021 Large confession scene

1599 Words
Emerging from the elevator, Ye Xin felt refreshed, the air seemingly crisper than usual. Throughout, he never divulged the origin of his wealth. He cared little for the thoughts of the Lin family; money, to him, was the catalyst for their eventual regret. As for the source of this wealth, it was of secondary concern. Indeed, as Ye Xin surmised, silence enveloped the Lin family's home at this moment. Bailianxiang, covering her face, wore an expression of extreme displeasure: "He dared to strike me! He dared to strike me! This matter cannot be left unresolved, absolutely not!" In her heart, Ye Xin remained the man she could command at will; this impression remained unchanged despite the slap. "Sister, this was Ye Xin whom we sought assistance from. Your attitude is truly unacceptable, especially considering he is no longer married to Qingxue," Bai Bo complained nearby. With this commotion, Ye Xin would likely refuse even more vehemently now. Consequently, he would have to switch logistics companies, leading to a significant loss for his business. Bailianxiang gritted her teeth: "What does he have that I cling to? I cannot fathom how some wealthy woman could be attracted to him. She must have been cursed for generations!" Lin Qingxue supported her. At this moment, Lin Qingxue felt conflicted, recalling Ye Xin's visit to New Sea Bank on the day of their divorce, his presence in the VIP section... Then Ye Xin began associating with Zou Qianqian, appearing consecutively at the Marriott Hotel before transforming into the CEO of Shengshi Corporation. Previously, she believed it all to be coincidence, but now she had her doubts. After all, the change in Ye Xin's demeanor during this period was evident to the n***d eye. She thought that if it were the old Ye Xin, even after the divorce, he wouldn't dare raise his head before them, let alone shout at them or slap Bailianxiang. Of course, dwelling on these matters now was pointless; they were already divorced, and Ye Xin's words just now left no room for negotiation. And at this moment, Ye Xin hummed a tune as he exited the building. "Ding ding ding..." At this moment, his phone suddenly rang. Ye Xin glanced at it and saw an unfamiliar number. He raised the phone, and on the other end, a somewhat mischievous voice spoke, "Guess who?" Ye Xin responded dryly, "Miss Jiang Wanwan, I suppose?" "Boring, you guessed it right away," Jiang Wanwan pouted, "Come out and play!" Ye Xin felt somewhat dumbfounded; he knew Jiang Wanwan's curiosity too well. She was curious why Jiang Zhennan would submit to him so obediently. And now, knowing this, Jiang Wanwan's demeanor was drastically different. The first time they met, she was like a goddess, but privately, especially after getting drunk... "Sister, don't you work?" Ye Xin sighed, "Your father only has you as a daughter. You must learn to manage properly, or else there will be no one to take over his company in the future!" "I don't care, I'm taking you to meet a beauty!" Jiang Wanwan grinned. "A beauty?" Ye Xin's eyes lit up, "Whether she's beautiful or not doesn't matter, I just want to go out. Send me the address!" "Pah!" Jiang Wanwan scoffed and hung up, then immediately sent a message to Ye Xin. After receiving the message, Ye Xin's face showed a hint of anticipation as he walked outside. Of course, another reason he was willing to go was to ensure Jiang Wanwan's safety; after all, she was now Red Lotus's target. The Red Lotus organization was quite peculiar; they were a group of assassins. Three of their members ranked in the top ten on the underworld's assassin leaderboard, making them a formidable force. Yet, they never accepted assassination contracts. Their job was to use various means to coerce or negotiate with some wealthy individuals worldwide, persuading them to join their organization. Ye Xin left the building and chose to take the subway to his destination! As he walked towards the subway station, Ye Xin's lips curled into a faint smile. He seemed to have guessed who was following him without turning around; it was either Han Shuo or Chen Yi. These were the only two people who would do such a thing to him now. He didn't pay much attention and hurried to his destination by subway. The destination was a very tall office building. When Ye Xin arrived, he looked up and saw four large characters at the top: "Dingsheng Group"! Ye Xin was stunned. Wasn't Dingsheng Group Jiang Zhennan's company? So, it turned out that when Jiang Wanwan asked him to play, she meant playing in their company. He felt the urge to run away. Just then, he suddenly noticed a large group of people