022 Red rose

1831 Words
Ye Xin was dumbfounded, holding his phone, gazing at Jiang Wanwan! At this moment, he finally understood why Jiang Wanwan had called him over. It wasn't an invitation for leisure, but rather a deployment of him as a pawn. Clearly, this confession had been orchestrated long in advance. Jiang Wanwan probably knew upstairs, then she gave Ye Xin a call, asking him to come over as reinforcement. Ye Xin cursed inwardly, wanting to slip away unnoticed. All eyes were on him, including Chen Yi on the ground, who, upon seeing Ye Xin, first muttered with a slight astonishment, "Why is this fellow everywhere? Isn't he Qian Qian's boyfriend?" Then, his eyes sparkled slightly, and he remarked, "It seems my guess was correct; he's Qian Qian's invited boyfriend! But why did Chen Dengyun act so subservient towards him at the bar yesterday? What's his relationship with Jiang Zhennan?" For a moment, many thoughts crossed his mind, but he remained silent, allowing this opportunity to reprimand him with the help of Lan Xing. Meanwhile, Jiang Wanwan directly linked arms with Ye Xin, who attempted to shake her off and flee, but Jiang Wanwan held on tightly, whispering, "You've helped Qian Qian sister before; you must help me now!" "I'll help you? Bah!" Ye Xin sneered. Seeing Jiang Wanwan linking arms with Ye Xin, Lan Xing's face turned green. He stood up with a dark expression, glaring at Ye Xin. Ye Xin cleared his throat and said, "I'm not her boyfriend. Don't misunderstand. I have no relationship with her." But evidently, Lan Xing didn't listen. He stared fiercely at Ye Xin, his eyes seemingly ready to shoot fire. "Kid, very well. You dare touch my woman; just wait," Lan Xing threatened directly. "Who's your woman? Watch your language," Jiang Wanwan retorted coldly, giving him a stern look, then turning to Ye Xin, she said softly, "Darling, let's go upstairs. I've prepared a loving lunch for you!" The latter half of her sentence gave Ye Xin goosebumps all over. Meanwhile, Lan Xing's eyeballs were nearly popping out. He had pursued Jiang Wanwan for years, but she had never spoken to him in such a tone. He was both jealous and angry. "You..." he gritted his teeth, waving his hand. In the next instant, several people behind him crowded around. Jiang Wanwan's eyes chilled. "Lan Xing, are you planning to make a scene in front of our company?" "As long as this kid breaks up with you now, I promise he'll leave safely," Lan Xing said angrily. Ye Xin was speechless. This guy was a complete moron. He had explained himself, but evidently, none of it had sunk in. "What are you all crowding around for? Don't you want to work?" At that moment, a voice with a hint of authority rang out. At the entrance of the office building, Jiang Zhennan, dressed in a suit, walked out, frowning as he looked at Lan Xing. "Lan Xing, did you come here to cause trouble?" Lan Xing gritted his teeth, looking at Jiang Zhennan. "Uncle Jiang, you said I could openly pursue Wanwan, so I came. But Wanwan said she has a boyfriend now. Look, can someone like him be worthy of Wanwan?" Jiang Zhennan was momentarily surprised, then he looked towards Jiang Wanwan's direction! Ye Xin shrugged helplessly at him. In Jiang Zhennan's eyes, a hint of pleasant surprise flickered, then he turned to Lan Xing and said, "I said you could pursue Wanwan openly, but that doesn't include you. Now get lost, or I'll have security escort you out!" "Uncle Jiang!" Lan Xing's expression changed slightly. "Who's your uncle? Get lost." Jiang Zhennan said, then turned to the onlookers, scolding, "What are you all standing around for? Aren't you going to work?" The crowd dispersed in a hurry. Then Jiang Zhennan said, "Didn't you see? Wanwan already has a boyfriend. Don't come looking for her in the future. Wanwan, let's go upstairs!" The smile on Jiang Wanwan's face disappeared in an instant, reverting to her icy demeanor. She linked arms with Ye Xin and walked towards the office building. Ye Xin felt speechless. It seemed he was truly indispensable now. This Lan Xing had no brains. Even after Ye Xin explained, he still didn't believe it. Ye Xin couldn't be bothered to explain further. Naturally, Lan Xing didn't dare to cause trouble in front of Jiang Zhennan. But as Ye Xin passed by him, Lan Xing said with a dark expression, "You're finished!" Ye Xin shrugged indifferently, following Jiang Wanwan into the office building. Jiang Zhennan looked at the two of them and said, "Ahem, I didn't expect you two to become official so quickly." Jiang Wanwan's face flushed slightly. Just as she was about to explain, Jiang Zhennan continued, "Ye Xin, don't worry, I'm very satisfied with you. No complaints at all. How about you two pick a date in the next few days, get the papers sorted out, and perhaps arrange for the wedding banquet too?" Ye Xin twitched his lips a few times. How eager was Jiang Zhennan to marry off his daughter? "Dad!" Jiang Wanwan's face turned red, quickly letting go of Ye Xin's arm and saying, "What nonsense are you talking about? I just saw Lan Xing coming over to pester me, so I asked Ye Xin to help me deal with it." "It wasn't an