006 You are fired

1460 Words
Lin Qingxue's family naturally paid no heed to Ye Xin's words. After Bai Lianxiang tossed the items to him, she promptly slammed the door shut. As Ye Xin stood before the firmly shut door, he chuckled coldly, then turned and left the premises. Unit 7-2 of the Garden Residential Community, a three-bedroom apartment Ye Xin had earnestly purchased, was now beyond his entitlement. He grabbed a quick bite outside before taking the subway back to Yang Qiang's residence! During the subway ride, Zou Qianqian called him, informing him that the acquisition deal with Shengshi Logistics had been successfully negotiated, with a purchase price of 1.9 billion yuan, a considerable saving for Ye Xin. The signing was scheduled for ten o'clock the following morning! Ye Xin felt elated, eagerly anticipating the events of the coming day! The expressions on Lin Qian's face should prove quite intriguing! Simultaneously, he also harbored hopes of regaining his memory the next day. With various emotions swirling within him, he spent the evening in Yang Qiang's chair. The next day, he bid Yang Qiang farewell, left his home, and then searched online for the address of Shengshi Logistics. Afterward, he boarded the subway and hurried to the company! At 9:30, he arrived at his destination smoothly. Shengshi Logistics was among the largest logistics companies in Jiangcheng, boasting a six-story office building. As Ye Xin approached the entrance, the security guard stopped him and inquired, "Halt! What is your purpose here?" Ye Xin hesitated for a moment, then flashed a faint smile and replied, "Ah, I am here for work." "Work? Where is your employee badge?" the security guard queried, stepping closer to Ye Xin. This security guard, appearing to be under thirty, had a sturdy build. "I..." Ye Xin was about to explain when a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Ye Xin?" Turning towards the source of the voice, Ye Xin saw Lin Qian riding her electric scooter, stopping at the company's entrance. "Hey, Lin, running late again today? Be careful not to get reprimanded!" remarked the security guard at the entrance. "I've informed the boss; he's here for something," Lin Qian stated. "He said he's here for work," the security guard explained. "For work? Are you here to work as a security guard?" Lin Qian asked with a smirk, "Weren't you planning to make us regret yesterday? Are you here to become our company's security guard and make us regret it?" Ye Xin chuckled coldly, "You'll find out soon enough." "I may not know whether I'll regret it later, but I do know one thing: you'll regret it now," Lin Qian sneered. The security guard standing at the entrance brightened up. From the conversation between Ye Xin and Lin Qian, he could tell that they were at odds! He felt it necessary to step forward at this moment and show off in front of such a beauty like Lin Qian. Who knows, he might have a chance? Glancing at Ye Xin, he remarked, "Are you here to work as a security guard? Who hired you? As the captain of the security team, why wasn't I informed? You don't need to come to work; just leave!" Ye Xin gave him a disdainful glance and calmly inquired, "Since when does a security team captain have the authority to dismiss people?" "You!" The security team captain's face flashed with anger. "He doesn't have the authority to dismiss you, but someone else does," Lin Qian coldly interjected, simultaneously pulling out her phone and making a call, coquettishly saying, "Hello, boss, there's someone I particularly dislike working as a security guard in our company. Could you please dismiss him?" "Well, I'm at the entrance; come over!" Lin Qian said into the phone before hanging up, then turned to Ye Xin and said, "Perhaps you're unaware, but I work in the Human Resources department of this company. My boss is the HR director. Dismissing you is a matter of minutes." Indeed, two minutes later, a middle-aged man in a suit and tie walked out from the entrance. Upon seeing Lin Qian, he greeted her with a bright smile, "Qianqian, you're late again!" From the way he looked at Lin Qian, it was evident that he was pursuing her! From Lin Qian's demeanor, Ye Xin could also tell that she wasn't particularly interested in this so-called HR director; she regarded him more as a backup option. The man walked downstairs and looked at Ye Xin, sizing him up before asking, "Is he the new security guard?" Lin Qian nodded hastily, "Yes." He looked at Ye Xin, then said, "You can leave now." Then he turned to Lin Qian and said, "Let's go upstairs; I've prepared breakfast for you." Lin Qian disdainfully glanced at Ye Xin, flashing a contemptuous smile, "I'm truly regretting it!" With that said, she pushed her scooter and walked towards the office building with the HR director. Ye Xin said nothing; he rubbed his nose. After a few minutes, seeing that Ye Xin was still lingering, the security team captain, with a furrowed brow, exclaimed, "What are you still doing here? Get out!" Ye Xin coldly cast him a glance, his expression changing, "You dare to glare at me? Seems like you're asking for trouble." "Ding, ding..." At that moment, a Mercedes-Benz slowly approached, honking its horn. The window rolled down, and from the back seat, a middle-aged man poked his head out, asking, "What's going on?" The security team captain quickly nodded and bowed, "Boss, it's just a minor matter. I'll open the door for you immediately!" "Mr. Ye!" Just then, from the back seat on the other side, a pleasant voice rang out. Ye Xin looked over and saw Zou Qianqian, wearing glasses and a uniform, also sitting in the car. Upon hearing Zou Qianqian's words, the middle-aged man glanced at Ye Xin with surprise, "Is he the Mr. Ye who's going to acquire our company?" Zou Qianqian nodded, "Exactly!" The middle-aged man quickly opened the car door, stepped out, and, amidst the bewildered gaze of the security team captain, walked up to Ye Xin, saying, "Mr. Ye, you're truly outstanding. To achieve full ownership of our company at such a young age is remarkable." Zou Qianqian also alighted from the car, blinked at Ye Xin, then smiled, "Let me introduce you. This is He g**g, our CEO!" He g**g furrowed his brows, "Mr. Ye, why don't you come upstairs and wait for me?" Beside them, the security team captain's forehead was already beading with sweat. He gulped and said, "Boss, are you mistaken? He seems to be here to work as a security guard in our company..." Seeing his reaction, He g**g probably understood what was going on. He glanced at the security team captain and smiled, "Later, Mr. Ye here will be your new boss." "This..." The security team captain's face turned pale! He g**g didn't say anything more, gesturing, "Let's go inside the company to talk!" Ye Xin smiled and nodded, then glanced at the security team captain, saying, "You don't need to come to work anymore." ... The signing process was not overly complicated. Ye Xin signed and stamped, with all the formalities managed by Zou Qianqian. The company experienced no major upheaval, with only a few senior executives being informed of the matter. At half-past ten, the acquisition contract officially took effect. Ye Xin breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to the company's CEO, saying, "First order of business, dismiss the company's HR director! Find a replacement." The CEO was momentarily taken aback. He hadn't expected Ye Xin to issue such a command immediately after signing the contract. Nevertheless, he nodded and said, "Very well, I'll handle it right away!" ... On the third floor of the company, in an office belonging to the Human Resources department, Chen Feng, the HR director, was sitting beside Lin Qian, smiling and saying, "Are these buns delicious? I drove over ten kilometers this morning just to buy them for you. You have to accompany me to watch a movie after work today!" The HR department staff were already accustomed to such scenes. Chen Feng had a crush on Lin Qian, a fact well-known throughout the department. Pouting, Lin Qian was about to speak when, at that moment, a person entered the doorway and said, "No need to go after work." Chen Feng's expression changed slightly as he hastily stood up and lowered his head, "Mr. Xu!" Mr. Xu glanced at Chen Feng and calmly said, "Go to the finance department to settle your salary, then pack up and leave." Chen Feng looked bewildered, "Mr. Xu, what do you mean?" "What do I mean?" Mr. Xu glanced at him and said, "It's simple; you're fired!"
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