CHAPTER 3 | Parker-1

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CHAPTER 3 | Parker –––––––– * * * * He barely lets me catch my breath before he pushing me for another release, another wave of pleasure. I knew Aiden would be demanding, and I knew I’d enjoy it. I just didn’t realize how much. My body responds to him like it was made for him. Like he owns it. The realization spikes pleasure through me again, and Aiden tightens his grip. I’m pinned to him, but I feel like I’m flying. Soaring. The chair squeaks under our combined weight and he pumps me hard. It drives a gasp from me. I love it. Love. It. All that teasing, all that soft soft play, and it’s only made him as wild as it made me. My p***y clenches around his hard length, and now he gasps. His breath coasts along the back of my neck, the skin of my spine. I feel him everywhere and it makes me moan. “Never going to get tired of hearing that,” he mutters, fingers flexing against my hips. “Never.” And I love hearing him say that. It turns me frantic, hungry. I ride his shaft, letting it satisfy me in a way that his fingers and thumb never will. I thrust my hips back and he hisses. I grind down... And he comes. He swears under his breath. The words are quiet, but I still catch a few—things like you’re perfect and beautiful, so beautiful—and it makes me feel triumphant. I don’t remember the last time I felt perfect, let alone beautiful, but right now Aiden makes me feel that way. He also makes me feel incredibly sexy. Which is kind of hilarious since we’re still in his kitchen and I’m still straddling his lap, legs apart and back arched. Before, my head kept wanting me to think about how exposed this position left me—every dip and curve on me was on display—but now, I love it. I’m spent, relaxed. We might be in his apartment, but I feel a thousand miles away. Aiden is a mini-vacation, I think, and nearly giggle. He shifts underneath me, and carefully, withdraws. I start to sit up, expecting him to put me away, but he pulls me back, keeping me tight against his chest. It makes our breathing match. In and out, in and out, and ever so slowly I come back to myself. Reality leaks in: the refrigerator’s hum, the moonlight stretching across the floor. Somewhere outside, a horse neighs and I can hear the faint pounding of hoofbeats as they play in the night. It all comes back—and then I feel Aiden. He’s trembling. I did that to him, I think. It would make me smile, but suddenly I realize I’m shaky too. Our chemistry is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. The power nearly knocks me breathless. “Are you okay?” I whisper. He rubs his warm hands up my arms. “I’m f*****g fantastic.” The force behind the words startles me. It’s so raw, so...honest. I glance over my shoulder, taking in Aiden again. The shadowy kitchen light throws his usually blue eyes into darkness, but his blond hair looks almost white. After two months of taking care of the twins, I’m used to beautiful Aiden, smiling Aiden, the man who pretty much looks like sunlight incarnate. But the Aiden I’m looking at now is nothing like those Aidens. He’s straight out of every indecent fantasy I’ve ever had. The shadows turn his already sharp cheekbones sharper and throw his already hard jawline into something razor-edged. He looks like something I could cut myself on, and then he smiles and his whole expression turns relaxed. He’s almost boyish looking as he studies me, smiling at me like everything is perfect. Gotta admit it certainly feels pretty perfect. I’ve never come like that before. “Parks?” He palms my hips, and in spite of the fact that we’ve used him hard, I can feel his shaft stir. “You okay?” He’s grinning at me like he can’t stop, and that makes me grin. How did we go from something so intense to something so...light-hearted? I laugh because the whole thing feels ridiculous, but the laugh comes out all shaky. "Yeah, it was fun." "Only fun? Is that a challenge?" Heat swirls through me, and I go still. He’s teasing, but my body responds like it’s been beckoned. The power he has over you, I think, searching for any pang of nervousness or unease at this realization and...not finding any. That’s kinda crazy. Or maybe it isn’t. When I divorced my ex, it broke me. I’d been so in love with him. I’d followed him clear across the country, leaving my family and friends behind. And he’d taken advantage of that. I’m not the same person anymore. Maybe enjoying Aiden like this is something the New Parker does. In fact, I want it to be. I give him a slow smile, feeling how his body instantly tightens against me. You can have this, I remind myself. You can have him. Then I say, "Definitely a challenge. Try again." ***
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