The Queen of Vampire

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Bianca's POV I walk out of my room to where Selene is waiting for me. I don't have any of my old friends left in the city, but I still feel a bit sad to leave the place I have lived for so long, but on the other hand, I am about to see my brother, Deacon, again at last. I wonder what happened to the rest of my so-called family. I have a backpack on my back with everything I own in it. I have a bank card as I made a lot of money over the years. I have not turned anyone into vampires over the years, although I was tempted to turn some of my best friends. I know if I did, I would be responsible for them for the rest of their existence. I have met a few vampires over the years, but none of them was to my liking, and I never made friends with them. They all saw me as the Queen of Vampires, but I just laughed that off as I am not a Queen. I know I can do other stuff normal vampires can not do, and that frightens me. Selene had put a spell on me when she left me with the gypsies, so no one of my family or the Sun God could trace me. The Sun God can only send creatures after me and is not allowed to harm any creature on earth. I guess that is why Selene never took me to the realm of the gods. I know Selene and Apollo can only see each other when there is an eclipse, but he could send other gods after me. Not all the gods are good. "Are you ready little one?" Selene asks me, bringing me back from my thoughts. "I am ready," I say. "Then let's go," She says, and we get in my black mustang. The only earthly possession I have. I never wanted to buy a house or buildings as I had no use for them. I knew I would go to my brother one day, and I did not want to bind myself to one place. I thought we would have to go back to Europe one day and never thought my brother would be so close to me. We drive through the night, and the following day we stop in the city in the middle of the werewolf kingdoms. I get out of the car and smell werewolves, witches, vampires, humans, and something else. Something I have never smelled before. "What is that creature I smell but never encountered before, Selene?" I ask. Selene points to a tall man and a beautiful woman standing next to him. Deacon! "Lycans, my dear," Selene says. I stand still as my eyes meet Deacon's. "Bianca?" He asks, and his face light up. "Deacon!" I shout and run to my brother's open arms. I see his mate looking at us, not looking too happy. "I am his sister. Please, do not tear me to bits," I say as I see her trying to hold the lycan inside her from coming out. Deacon turns to his mate and grabs her hand, kissing it. I smile as I see her relax. "You never told me you had a sister," His mate, Daniela. I think Selene said her name is, says. "I thought she was dead. As I looked for my little sister all over the world, and could not find her, and here she is, at last, she found me," Deacon says. "Yeah, with some help of Selene. My name is Bianca," I say and stick my hand out to Daniela. She takes my hand and pulls me into a tight hug. "I am Daniela, and if you are Deacon's little sister, then you are mine as well," Daniela says. I am surprised as creatures don't like me usually, and only the gypsies of old ever understood me. However, the new gypsies are not like the old days, and some use the magic Selene gave them to make a living. Fortune tellers, mostly, and I do not befriend them anymore as they do not trust me anymore and have forgotten about Selene. They can still tell if someone is a werewolf, vampire, or any other supernatural creature, and therefore they do not trust me as I am not an ordinary vampire. "Why are you in the city and not in your Kingdom?" I ask. "We had to come to do some business and buy supplies for the packs in our kingdom," Deacon explains. I don't know what to say. What do you ask a brother you have not seen for decades? I know Deacon has not changed and that he is still my brother and good at heart, but I still feel lonely. I am not part of his new family, and even if they take me in, I will always feel like an outsider. I am different than other creatures. I don't really know how to show love as I never had love in my life, except Deacon's brotherly love. "Where have you been all these years," Deacon asks. "Let's go sit in the cafe and drink something, then Bianca can tell us about her life," Daniela says, and I am thankful as I am feeling awkward standing in the middle of the street talking about my past. I know there are werewolves around, and they can hear what we have to say. So we walk to a cafe and sit down at a table in a corner. "I have been living in the Las Vegas area since Selene took me that night," I say and tell them what happened to me all those years ago. Deacon and Daniela look at me as I tell them how I never turned anyone and that I got my blood first from animals then later from blood banks. Daniela smiles. "You are like Deacon, bit Deacon did turn some people, but he would always as for their permission first. You have a good heart Bianca," Daniela says, and I smile. But, of course, I have a bad side as well. I will kill anyone that messes with my friends in a blink of an eye. I remember when the first wolfpacks moved in, they started killing the natives and the gypsies, and I lost my temper and destroyed the whole