018 Ye Xin takes action

1416 Words
Amidst the dialogue, a crisp sound resonated, illuminating the living room as the lights flickered on. Seated upon the sofa in the living room was a young man with dyed blond hair, his demeanor bold and unapologetic. He sat there, deftly flipping a dagger in his hand, his gaze upon Ye Xin laced with a hint of mockery. Ye Xin remained silent, his gaze fixed upon the young man, assessing him in return. "Your composure is admirable, but alas, you're already a dead man," the young man said with a smirk. "Oh? And by your hand?" Ye Xin chuckled lightly. "Yes, indeed. By mine," the young man replied nonchalantly. "For I am the youngest ace killer within the ranks of the 'Red Lotus'!" As he spoke, a disdainful smile crept onto his lips. "You probably haven't heard of the 'Red Lotus,' have you? Understandable. Such clandestine organizations are beyond the reach of ordinary folk like yourself. However, the fact that you've discovered me is quite unexpected. Nevertheless, in 30 seconds, you'll be a dead man. Any last words? Speak quickly!" It was evident that this young man was arrogant and conceited! "Three seconds," Ye Xin said calmly. "What?" The young man's expression shifted. "I said three seconds to deal with you!" With that, Ye Xin made his move! For the first time since regaining his memory, Ye Xin acted! For the first time in three years, he acted! In that moment, if anyone familiar with Ye Xin from the past three years saw the look in his eyes, his expression, they would be utterly horrified! Ye Xin's gaze resembled that of the Grim Reaper—icy, fierce, murderous—as though a god of death had descended upon this world. "What!" The young man's face paled suddenly. In just an instant, Ye Xin was by his side. His lips curled slightly as he said, "Trash like you dares to show off in front of me, a red-ranked assassin!" Boom! Without any reaction from the young man, Ye Xin's fist landed squarely on his face. Bang! He was sent flying from the ground, but in the next moment, he felt someone grab his ankle, and then he was brutally slammed back onto the ground. The floor tiles of Jiang Wanwan's house cracked under the impact. Before he could react, he felt the dagger in his hand slip away, now in Ye Xin's possession. The cold blade of the dagger pressed against his neck. In an instant, goosebumps rose on the young man's forehead and back, a chill running down his spine. He had always been confident. He was a genius of the Red Lotus, the youngest ace killer. He hardly ever missed his mark when he struck. But facing Ye Xin, he hadn't even had the chance to strike! The gap was too wide! "I... I'm He Xun. My grandfather is He Lan Tian, the leader of the Red Lotus. You can't kill me," the young man said in a low voice. "He Lan Tian? He'd better live out his days as a turtle, dare to show his face, and I'll be the first to chop off his head," Ye Xin sneered, his cold gaze fixed on the young man's face. He licked his lips and said, "Congratulations, you're my first kill since my return after three years!" "Three years..." The young man was stunned for a moment, then said in shock, "You... you're Night Watcher Zero, the one..." Swish! Before he could finish his sentence, Ye Xin's dagger slid across his neck. Blood trickled slowly down his throat. The shock in the young man's eyes remained, but his breath had ceased completely. Ye Xin smiled faintly. He casually tore a few pieces of paper and pressed them against the corpse's neck, preventing the blood from staining the ground. Then he glanced outside! Outside, curses rang out: "That coward, he actually ran away! He actually ran away, leaving me, a woman, to face two people! If you dare to approach Jiang Wanwan again, I'll beat you up every time I see you!" It was Qin Xiaowei's voice. Ye Xin smiled to himself, looked at the corpse on the ground, knowing it wouldn't be good if Qin Xiaowei and the others saw it. He hoisted the body up and glanced outside again, turned off the lights, pushed open the nearby window, and jumped out! As a Night Watcher, their expertise lay in handling such matters without alerting ordinary people, without disrupting their peaceful lives. He flawlessly avoided all the cameras, carrying the body to a deserted place. Then, he made a call to Zhe Qiu Yu and said, "Hey, I've taken care of a red-ranked assassin. My location is..." Soon, an off-road vehicle stopped beside him. The window rolled down, revealing Zhe Qiu Yu and Ming Xiao Nan, dressed in Night Watcher attire, with a long and short knife strapped to their backs. "What's going on?" Zhe Qiu Yu asked. Ye Xin opened the trunk, stuffed the body inside, then got into the car and explained the situation in detail. After listening, Zhe Qiu Yu's gaze darkened. "Why didn't you capture him alive? With a live captive, I could have found out all their deployments!" "Uh..." Ye Xin scratched his head. "He was showing off in front of me, so I couldn't help but kill him." Ming Xiao Nan chuckled and said, "Doctor Zhe, calm down. It's already quite an achievement to deal with a red-ranked assassin." "Hmph!" Zhe Qiu Yu snorted coldly. ... The morning sun cast its rays into the bedroom, awakening Jiang Wanwan from her slumber. She opened her slightly drowsy eyes to see a face applying a facial mask. "Xiao Wei," Jiang Wanwan's eyes flickered slightly. "Why are you in my house?" "You still don't know how dangerous it was yesterday," Qin Xiaowei glared at her and said, "Last night, someone came to assassinate you." Jiang Wanwan was momentarily stunned, then pursed her lips and said regretfully, "You must have scared them off again, didn't you?" "Hmph, of course. Don't forget who I am," Qin Xiaowei said triumphantly. "Was I drunk last night? Too bad, I couldn't get Ye Xin drunk and couldn't get any information out of him. I'm just too curious. Why is my dad so obedient to him? How did he save my dad in the first place?" Jiang Wanwan said somewhat regretfully. "Don't mention him, that coward!" Qin Xiaowei heard Ye Xin's name and immediately began cursing, "Yesterday, when he saw someone charging over, he just ran away. A person like him could save Uncle Jiang? I don't believe it!" "Well, I'm going to freshen up!" Jiang Wanwan got up and walked out of the bedroom. After a few steps, she frowned and asked in the living room, "Xiao Wei, why are there cracks in the floor of my house?" ... In the morning, Ye Xin was still in quite a good mood. Having entrusted the aftermath of last night to Zhe Qiuyu and Ming Xiaonan, he had returned home to enjoy a restful sleep, awakening past ten in the morning. Leisurely, he rose to wash and prepare breakfast. Just as he reached the entrance of the community, a sharp and acerbic voice pierced the air. "Ye Xin, you truly have no shame, don't you? Renting a house in our community with borrowed money?" The source of this voice was none other than Bai Lianxiang, who was returning home after grocery shopping! Ye Xin furrowed his brow slightly, with no intention of engaging. However, Bai Lianxiang persisted, "Let me tell you, you're useless. You and Qingxue are impossible. What aspect of you can compare to Han Shuo? He's wealthier and more generous than you! He throws around tens of thousands like it's nothing." Ye Xin's brow creased further as he glanced at Bai Lianxiang. "In consideration of the favor Uncle Lin once bestowed upon me, let me remind you: Han Shuo isn't a good person." "He's not a good person?" Bai Lianxiang sneered. "Have you seen the clothes I'm wearing? They were bought by Han Shuo, costing several thousand!" Ye Xin couldn't be bothered to respond any further. "Oh, by the way, Qianqian mentioned yesterday that you're the boss of their company. I said, how could you possibly be the boss?" Bai Lianxiang continued. "What kind of boss doesn't start work until ten in the morning, idling about with nothing to do. You're destined for a life of hard labor!"
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