3 – The Option

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“SHE will not be in that position if she’s not related to the Alexander’s.” Keena was rooted to her feet when she heard that. She was on her way to the training ground when she found two people speaking with each other at the back of the training facility. They appeared to be whispering but not conscious enough that the location where they gossiped can be heard by anyone. Like the center of their conversation. “Solana has been busy these days with her mate that she was not able to do her job as a beta.” Said the other. “Exactly. It was the reason why Keena is the acting beta of our pack.” “What’s your issue? Keena is good at her job as a beta. It is better this way than having an absentee beta. Sooner or later, Solana will announce that she will leave the pack to lead a pack of her own. She gained territory by killing the alpha that attacked us the other time.” “And you will allow that?” “What do you mean?” “We can challenge the position.” “You think you can be a better beta than Keena?” “Of course. That woman is way too timid to hold the second highest position in the pack.” “I don’t know, man. Keena is a good fighter. She could beat your ass in two minutes.” “You haven’t seen me fight yet. Besides, Keena is a softy.” Keena drew a deep breath. She shook her head to ease her mind from her own thoughts. At the moment, she was in the office she shared with the alpha. She was sitting behind the table owned by Solana, the official beta of the Omittaa pack. The conversation that just played in her head happened months ago but recently the conversation like that has been playing in her head. She has been reminded of the position that she held in the pack. Truth be told, she has been seated behind Solana's table longer that the beta herself. Solana might be the official beta of the Omittaa pack but oftentimes, it was Keena who has been filling the shoes. The woman has more responsibilities outside the pack. It does not help that the woman has been facing a lot of issues lately. The Omittaa pack has been with the Alexanders from the start. It was the Alexanders who formed the pack. It was on their tribe from the very start. Solana’s mother was the firstborn child of the former alpha. However, her aunt declined the position when she found her vampire mate who was part of the royal coven. Next in line for the alpha position was Calhun’s father. Instead of claiming the position, Calhun offered the leadership to Solana as the alpha of the pack when came of age. But, like her mother, Solana refused the position and settled to become a beta. Her reason; she was a hybrid and she did not want to be questioned in the future. On the other hand, Keena’s father was the third child. It was never an issue that he did not hold any position in the pack because he chose to become a warrior. A regular warrior that would defend the pack territory. Everything was fine until Keena’s mother became greedy. She became more ambitious and she pushed not only her mate but her children to aim for a higher position in the pack. Her father was already old that he was no longer capable to attain the position of the beta and Keena was the next best thing. At a young age, on the daily basis, her mother has been telling her to train so that she would be the next gamma. Her mother always compared her to Solana who has been achieving a lot of things. She trained but not for her mother. She trained because she wanted to be better. She wanted to become a good fighter like her father. “You are needed in the training field.” Keena nodded at Calhun who had just come in. She watched him until he was seated behind his table. The first thing he does was open the folder on top of piling documents. She noticed the darkening skin under his eyes. Calhun and his mate had their first baby a couple of months ago. The baby must have been a lot of work. Yet, he heard nothing but how proud the alpha was of the milestone that his newborn son did every day. “Everything alright, K?” “Yeah.” “How’s Aunt Ewa?” “Good.” “Is she bothering you?” She stood up. She bowed her head a little before heading in the direction of the door. Calhun and Solana knew that her own mother has been on her back since they were kids. In one way or another, her cousins heard how much her mother wanted her daughter to reach for the higher position in the pack. If there was one thing that Keena has been thankful for, her mother did not aspire for the highest title. She knew damn well that being an alpha can never be hers or her kids. The warriors were in the field. They were grouped into platoons. Her eyes went to the bald man speaking with the male gamma. He was young, no older than twenty years old, but the determination on his face was clear. His attention was on his superior. “Beta,” Keena nodded at the platoon leader. He was leading three squads. “What do we have here?” “This is the group that will be for hand-to-hand combat training.” “Is this their first day?” He nodded. “Good. Four laps. Return to your position right after.” Without further ado, the squad made a formation before leaving their post. “Kitchi.” The bald man looked around until his eyes ended on the person who called for him. A smile formed on his lips. He made muttered a few words to his superior before he sprinted to Keena who has a smile of her own. “Hey.” Keena was tackled into a bear hug before she was lifted off the ground. She clapped her brother’s back before her feet touch the ground again. “I miss you, K. I haven’t seen you in forever.” She chuckled. “You have been gone for a while.” Kitchi is her only sibling. Younger by six years in her twenty-four. He was fascinated with the anatomy of the werewolf shifters so he decided to make a career out of it. He was born with a great brain on his head. He was accelerated a few times in the past and he graduated ahead of kids his age. He got scholarships in the human school but he declined them all when Solana’s father sponsored his education. Vasil Petrov saw something in his brother that he wanted the young man to reach his dream. He refused the scholarship from the government since he has to work under it after he graduated. He wanted to work for the pack instead. “How long have you been home, Kit?” “I arrived last night. You were coped in your own cabin. I was told that you were dead to your feet.” Keena nodded. She had a long day yesterday. Instead of a twelve-hour shift for patrol duty, she got a whole day instead. She became a reliever for one of the patrol officers since he had an emergency. With the attack that happened recently, security has been upped at least a notch. Every patrol on duty should be alert and ready for action in case something happened. She pulled her brother out of the training field. They sauntered in the direction of the pack house. “How long are you going to stay?” “I have a two-week vacation. Graduation will be in a few days. I have a seminar in India.” A frown marred her face. She faced her six-foot brother. He snickered. “It’s about the anatomy of the shifters like us. They were the only ones that offers that certain topic, K. Mind you, the seminar opened six months ago and I almost didn’t get in.” He explained. “Shifters like us sponsored the seminar?” “Yes. Solana told me about it. She was the one who gave me a head’s up.” She beamed at her brother. “I’m happy for you, Kit. I’m glad that you’re getting closer and closer to the things that you wanted.” “Me, too.” He placed his arm on top of Keena’s shoulder. “Mom told me that you will officially be the beta of the pack.” “Sometimes I wonder where mom gets the information.” “You and me both. She is always ahead of all of us.” He laughed. “Was it true?” “It was not set in stone.” She turned to her brother. “Solana has more pressing issues in the coven but it doesn’t mean that she would neglect the pack.” “Is she not going to accept the territory?” “I don’t know. Our cousin has a lot on her hands.” “And our dear mother is seeing this as an opportunity to claim the position she oh so wanted,” Kitchi said with a little sarcasm but followed it with a chuckle. What he said was true though. He messed with Keena’s hair. Being the taller one, he has the advantage. The action loosened some of the hair in the high ponytail. Keena wanted to do the same thing to him but he has no mane to mess with. She made a face. She opted to hit him in the middle. “You have been a beta in most of your adult life, K. Solana has been grooming you to that position ever since.” Kit continued as he caressed his abdomen. She huffed. “Thanks for the confidence, little bro.” “Who’s little now, huh?” He messed her hair again before giving her mock punches. That made her laugh even more. He looked like an i***t as he pretend to fight with Keena. Kitchi was on the lanky side. He did not like to train or even if he wanted to, his body will not allow it. As a child, her brother has very low immunity compared to any werewolf shifter who was not susceptible to any illness. It was surprising to see a pup with asthma. Yet, Keena made sure that her only sibling learned how to defend himself even in the most basic way. She thought him how to use a knife or scalpel. “Give me a hearty meal with no mom hovering on the side, Keena.” “Sure. Tell me about your plans, too.” “I have a lot, actually.” Bickering like the old days, they continue their descent to the pack house where the cafeteria is.
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