invitation, it was deception," Ye Xin said helplessly. Jiang Zhennan was taken aback, then shook his head. "Ah, indeed getting old. I don't understand the world of you young people. Chat amongst yourselves, I'll leave first!" With that, he gave the two of them a meaningful glance and walked away. "Thanks!" Jiang Wanwan finally said to Ye Xin, "We're even now." "After all the trouble you caused me, we're even?" Ye Xin said speechlessly. "You don't know, this Lan Xing is despicable. I knew him in college. Whenever a guy approached me, he would threaten and beat them up, leading to me having no male friends now." Jiang Wanwan said, "Today when I saw him coming, you were the only one I thought of." She glanced at Ye Xin and added, "Xiao Wei told me yesterday when someone tried to assassinate me, you ran away. You owe me a favor. Today evens it out." Ye Xin sighed inwardly. He was naturally lazy and didn't bother explaining much to Jiang Wanwan. He shrugged and said, "Whatever you say. If there's nothing else, I'll leave now." "Are you sure you want to leave? Lan Xing and his friends are still outside," Jiang Wanwan said. Ye Xin frowned. "Then forget it. I'll stay for a while longer." "Hmph , you're really a coward. No wonder you ran away yesterday. I don't know why my dad was so polite to you," Jiang Wanwan said with a puzzled look. "Well, regardless, I still have to thank you. Dinner tonight, my treat. I'll also introduce you to a beauty as gorgeous as me!" Ye Xin naturally didn't believe her lies anymore, but to help ensure Jiang Wanwan's safety along with Ze Qiu Yu and the others, he agreed. "Fine, let's go to my office together then. Wait a while!" Jiang Wanwan said, then turned away! ... At this moment, outside, Lan Xing and his group left with dark expressions. As for the entrance strewn with flowers, naturally, they didn't bother to clean it up. They found a bar, called for some hostesses, and began partying in broad daylight. Lan Xing sat there, with a sulky expression, his right arm around a sexy woman, his face dark! At this moment, Chen Yi leaned over and said, "Star, don't be angry. That Ye Xin is just a loser." "Ye Xin? You mean the guy next to Wanwan? You know him?" Lan Xing looked at Chen Yi in surprise. "Yeah!" Chen Yi politely lit a cigarette for Lan Xing and said, "He's the ex-husband of Han Shuo's current girlfriend. He used to work as a laborer on a construction site. I don't know how, but he pretended to be Qian Qian's boyfriend and attended the gathering hosted by Old Man Jiang a few days ago. It seems Old Man Jiang knows him..." Lan Xing's eyes lit up. "You're the one who got kicked out of the gathering because of him?" "Yes, Old Man Jiang didn't invite you because he had some slight bias against you." Chen Yi hastened to explain, "Yesterday, I was at Chen Dengyun's bar planning to teach him a lesson, but Old Man Jiang called Chen Dengyun and said that Ye Xin was his friend. That's why I got beaten up by Chen Dengyun. But Chen Dengyun is afraid of Old Man Jiang, so you don't have to worry!" "So, he's just a nobody with no background, right?" Lan Xing's eyes flashed with a sinister light! Then he forcefully pinched the thigh of the woman in his arms! ... At four in the afternoon, Jiang Wanwan left the office early with Ye Xin. She didn't care that it wasn't yet time to leave work. After all, it was her own company. The two of them drove towards the airport. At the airport exit, Jiang Wanwan stood there with anticipation written all over her face, saying to Ye Xin beside her, "Don't worry, I won't let you down. My senior sister used to accompany me, and we were known as the two campus beauties of Linhai University!" Ye Xin's heart skipped a beat. "You went to Linhai University?" "Are you also from there?" Jiang Wanwan asked in surprise. "It shouldn't be. Graduates from Linhai University wouldn't end up doing manual labor!" Ye Xin twitched his lips, not explaining much. Linhai was just his hometown after all! Not long after, people started coming out of the exit one after another. Jiang Wanwan waved towards a certain direction! At that moment, Ye Xin's heart suddenly jolted, and then, his gaze quickly locked onto a person. It was a woman in a red dress who had just come out of the exit, attracting the attention of countless men. She wore sunglasses, stood at about one meter seventy, her hot figure accentuated under the tight red dress! An absolute beauty! She seemed accustomed to such attention, paying no heed whatsoever, dragging her suitcase through the crowd. A hint of a cold smile appeared at the corner of Ye Xin's mouth. "It seems He Xun's death made He Lan Tian unable to sit still. The Red Rose has even come to Jiangcheng!" "Ye Xin, what are you looking at? Come on, let me introduce you!" Jiang Wanwan said. Ye Xin retracted his gaze and turned around. At this moment, three more people appeared in front of him, two women and one man! When Ye Xin's gaze fell on them, their eyes also met his, and both sides showed a slight change in their expressions! Then, the three of them spoke at the same time, "It's you!"
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