
2550 Words
*Jake POV* I can’t hide my surprise when I wake up to find Tanya smiling at me. Long dark hair tied into a ponytail, perfectly round face, sexy dreamy eyes, full luscious lips and my shirt, it’s a freakin awesome sight. The tray with English breakfast is a complete shock. No woman has ever made breakfast for me before. “Morning, Handsome,” she greets with a huge smile on her face. I guess she has no regrets about last night and that’s just swell! “Morning, Gorgeous. That shirt looks amazing on you.” She giggles, places the tray over the side chest and takes a seat next to me. “I couldn’t resist wearing it. I hope you don’t mind. Hungry?” I can’t help but chuckle before pulling her towards me making her fall right on top of me. I don’t know of any guy who would mind a sexy woman wearing his shirt after a very steamy night. I curse under my breath when I realise that the shirt has moved up, revealing her sensual butt and I can’t resist foundling and squeezing it. “Breakfast will have to wait because I am starving.” She blushes and wraps her arms around my neck. Absolutely gorgeous! “I can’t have you starve now,” she says with a honeyed voice that just fuels the desires she evoked the day before. Woman after my own heart! It’s an hour later when my stomach starts growling. She laughs before getting up and flattering her eyebrows at me. “I guess you will have breakfast now?” I am already eating by the time she comes to my side. “Jake, it’s cold! Let me warm it for you.” Her concern is really cute and touching but I am not fussy. “I did tell you that I lived in the streets, right?” She nods her cute head. “Then you will know that I am not fussy about food. Having it is a luxury.” “I know that you had a tough life, but I want to spoil you and maybe one day you will forget all of it.” I sigh and stop eating. It is time I address the elephant hiding in this room. “That might take a long time, Tanya. Even a lifetime.” She does not know all the details like Leticia but I never hid my tough childhood from her. Those are scars that are hard to heal, even the therapist told me that. “I know, we are still young. I have enough time to help you heal.” “What are you saying to me, Tanya?” I can hear her loudly but none of it makes sense to me. Her face gets all flushed and she starts stammering. Maybe I have put her on the spot and that’s not my intention. “Hey, no judgment from me, you know that.” She sighs. “Here comes nothing. I think…I want to be there for however long you want me around you.” Now I am really shocked. Very few women have time for a broke and broken man. As flattering as this is, I still need to make sure that she knows what she is getting herself into. “I am a nobody, Tanya. As of yesterday, I am jobless and homeless.” “I know.” “The savings on my account would not afford anything you don’t have already. I can not spoil you,” I proceed and she goes ballistic on me. I hit a nerve but that was not my intention. “I am no longer the artificial girl who ran after wealth and celebrities, I thought you knew th…” “I know that, Tanya. This is not about you, but my situation and I need you to understand what you are choosing.” Her eyes are now blazing, she has completely misunderstood me. “I do, but you obviously don’t think so. I bet you never had this conversation with that w***e you chose over me.” I feel bad for laughing but I can’t help myself. She is really upset about this and I find it so cute. “Listen, Babe. I never had this conversation with Leticia because she was poor like me, you are not. You have more than I will ever dream of having in my lifetime. You are the gorgeous Miss Asherway with billionaires chasing you. You are very kind but I don’t want you making sacrifices because you pity me.” She curves her lips up like she does when she is really determined to do something. “I don’t pity you, Jake, but maybe I should be the one asking the questions. I really like you and I want to be with you. The question is do you like me or not?” “Seriously? What’s there not to like? Like, have you looked at yourself?” She blushes before sitting on my lap and I can’t resist kissing her. “Okay, then. Eat your food so we can go get your stuff from that place.” “We?” “You don’t think I will let you face that witch and wizard on your own now, do you?” “Yes, Ma’am.” A hour later, we arrive at the racing club. This woman parks right in front of George and his friends. They are really surprised to see me coming out of Tanya’s sports car. I realise that she is not planning on coming out when I close my door before she makes any effort. Walking around to the driver’s side, I open the door and offer her my hand. She does not only accept it but as soon as she is out, she pushes me against the car and starts kissing me. We are both breathless by the time she breaks the kiss and backs away. I pull her back and force her to look at me. “What are you doing?” “Marking my territory,” she says with a straight face and pulls me towards the clubhouse. I can’t help but laugh. I am in for a very interesting ride here. I give George a ‘check mate’ wink as we pass him and his groupies. It’s really satisfying to see his face turn red with anger. It’s no secret that he has been trying to get Tanya for years now and she has turned him down. It must really hurt to see her like this with me, a person he regards as nothing. Leticia approaches us the moment we walk through the door. I can feel Tanya’s body tensing before glaring at her. “Here comes the slut….” “Don’t,” I cut her off and she gives me a sulking look. Women are really from Mars but I can handle it. A peck on her lips and she’s all relaxed again. “Never stoop that low. She’s not worth it,” I say with my lips a few centimetres from hers. “Fine, but I won’t be nice to her because she hurt you.” I have not seen this protective and almost childish side of her before. It is really amusing. “My hero,” I tease and turn to Leticia, who sneers and throws a document at me. “You are fired. You have until the end of this day to pack your stuff and leave the premises,” she says angrily as if she is the one firing me. The document falls on the floor while she storms back to her desk. Her step even