017 Impossible

1070 Words
Bailianxiang looked at Lin Qian incredulously, then disdainfully remarked, "How could that be possible? Do we not know Ye Xin's background? If he could afford to buy your company, he wouldn't be toiling at a construction site. Our Qingxue wouldn't have divorced him; she would have secured her future long ago." "Really, I'm not lying to you," Lin Qian said anxiously. "And I feel like he's targeting me. Yesterday, my boss got fired because of me; he clashed with Ye Xin at the entrance for no reason." "You're overthinking it; it's probably just a coincidence with the names," Bailianxiang remarked casually. "Don't go looking for trouble." Lin Qian shook her head. "His photo hangs on the wall in our company's office." Bailianxiang remained unconvinced. She scoffed, "Are you unwell? Are you hallucinating? Even if you're not mistaken, have you considered why, if Ye Xin is so wealthy, he would spend three years doing laborious work at a construction site?" "So I don't know what's going on. I'm really worried now. What if he's really our boss? My job..." Lin Qian expressed her concern. "Oh, you're overthinking it. Even if this were remotely possible, you could just find another job," Bailianxiang said. "My new son-in-law, Han Shuo, doesn't have a company as good as yours. I'll ask Qingxue to talk to him, and you can work at their family's company." Bailianxiang was very fond of her new son-in-law. He would buy her bags and even gave a car to her daughter. Such a wealthy and considerate son-in-law was hard to come by. As for Lin Qian's words, she didn't believe them at all. ... Meanwhile, at Bright Bar, it was around 10 PM. Both Ye Xin and Qin Xiaowei wore awkward expressions at the booth. Between them, Jiang Wanwan hugged a bottle of alcohol, her face flushed, pouting as she looked at Ye Xin. "Come on, let's keep drinking! Tonight, I must get you drunk and make you confess everything." Indeed, Jiang Wanwan was drunk. She had intended to get Ye Xin drunk but ended up drinking a bit herself. However, her tolerance was lacking, and after just two drinks, she couldn't hold herself together. "Perhaps it's best not to drink anymore," Ye Xin glanced at Qin Xiaowei, then said, "Let's take her home." "Go home? No way!" Jiang Wanwan grabbed Ye Xin's arm. "You're not going home until you're drunk. If you're not drunk, you can't leave! Xiaowei, I invited you here to help me get Ye Xin drunk. Come on, drink with him!" "I'm already drunk," Ye Xin hastily replied to appease Jiang Wanwan. "Drunk?" Jiang Wanwan's eyes, glazed and unfocused, brightened a little. "Then tell me, who are you really, and why does someone like my dad obey you?" Ye Xin chuckled. This girl had spilled everything in her drunken state. But he didn't pay much attention to it. Qin Xiaowei came over, embracing Jiang Wanwan, and said to Ye Xin, "You have a good tolerance." Indeed, Qin Xiaowei was quite surprised. Her alcohol tolerance was renowned; she hardly ever got drunk at the bar. Yet, just now, Ye Xin had clearly outdrunk her. If it were anyone else, they would have been drunk two or three times over. But Ye Xin seemed completely unaffected. "Xiaowei, stop wasting time with him. Hurry up and get him drunk!" Jiang Wanwan grumbled, though her words were somewhat incoherent due to the noise. "Clap!" At that moment, Qin Xiaowei lightly tapped Jiang Wanwan's neck. Jiang Wanwan froze for a moment before collapsing into Qin Xiaowei's arms. Beside them, Ye Xin's expression shifted slightly. With just that light tap from Qin Xiaowei, he could tell she was skilled. "Could you do me a favor and help me get her into the car? We'll take her home," Qin Xiaowei said with a wry smile. "I'll call a driver." Ye Xin nodded. He lifted Jiang Wanwan like a princess and, together with Qin Xiaowei, headed towards the exit. Glancing down at Jiang Wanwan in his arms, a faint smile played on Ye Xin's lips. The first time he saw this girl, she seemed aloof and icy, like a goddess. Today, meeting her in private, she showed a mischievous side. Now, drunk and flushed, she appeared playful and adorable. It was a pity that a girl like her had caught the attention of Blood Lotus. Ye Xin pondered, a cold gleam flashing in his eyes. Qin Xiaowei called for a driver and drove towards Jiang Wanwan's home. Jiang Wanwan's home was in a villa area in Jiangcheng, a location where houses were quite expensive. A villa here was worth tens of millions. Of course, for Jiangwan's family, the wealthiest in Jiangcheng, this wasn't much. The car slowly entered the villa area and stopped. The driver said, "We've arrived." "Alright, thank you," Qin Xiaowei said from the back seat. She helped Jiang Wanwan and then opened the car door, turning to Ye Xin. "Come on, lend a hand!" But Ye Xin didn't move. Sitting in the passenger seat, he stared intently at the rearview mirror, then licked his lips. "Blood Lotus's people, right?" He knew that Blood Lotus had set his sights on Jiang Wanwan. This had been a matter occupying a*******n Qiuyu and Ming Xiaonan's attention lately, but he hadn't expected to encounter it himself. As the driver opened the car door, Qin Xiaowei's expression suddenly changed. "Assassin!" In an instant, two dark figures lunged forward. One headed straight for the driver's seat, wielding a gleaming dagger aimed at his heart. At this critical moment, Ye Xin swiftly pulled the driver towards him, saving him from the attack, but the dagger pierced his thigh instead. "Ah!" The driver screamed in agony. The other dark figure pounced towards the back seat, heading straight for Qin Xiaowei! Qin Xiaowei swiftly shut the car door and, dodging to the side, delivered a spinning kick to the attacker's abdomen. "Close the doors and lock them!" she shouted. As she closed the back door to ensure Jiang Wanwan's safety, the two figures simultaneously lunged at her. ... Of course, Ye Xin hadn't disappeared. His speed was remarkable, and he leaped over the wall of Jiang Wanwan's villa. Those two outside were just cannon fodder. Though Qin Xiaowei was outnumbered, he could see from her condition that she could handle the situation. The real mastermind was hiding in Jiang Wanwan's house!
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