.ucking swore like there was no tomorrow these days. Romulus ran over to Fenris and shook him awake. “Fen! Jax had his first change.” He groggily woke up and looked sleepily at me, then his eyes grew wide. “You’re back!” I nodded, and then he looked down at me, “and naked.” “Yeah, ruined my clothes changing,” I lied. I don’t know why I lied, they were my brothers, my triplets, I could tell them anything, yet this was something I didn’t, couldn’t share, it felt too personal, too dark, it was a moment so private I don’t think I could ever share it with anyone, so I lied. It took a little more convincing with mum and dad to believe me, but I knew the change could be a long process, sometimes it could take weeks of being in pain, or lost to the wolf and your new senses, so I played on that, said I got stuck in wolf form and struggled with knowing how to change back. I hated making mum feel guilty, she felt like it was her fault that she hadn’t heard me or sensed me out there in the forest, scared and alone. Slowly things got back to normal, I’d always been a bit of a wild child, the brother with the bad temper, the one always wanting to dominate and play rough, so my parents chalked my early change down to me being an extremely dominant wolf when I knew it wasn’t anything so cool, it was the trauma I’d endured. Sometimes extreme traumatic situations could bring on the change early, usually we didn’t have our first change until we hit our teens, around sixteen to eighteen years of age. School was no fun for me either, kids will make fun of anything they think is even remotely different, for me, it was my eyes. I had one piercing blue one and one piercing green with flecks of gold and a gold rim around them. Luckily, humans just figured it was some genetic thing with the gold, their first thoughts were never, “holy s.hit! He’s a werewolf!” The other kids liked to giggle and smirk at my eyes, a group of bullies in particular liked to call me weird, freak, tell me my eyes were ugly. Mostly I ignored it, when I’d embraced the wolf and shunned my more human side for survival that hadn’t gone away, I seemed to be permanently more wolf like in my way of thinking, I was certainly less empathic, so name-calling didn’t bother me that much, being harassed and followed, however, did. I’d never been a patient kid, but mum and dad always drilled it into us to behave at school, to not show any hint of us being anything other than human, now I’d had my first change they were even stricter about it, so as billy and his crew followed me—bullies were always called f.ucking Billy weren’t they—I controlled myself, ignoring their taunts and laughs. I stormed into the bathroom, and they tried to follow me, but thought better of it when a teacher came walking down the corridor. I leaned against the sink on my hands and stared at myself in the mirror. F.ucking stupid eyes, I would have gouged them out if I hadn’t needed them. Maybe it was my whole appearance? I was short for my age, they were taller than me, I was skinny too, wiry looking, I hadn’t always looked strong or as rose called it, “Godlike.” Pfft. I remember spending most of my break just staring into that mirror at myself, my wiry skinny frame, my different coloured eyes, light golden blonde hair slightly overgrown and a mess of curls. I made it to the end of the day, but after months and months of bullying, I’d had enough. They followed me outside onto the playground still taunting, Billy doing his usual irritating poking and pushing. He grabbed my bag from me and opened it up, tipping all of the contents out on to the floor. “Just go home and leave me alone, Billy,” I said, my voice low and calm. “Or what?” He barked, “what you gonna do!” He got his face into mine, eyes staring challenging into mine. I snapped. It wasn’t me having super strong werewolf strength, I didn’t even use that on him, it wasn’t me even standing up for myself really, it was rage, that pure rage that had been born from my kidnapping. I punched him in the face no harder than a human kid would have, and he fell back stunned, then he looked up at me from the ground enraged, he got up and threw himself at me. His group and other kids surrounded us, chanting the cliché, “fight! Fight!” He hit me a few times, I hit him back, kicked and punched and charged at him, tackling him to the floor. I think it was me stomping on his arm and breaking it that might have taken it a tad too far, but the f.ucker had it coming to him. He screamed so loud it alerted the teachers, the headmaster came running over and it p.issed me off to no end. Why do teachers always f.ucking do that? You get bullied for months or years, and they’re quieter than f.ucking mice, practically ghosts, but the second you fight back suddenly they’re there in a heartbeat, and it’s somehow all your fault and you’re the bad guy. It took a lot of begging and convincing on mum’s part to have them not expel me, I was suspended for a month. No one touched me or bothered me again after that, Billy never looked me in the eye, practically shook if I got too near. Pfft, f.ucking dramatic if you ask me, it could have been worse, so much worse. I had to endure it all again in high school, it was mostly one group this time though, the popular group, typical. They were also Fenris’ friends, didn’t like me, but they liked him. He was always popular in school, don’t know why, he was a moody f.ucker. At least I had caught up with my height though, I wasn’t the little runt anymore, and I’d started working out and eating more to build up my strength, not because I gave a f.uck what anyone thought of me, I was making myself strong for what I really wanted. To make monsters like that one who took me and Rosie pay. Typical serial killer, you’re probably wondering if I liked cutting up animals and hurting them, no, I didn’t, I mean, I ate them in wolf form sometimes, but that was the wolf and wolves didn’t kill for sport. I didn’t go searching up serial killers either, didn’t even know that was what I was becoming at the time. Around fourteen years of age was when I really started feeling s.exual desire, just your typical hormones. My group of bullies were starting to p.iss me off, so when the ringleader’s girlfriend made it obvious she liked me, I met her under the bleachers and kissed her, kissed her so good I made her wet. I wasn’t saying I was amazingly natural at kissing, I studied, a lot. I studied everything, when I knew she liked me, I studied how to kiss a girl, how to be good, heck I watched adult movies, that was a bit much though, I just wanted to kiss her good enough to make her obsess over me and p.iss her boyfriend off. It worked. He found out, made me meet him and his group on the field. We fought, but kissing girls wasn’t the only thing I’d been studying, I looked up all the weak spots to hit a person for the maximum pain and damage. I punched him in the ribs, but only hard enough to fracture. Honestly, one hit, and he was done, crying and writhing on the floor like a baby. I liked it. Maybe that showed in my eyes because his friends backed away slowly and ran off to get help, after that, everyone knew the rumour not to mess with psycho Jax. Pfft, wasn’t even that bad, one f.ucking hit. I never told Fenris about the bullying, they were his friends and I didn’t want to ruin that or make his own life harder, he wasn’t bullied, and I’d keep it that way for him. They obviously didn’t tell him either because he never mentioned it. When I was eighteen, I couldn’t remember what I was watching, some movie I think, a violent one, the type that’s made for shock value rather than actually scary. The blood, the gore, the violence, it made my d.ick grow hard, I tried to tell myself it was because of the hot blonde with big t.its, but deep down I knew it wasn’t anything to do with her.
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