pack by myself. I hardly ever get that mad, but when I do, I will kill. I know how dangerous I can get as I saw what I did with the pack of wolves after I calmed down. I killed all of them, except for the she-wolves and the children. After that, I felt responsible for them and looked after that pack for years until their new alpha could take over, and I could leave. I can not tell my brother and his mate about that part of me yet. "I better get a place to stay," I say as we have been talking for hours. "You can stay with us for now," Daniela says. "Only if you have a little open house for me on the edge of your territory. I do not want your wolves to feel uncomfortable around me," I say. Deacon looks at me and frowns. "The wolves in our territory are used to having vampires around. So they will have no problem with you," Deacon says. "Well, I will visit you often, but I like being on my own, and I kind of draw vampires to me. They see me as the Queen of vampires because of my original blood and the other side of me," I say. I'm not particularly eager to talk about the other side of me, and Deacon knows it. He nods, and we walk out. I walk to my car and follow their SUV to the place I will call home shortly. Well, I hope so. Suppose I don't feel welcome there or like I put them in harm's way. I will leave again. I do not want to be the one that is a burden on others as I have learned to look after myself for thousands of years. I am independent and would like to stay that way. As we near the wolves' territory, I feel drawn to an old castle standing in the middle of the forest. I have to go check it out sometime. I am sure it is where Deacon lived before he became the Lycan King of the werewolf kingdom. We stop in front of an old modern-looking castle, and I can feel all the werewolves looking at me as I step out of the car. I hate being the middle of the attention, and I follow Deacon and Daniela to the castle door. They walk in, and I keep standing outside. They must have forgotten I can not just walk in by myself. They have to invite me inside. Deacon stops. "Sorry Bianca, please come in," He says, and I walk inside. An older man as big as Deacon comes walking to us, and soon I am introduced to Daniela's father and her mother, who followed behind him. They must have felt me crossing their border. I know how werewolves work, as I have met my fair share of them over the years. They make me feel welcome and invite me to stay for dinner, but I ask if I can see the house they have for me, and Deacon nods. "What do we have here? The vampire queen herself?" I hear a familiar voice. I swing around and see Demetri standing a few feet from me. I met him once when he was in Las Vegas for a weekend of fun and games, as he said. Dressed as Elvis, he performed a few times in a hotel, and I always watched him as he was funny and dramatic. "Demetri? Wow, you are a werewolf now?" I ask and look at him. "Yes, and an Alpha of my own pack, a father of four and the local hero of the werewolf kingdom," He says. I laugh still as dramatic and egoistic as always. He has grown older, and I can not help to think of the younger-looking Demetri. It would be a shame to lose Demetri, as the world will just not be the same without him. "Wow, you have been busy," I say as I hug him. But then, his mate walks in, and I feel she is a hybrid: witch and werewolf. Demetri's smell is all over her, so I know it is his mate. "This is Claudia, my beautiful mate," Demetri says. I smile at her, and she walks over to me, looking at me funny. I know I have that effect on witches. They can feel my magical, powerful side. "Nice to meet you, Claudia," I say, and I look into her eyes, and she knows not to mention my magical side to anyone. "Let's go and see your new house, it might be a bit dusty as no one has lived there for a while, and I think you should stay here for tonight," Deacon says, but I shake my head and walk out to my car. Deacon and Daniela run in front of my car to the house at the edge of their borders, and I am glad to see it is standing away from the rest. I will be comfortable here on my own, and I will not intervene in the werewolves' business unless they need me. I get out of my car I park in the garage. I take out my backpack, and Deacon hands me the deed to the house. As the King of the werewolf kingdom, he is the owner of all his pack's properties. So he writes my name on the empty deed as that is how it works when the King gives you a house. "Thank you," I say as I walk in to see my new house. It is not big or fancy, but it is just what I need. "I hope you will be happy here, with us," Daniela says, and I smile. Only time will tell. "It is filthy. Maybe you should stay with us tonight," Deacon says, looking concerned. I know he is being my big brother and is still concerned about me. "I am a vampire, brother. I can clean this house in no time. I am also not the little sister you always had to protect. I can look after myself," I say. Deacon nods. "Then we will see you tomorrow," He says, and he knows I want to be alone. Deacon knows me. He knows I want to be alone for now to take everything in what happened the last few days. He only saw my true power once, and it was that night my father threw me into the dungeon and left me there to rot.
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