changes with exaggerated waist movements as soon as George and his friends walk through the door. I shake my head at how she has changed. Again, I am grateful that her humble father is not here to witness it. Taking a step towards the paper, Tanya rushes ahead of me. “No, let me.” I smile as soon as she bends, pressing her buttocks against my crotch, raising a very familiar feeling. This woman has no boundaries! In a public seductive stunt, she slowly gets up, rests her head against my chest and innocently looks up at me. I look down at her while whistles and cheers fill the reception from my colleagues I did not even notice arriving. “Let’s get my stuff and get out of here.” I can’t musk the desire on my voice. She giggles and pouts, really proud of herself. “Yes, Sir.” “Ahem!” Five of my colleagues stand a few feet from us, undecided on what to do. “Hey, Guys.” “We came to help you pack, but it seems you are…”they hesitate. “Please, come and help. I do need someone to distract me and keep her in check, otherwise I will not be doing any packing,” I say mischievously while they laugh and she rolls her eyes at me. We are heading towards the elevators when a deafening sound from the racing tract is heard. We all rush to the glass overlooking the area to investigate. It takes a few minutes before the smoke clears and we are all shocked. “Is that…?” Tanya can’t complete her sentence, this is massive. “Yes, Babe, that’s the president,” I confirm before it dawns on me what is actually happening out there. The bomb we heard a few minutes ago took out most of the president’s protection detail. A few are crawling on the floor trying to get away with the president while the rest are trying to fire back to buy time. My heart starts pounding. “The president is under attack. He is outnumbered, someone call the cops,” I say already running towards the race tract. “Jake! Are you crazy?” Tanya shouts behind me. “He is the president, Babe. It’s my responsibility to protect him.” “You are not trained for this, Jake,” she cries but I am already sprinting towards the battlefield. I pick up a machine gun and take off the bulletproof vest from the first guard I find laying dead on the floor before running towards the president. I am shocked at how at ease I feel here with all the guns blazing. My heart is no longer pounding now but completely still. I have counted at least ten shooters closing in on us. The president is now up with a gun on his hand and dragging his injured leg away from the gunshots. He can’t hide the shock on his face when he sees me. “Jake?” I am surprised that he knows my name. He is a regular at the racetrack, but we don’t get to interact with him much. The protocol is always to clear the tract, get him set and out of sight. That explains why none of the staff was here during the blast. “Mr President. I am here to assist, Sir.” “Thank you, Son. I am not sure how much you can do. As you can see, my guards are out. Maybe it is my time.” “We will both find out. Hold on to my shoulder, I know this place like the back of my hand.” He nods while I open fire at the men who now have us surrounded and this gun comes alive. Unlike the heavy ones Bra Joe had me and Ty us practice with, this one is the state of the art invention. I can zoom into my target and accurately aim. Bra Joe use to say I am a natural, now I believe it. I feel so much alive out here in this chaos, I am in control and lethal. They realise it too because they back away, giving us a chance to slip into a corner. “s**t! You are good!” Honestly, I am just as surprised. An idea forms in my head when I see one of the racing cars a few distance away from us. I have never had the pleasure of driving these cars but I have seen them move. “Can you drive with that leg, Sir?” “Cut the Sir now, call me Stern and yes, I can.” “Good.” Now I know how to get us out of here and hopefully alive. “What are you thinking?” “We are sitting ducks here, waiting for another ambush. Let’s take the fire to them,” I suggest and he laughs and starts limping towards the car. “You really are Olivia and Dan’s son, Kid.” I freeze, completely shocked that he knows my parents. “Sir?” I don’t get to focus on this because a bullet grazes my arm. s**t! They have regrouped faster than I thought. I grab the president and literally drag him towards the car. “Let’s go, S..Stern.” “This thing takes one person, Jake,” he says when we get to the car. “I know. I will sit on top of it,”I let him in on our crazy way out. “It’s also very fast!” “I am betting on that.” Maybe I should be concerned as he is but adrenaline has me ready for anything now. He sighs, obviously with no confidence in this but I am all that he has now. “What’s the whole plan?” “I will need your gun. You drive towards them, I shoot. That’s the plan.” “If you fall?” “Don’t stop, drive through that ramp, through the clubhouse and out into the street.” He nods and passes his gun to me before getting in. Jumping on top, I hook my legs on the bars on either side and adjust the two guns on both my hands. The engine comes alive but no movement. “Stern?” I shout my lungs out. The longer we take with this the slimmer are our chances of survival. “Are you sure about this?” he shouts back. “This is the only way I see, drive!” That’s enough to get him to comply. The wind brows against me as this beast flys forward. I open fire as soon as we turn the corner and Stern drives over some of the shooters. I am disappointed with the few I managed to take down. I underestimated the challenges of shooting from a moving car with the wind blowing against me. Stern takes an unexpected turn, almost throwing me off the car. The time I stabilise myself we are facing the shooters again and he literally runs over four of them. I don’t think they expected a fight back from us. They start fleeing while I shoot and Stern runs them over. Soon the place is packed with police, special forces and ambulances. The paramedics are tending to the President’s leg by the time the special forces finish taking my statement. “I guess it was not our time, Sir.” He shakes his head and laughs. “After all of this, we need to talk.”
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