Undercover agent

1187 Words
*Jake POV* “Jake! Jake! Jake!” My colleagues shout like I am some superhero the moment I walk into the clubhouse. “Seriously, Guys?” “Dude, you saved the president. You were awesome!” “Everyone wants a piece of you out there.” Guys can also be very dramatic sometimes. I entertain them for a few minutes before attempting to leave. Now that everything has settled down, I am actually exhausted and want to get out of here. “Where’s Tanya?” “Huh!” There’s definitely a story there. “Huh, what?” “She is fuming that you risked your life like that. Melanie had to console her the whole time you were out there. Poor Melanie even had to dig up her childhood prayers,”one responds and it starts all over again. “Don’t listen to them, Jake, but she is really upset. You better have some charms up your sleeve for getting her so worried,” Melanie objects but I can totally see her consoling and praying with Tanya. She is one of the kindest and empathetic women in the racetrack. “Our Miss Asherway is really into you, man.” “Where is she?” “Outside with the crowd. Special forces only let us in because we work here,” Melanie explains. I am already walking towards the door by the time she completes her sentence. I know that I should be worried but knowing that Tanya cares about me feels incredible. I have just stepped outside when she emotionally runs into my arms and completely breaks down, pulling my heartstrings. I suddenly feel so guilty for getting her so worried and squeeze her tight. “I’m okay and I am sorry for freaking you out.” She does not acknowledge my apology but fuss over my scrape. “Your arm….” “It’s a small scratch, Babe, I promise.” I don’t know how we got to this stage where I am apologising for almost getting hurt. This thing between us only started the day before yet if feels like it’s been years already. I am not forgiven yet when the paparazzi and the media surrounds us with their cameras flashing from every direction. I suddenly have hundred microphones stuffed to my face. Now I know why celebrities need guards. “Jake…” “Mr Anderson…” I hold Tanya close to me, contemplating our escape, but there is no way through them. “How long have you been undercover?” I don’t even know which direction that question came from but I am utterly shocked by it. “What? No!” I regret the moment the words come out of my lips. ‘No comment’ is what Bra Joe thought me was the most accurate response to a situation like this. “The cat is out of the bag, Sir. The whole country has seen the footage of what occurred in that racetrack. You are definitely no janitor…” “Are you the president’s secret guard?” “Rumours are you were recommend by Mr Smith himself to be hired here. Did the presidency know of this threat? Is that why you have been undercover all this time?” I don’t know how the presidency or undercover situation works, but to suggest that I was undercover for over a year is just ridiculous but they don’t seem to think so. The flood of questions that follow are all on the premise that I am an agent and apparently have associations with the man I am also curious about. “Are you a secret agent under Mr Smith? Did he train you? Is he still active? Do you know who is behind the attempted assassination of the president?” Tanya continues burying her head on my chest while I stand there stunned. “Come on, Mr Anderson. You must tell us something.” I am starting to think this might go on forever when I hear the unmistakable commanding voice of the Secretary of State. “Mr Anderson is not a secret agent, nor was he undercover. He is an extraordinary citizen who saw the president in trouble and protected him. We, as the presidency and the country as a whole….” Tanya and I slip away the moment the cameras move towards Madam Secretary. We are a few steps away from the parking lot when she tosses me her car keys and heads towards the passenger side. I look at her inquisitively. I am pretty sure that she has no idea if I can drive, yet she’s expecting me to. “You just operated two guns while sitting on top of a car moving at 300 km per hour, don’t tell me you can’t drive.” “Yes, Ma’am,” I am really amused at how she is taking all of this. She rolls her eyes and slip in. I guess I have to drive. It takes just over ten minutes to get to Tanya’s flat. The television we left on is showing the footage of the president’s attack and so many speculation are going around about my identity. I leave the lounge and head straight to the bedroom because all I want is rest my exhausted body. Tanya quietly follows me but stands at the bed foot, just staring at me. I would rather she was resting next to me but she is still upset with me. “I am sorry, okay?” She folds her arms over her chest. “Does that mean you won’t do anything that reckless again?” “It was the president, Babe.” My response makes things worse and she start yelling. “I don’t care who it was, Jake. You have to think about how I would feel if something happened to you. You can’t ju….” she chokes on her tears. I really don’t get how she is so emotional when she can see that I am all well. “Okay, I will think about your feelings and I love you too.” She wipes her tears and looks suspiciously at me. “Are you just saying that to shut me up?” “Well, Mercy Drew was my first love…” “Shut up! That’s my mother, you i***t!” she exclaims. I can’t help but laugh at her reaction. At least she’s no longer angry or crying. She finally jumps on the bed and rests her head on my chest. “It is in my nature to help when someone is in trouble. I did not mean to hurt you. No one has really cared about my safety in a long time. No one has publicly seduced me to get back at my tormentors either. What I am trying to say is, I don’t have much to offer you but know that I will never forget what you did for me today and I will never take you for granted.” She nods her head and yawns. I guess I am not the only one tired. We did have a late night after all.
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