The Black Residence

1330 Words
Scarlet's POV The ride felt like it took forever, being as I'm still pissed at Mark, it was in silence. We pull up to the Black residence and whoa. I expected the modern architecture that he is known for, but instead we're met with a residence that is tens of thousands of square feet and screams second empire architecture. This home is massive with four floors, the entry stairs leading to the second floor as the main. Unlike traditional second empire architecture, this home spans the length of two football fields. The cast iron cresting is a vibrant gold, the slate a deep black and a beautiful thick white, is that marble? brick throughout the home like the Hegeler Carus Mansion in LaSalle. The arched doorway is massive and brings me to believe these floors are at least 12 foot in height if not 16. I always wondered how Simon Black had the success he had at the age of 28, and well, it's because the man has vision. As I was helping Gracie out of her booster, the front doors flew open and we heard screaming. I turn around in curiosity and an absolutely stunning tall blonde comes outside, suitcase in tow. Well, if I didn't know any better I'd say she was shoved. I eye her suspiciously due to the commotion she is causing. This woman would've fit in well on the top floor at Black Moon Architecture. She is probably close to 6 foot with platinum blonde hair to her mid back. She is dressed in what I'm sure is name brand clothes although, I wouldn't really know, fashion never took my interest. Immediately she turns and I see her incredibly bright honey brown eyes that are probably a few shades lighter than Nicole Richie's. She clears her throat as Simon steps outside to see us and he turns a shade of red that I didn't know existed. He's kinda cute when he is embarrassed. "Clarice, please just go. I cannot do this right now." He begs the woman in front of him, apparently, she is named Clarice. "Simon, please, don't do this. Four years. We've had four years with no problems. Why are you doing this now? I deserve an explanation." She turns to me, and I swear sniffs the air and follows with "Did you find her?" She has clear displeasure in whoever "her" is. I'm inexplicably upset to hear she and Simon had something.... intimate. As if sensing my sadness, Simon drops his head. "Clarice, go, I have guests," seeing her not move he groans. "Lunch, tomorrow, 1pm." While still not happy with the outcome she turns around and walks away. Without skipping a beat, Simon turns to us. "Scarlet! Mark! Oh! And you must be Gracelyn! Or do you prefer Gracie?" Gracie's face completely lights up at his request to call her the nickname she gave herself when she was just three. "Gracie! I'm Gracie! Do you want to meet Sage?!" Mark cuts in and goes to shake Simon's hand. "Again, I am so sorry for my outburst today. I really hope you don't let it interfere with our working relationship. I look forward to working with you Brenden and David closely." I follow Mark and also give Simon my hand and he brings it to his lips for a gentle kiss. Shivers run through my entire body. Get ahold of yourself Scarlet! You are married! We walk into the house and the outside does not do the inside justice. If I had not known any better, I would've said this home was bought directly from the 1870's and rehabilitated. Absolutely no detail was missed while planning out this structure, although it probably has a more open layout than in the 1800s. The expansive staircase protrudes straight down the center of the foyer. At the top it looks like one stairway goes to the second floor and one goes to the third. The ceiling that is open from the top floor has the moon phases painted in black and outlined in gold. As I'm admiring the molding around the doors and arches by running my hands over them, I'm snapped back to reality by an older woman who is WAY too excited to see me. "Oh, my goodness! Scarlet! How good it is to meet you!" She quickly turns to Mark and gives him a quick "Mark." You would think this was me meeting the parents of my future husband. I internally laugh. She all of a sudden notices Gracie. "And you must be Gracie! Correct? I heard that you were coming, and I've gathered all the boys and girls of our.... uh, town, into the entertainment room for a game night! How does that sound?" "Oh! Momma! Can I go? Please!? PUH-LEASE?!" I glance to Mark who gives me a "let her go" motion with his head and I sigh, "Okay, but you know the rules, absolutely no rough housing, you use your manners and respect the adults around you." We watch as she runs off and my heart melts with how big she has become. "Scarlet, Mark, this is my mother, Lena. Brenden, why don't you take Mark to the library and get their attorney's information and start going over details of the contract?" Simon turns to me and puts his hand out, "I want to take Scarlet on a tour of the house, it seems she appreciates the architecture." He says the final part in a way that is almost sultry and all of a sudden, I feel like a middle schooler about to talk to her first crush for the first time. "Absolutely boss. Come on Mark, it's right down this corridor and to the left." I give Mark a quick kiss as he hesitates to leave. "I'll be fine, I really want to see this home, it's absolutely stunning, and you aren't going to enjoy it at all." "Mark, I'll take good care of her, I promise, besides I think you will enjoy the library, if you were on the debate team, you certainly love literature and finding answers within books to fuel your argument, you will undoubtedly enjoy the expansive library we have here." Simon pipes up "Mark is an avid reader. I'm not sure what has gotten into him." I let out a small giggle. Mark finally turns and follows Brenden down the corridor. I turn around with my eyes again drifting up to the moon phases on the ceiling. I don't know why I'm so drawn to them, but they are just so absolutely stunning. As I stare deeper I realize the craters of the moon also have gold accents and I just think this is the most unique detail in a home and definitely want to implement it on our new build. I look down to see Simon, Lena, and a strange man staring at me. I blush. "Scarlet, this is my dad, Douglas. Dad, this is Scarlet, she is our newest contract at Black Moon." Douglas all but launches forward and grasps me into a hug. My arms are straight by my side and I'm standing there dumbfounded, rigid and taken aback. "Call me Doug. Please." He steps back and Simon does that super attractive thing where he runs his hand through his hair and to the back of his neck. Ugh, this man is turning my brain to mush and it's completely inappropriate. He smiles and says nervously, "I'm sorry, he's a little, uh, touchy." He glances at Doug with disapproval all over his face. Doug hangs his head and then shrugs his shoulders. "Why don't we get this tour started before he tries to adopt you next, I think he always wanted a daughter instead of a son" Simon jokes. "A strong, successful woman into architecture and successful in real estate, you are the daughter he always wanted." He says as he grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs.
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