007 A beautiful doctor

1415 Words
Chen Feng stood still, thinking he had misheard. Was he dismissed? Dismissed without any warning signs? Beside him, Lin Qian also seemed momentarily stunned, then a smirk flashed across her lips, fleeting! To her, Chen Feng was just a backup. Of course, Chen Feng's credentials were actually quite impressive. At a relatively young age, he had climbed to the position of Human Resources Director at Jiangcheng's largest logistics company, with an annual salary of tens of thousands at least. However, Lin Qian had lofty standards, especially after seeing Lin Qingxue choose Han Shuo. She felt she was not much inferior to Lin Qingxue; she could also find someone like Han Shuo, or even better. Of course, they judged a man's worth based on economic strength. "Director Xu... What... What's going on?" Chen Feng couldn't care less about Lin Qian's expression. After a brief moment of confusion, he hurriedly asked. Director Xu gave him a faint glance and said, "Our company has been acquired, and the new owner is a young man. The first thing he said when he arrived was to ask you to leave, and I couldn't do anything about it." Chen Feng wanted to ask more, but Director Xu had already turned around and said, "I have other matters to attend to. You know if you've offended anyone." With that, he left. Chen Feng slumped into the chair next to him. He must have offended someone, but among those he offended, there couldn't possibly be such a big figure who could acquire Shengshi. He... died without understanding! ... On the other side, after the acquisition was completed, under the mediation of Zou Qianqian, He g**g chose to stay in the company and continue to oversee its operations, acting as an employee and no longer as the boss, while Ye Xin was completely hands-off! This was good news for Ye Xin. He himself didn't understand these matters. It was enough to leave professional matters to professional people. When things were over, Zou Qianqian stood up and said, "I consider this matter settled. I'll leave first." Ye Xin also stood up and said, "I have something to do too. Shall we leave together?" So far, Zou Qianqian hadn't mentioned anything about compensation. In fact, Ye Xin wanted to appear before Lin Qian as the boss right away, but he had something else to do and had to leave. That pretty woman with short hair had been coming to him around midnight these days, and it was about that time now. Zou Qianqian adjusted her glasses and flashed a sweet smile. "Sure!" The two of them left the company, and Ye Xin sighed. "Manager Zou, I still don't know how to thank you. And there will probably be a lot more trouble for you in the future. How much compensation do you think is appropriate for you?" Zou Qianqian smiled faintly. "As for compensation, forget it. You are a diamond card user of our bank. As long as you make a request, our bank will fully cooperate with you." Ye Xin was stunned. He didn't expect diamond card users to have such high privileges at Xinhai Bank. "Of course, if you really want to thank me, you can do me a favor. Come to a dinner party with me tonight," Zou Qianqian said with a sweet smile. "In simple terms, just pretend to be my boyfriend." Ye Xin was taken aback for a moment, then nodded. "Sure." Zou Qianqian's eyes lit up slightly, then nodded and said, "Once you agree, you can't back out! I'll call you tonight and come pick you up." Ye Xin nodded. During the conversation, they arrived at the door. After bidding farewell to each other, they left in separate taxis. At twelve twenty in the afternoon, Ye Xin arrived at the gate of the construction site on time. Sure enough, as soon as he arrived at the gate, he saw that short-haired girl, carrying a lunch box, walking out of the construction site with a disappointed look on her face! When she saw Ye Xin, her eyes lit up again, and then she ran over to him! "I thought you weren't coming," she said with a smile when she reached Ye Xin. "I went to the bank yesterday to check the balance on my card. You shouldn't have lied to me," Ye Xin sighed. "So you're willing to go back with me?" the girl with short hair asked, her eyes brightening. Ye Xin nodded. "Yeah." "Yes!" The beautiful girl waved her fist and said, "Sentinel Zero, I'm finally returning to this world." "Sentinel Zero?" Ye Xin frowned. "What does that mean?" "We're a secret unit, so we all have our own codenames, mostly numbered. The more formidable the person, the lower the number. You were Sentinel Zero before, the most powerful weapon!" She then added awkwardly, "But because you disappeared for three years, many people thought you died in the last major mission. So now the title of Zero belongs to someone else. But as long as you recover your memory, I believe you can regain it soon." Ye Xin scratched his head, completely baffled by what she was saying. He cleared his throat and asked, "What do I need to do to recover my memory?" "Um, I'll take you to see Dr. Zhe now," the girl with short hair said. "Dr. Zhe is the best doctor in our unit, and one of the best in the world." Ye Xin nodded. "Okay. By the way, I still don't know your name!" The girl hesitated for a moment, then scratched her head. "I'm now Number 66. As for my name, you should be able to remember it once you recover your memory." Ye Xin felt a strange sensation. Using numbers as code names made it feel like he was being called a technician. She hailed a car, and they got in. Their destination was not a hospital or clinic, but directly to a place Ye Xin was very familiar with. The Garden District! Yes, their destination was the Garden District! "Because we planned for you to come back for work, so we bought a house next door to yours. Dr. Zhe and I both live there," the girl with short hair said with a smile. Soon, they arrived at their destination. Dr. Zhe's name was Zhe Qiuyu, a woman, which was different from what Ye Xin had imagined. He had thought Dr. Zhe was an elderly person, but when he saw her, he was surprised. She was very beautiful, even more so than beauties like Lin Qingxue. And she looked like she was under thirty, very young. When she saw Ye Xin, however, her expression wasn't very good. She gave Ye Xin a cold glance, raised her beautiful eyebrows, and said, "Memory loss?" "Sort of," Ye Xin said. "Lie down on the sofa," Dr. Zhe said in a cold tone. "I'll go get something." With that, she turned and walked towards the bedroom! Ye Xin felt a bit embarrassed. He cleared his throat and quietly asked, "Um, did I owe Dr. Zhe money before?" "Not exactly," the girl with short hair said with a smile. "It's just that when you were with the Sentinels before, you were constantly confessing to Dr. Zhe, saying you wouldn't marry anyone else but her. When we came to find you this time and investigated your information, we found out you were married. Dr. Zhe seemed a bit angry." "She liked the old me?" Ye Xin asked in surprise. He used to be so powerful that even a beauty of this level was interested in him? "Not really, Dr. Zhe rejected you countless times," the girl with short hair chuckled. Ye Xin was speechless. What was she angry about if I got married! "Stop chattering," at this point, Dr. Zhe came out and took out a pocket watch from her pocket, saying calmly, "Look at the watch." The pocket watch began to sway back and forth. Ye Xin's eyeballs followed the movement of the watch. Dr. Zhe also started speaking, her voice no longer icy but instead, exuding an incredibly gentle feeling. Slowly, Ye Xin felt a drowsiness coming over him, and he slowly closed his eyes. At the same time, the gentle murmuring in his ear continued. "You're Ye Xin, born in Jiangcheng. At the age of 18, you..." Accompanied by the voice, guiding, scene after scene, countless memories began to emerge in Ye Xin's mind.
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