setting up something in front of the building. There were already many onlookers at the entrance. "Wow, a confession scene!" Ye Xin was surprised. Indeed, from the setup, it was clearly a large-scale confession scene. A sports car was parked on the open space, adorned with flowers. In front of it was a large bouquet of countless roses. Two rows of people stood nearby, holding balloons, while in front, a heart-shaped arrangement of candles was placed. Next to it, there was a large speaker! Curious, Ye Xin went over. Just then, his phone rang, and he glanced at it; it was a call from Jiang Wanwan. He answered, "Hello!" "Hello, you haven't arrived yet," Jiang Wanwan said on the other end. "I have, you called me to play at your company? Are you kidding me?" Ye Xin sighed, "But it's worth it. There's someone downstairs confessing love!" "Alright, I'll come down to pick you up!" Jiang Wanwan said. After hanging up, Ye Xin squeezed through the crowd again. After two or three minutes, music suddenly blared from the speakers nearby. "On the left bank of the Seine, at the coffee shop! I hold a cup, savoring your beauty... My dear, falling in love with you was so easy..." The music reverberated throughout the office building, and more and more people gathered at the entrance. "Turtle, this setup is grand! So darn rich," Ye Xin marveled inwardly. Soon, a girl was pushed out, and Ye Xin thought, "The leading lady has made her appearance." But when he looked over, he was stunned. The person being pushed out was actually Jiang Wanwan! "What's going on?" Ye Xin was puzzled! At this moment, Jiang Wanwan's face was a little red, seemingly embarrassed under the gaze of so many people. Unlike when facing Ye Xin, she appeared cold now, similar to when Ye Xin first saw her at the Marriott Hotel. She seemed to be scanning the surroundings, searching for something. "Hmm, interesting. I'll record a video of her!" Ye Xin took out his phone and started recording. He squeezed to the front of the crowd, holding up his phone, and joining the cheering crowd. Soon, Jiang Wanwan saw Ye Xin. When she saw Ye Xin excitedly filming with his phone, she couldn't help but roll her eyes. At this moment, the car door suddenly opened, and a handsome young man with sunglasses emerged, holding a bouquet of roses that looked expensive at first glance. With a smile, he got out of the car. After getting out of the car, seven or eight well-dressed young men immediately followed him. Those standing on both sides held balloons, and the balloons rose into the sky simultaneously. The young man also held a microphone and started singing along with the music! It had to be said that the scene looked incredibly romantic, and the man was tall, handsome, and obviously wealthy! Most women would definitely not refuse such a confession! After finishing the song, the man walked up to Jiang Wanwan. By this time, Jiang Wanwan's face was already flushed, and she stared at him, saying, "Lan Xing, what are you doing? Aren't you embarrassed?" Ignoring her, Lan Xing held the roses and then knelt down on one knee, lifting the roses and saying, "Be my girlfriend!" At the moment he knelt down, everyone behind him knelt down as well, clasping their hands together in a praying posture. Ye Xin looked over and was speechless. He actually recognized someone among the kneeling crowd, the bruised and swollen Chen Yi! "Say yes! Say yes!" "Say yes!" In the crowd, a group of people started cheering, and Ye Xin joined in. "Be my girlfriend!" At this moment, Lan Xing became visibly excited and shouted loudly. "No!" Amidst the shouts, Jiang Wanwan's cold refusal rang out. The cheering suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at Jiang Wanwan in surprise. Especially the girls who were watching. They wished they could run over and stand in Jiang Wanwan's place. "Why not," Lan Xing frowned, "I've been chasing you for five years!" Jiang Wanwan calmly said, "I already have a boyfriend, so don't bother me in the future." "Hmph, I don't believe it!" Lan Xing said lightly, "Any man who gets close to you, I've dealt with them. How could you possibly have a boyfriend?" Ye Xin was astonished; this guy was a domineering CEO! Jiang Wanwan glanced at him coldly, "He's here now!" "What?" Lan Xing's eyes flashed with cold light, then he smiled and said, "Who are you trying to fool?" At this moment, Jiang Wanwan walked down the steps and then stepped towards Ye Xin, who was filming with his phone. Then she turned around and looked at Lan Xing, saying, "It's him!" Swish! In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on him!

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