Chapter 005

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“Daisy, don’t do this to me,” Alexander cried. “We can still fix this. We can still get back together. Forget about Martha, I’ll make you the Luna of this pack.” But I was no longer interested in him or the mate bond. Immediately I rejected him, I felt free and my wolf welcomed the desire to find someone better for us. “It’s over between us, Alexander.” I voiced, my eyes narrowed in anger. I was fighting my emotions and my wolf’s desire to rip him to pieces. “If you ever try to touch her again or even come close, I promise that you’ll not live to tell the tales.” Landon growled at him in anger. Watching how possessive and protective he was of me was truly beautiful. Why did I have to settle for Alexander who cheated on me with my best friend when I could be with Landon? After all, Alexander would lose his position as the Alpha and he would have nothing. That was enough revenge for me. We left the pack house and I decided to go see my mother. I knew she was worried sick about me and I needed to give her a good explanation for disappearing. Also, if I was going to go back to Crescent pack with Landon, I needed to tell her everything. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Landon asked, caressing my arm. My quietness during the car ride seemed to make him uncomfortable. “I know what you did today was hard but I promise you that you’ll never regret it. He doesn’t deserve you.” “Thank you,” I said, flashing him a smile. “I always believed I would spend the rest of my life with him. It’s crazy how people can change overnight.” “True.” He replied. “I hope you can give me a chance to prove my love to you. You’re the center of my world now and I hope you know it.” My stomach fluttered and I tried to hide the blush on my face. Lycans were very direct and passionate. I once heard about a lycan that went rogue after the death of his erasthai and killed an entire pack. I wondered if Landon would do the same for me. The way he looked at me spun my head like crazy. He was like a force, a force that blew up anything that got in his way of being with me. “We’re here,” I said, and the car came to a halt in front of my apartment. It was a small house, compared to others but it was comfortable. My mother and I took care of it and learned to appreciate everything we had. “Be calm,” I said to myself. I didn’t know how my mother would handle my disappearance and arrival with the Lycan Prince. She would be devastated that my mate rejected me but I really wanted her to give Landon a chance. I took a deep breath before I rang the doorbell, Landon standing next to me. The door flung open and my mother, wrapped in a fur coat, stood with her eyes wide open. She looked at me like she had just seen a ghost. “Mum–” She pulled me in for a hug before I could say a word. I felt a drop of her tears on my neck and my heart shattered. When she pulled back, I noticed the eye bags around her eyes. She must have been crying all night because of me. “I’m sorry, mum.” I whispered. “I thought you were gone like your father. I thought I lost you.” She said, her voice breaking. “Don’t you ever do that to me again. If you’re going to leave, tell me. You’re all I have.” “I promise.” I nodded and she pulled me in for another hug. When we separated, her gaze fell on Landon who was standing confidently behind me. Seeing the way he stood, I realized he was used to power and attention. I cleared my throat. “Mum, this is Landon, Prince Landon. He is the –” “Lycan Prince.” My mum finished, her eyes still fixed on Landon. She suddenly regained her composure and bowed. “Your highness, it’s an honor to meet you.” I didn’t know everyone knew the lycan royals because I grew up hearing little about them. All I knew was that they governed all the packs in our region and they were fierce creatures to tackle. Fierce but extremely beautiful and breathtaking. Landon smiled and lifted her chin. “The honor is mine.” “Please come in,” She let us in quickly, beaming with joy. It was very rare to receive a visit from the Lycan royals and I was sure my mother felt on top of the world. “What would you like to have? Tea? Wine? I have some cookies too,” “Mum, I’m sure he’s fine.” I chipped in. “I wasn’t asking you,” she replied. Landon chuckled softly. “I’ll have water.” I watched as my mum sprinted around to get a glass of water for him. Seeing her reaction to him, I began to realize that she would be delighted to know I was his fated mate. She would be so proud of me for landing a Lycan Prince. “Why did you leave?” My mother asked, after handing Landon a glass of water. “Alexander was here last night and he claimed he had no idea why you left. He was so worried about you. I hope you’ve seen him and assured him of your safety.” Of course, he knew nothing about my disappearance. He was always a lying hypocrite but I was just too in love to notice it. “I left because of Alexander,” I answered, my face scrunched up with disgust. “He lied to you, mum.” She shifted uneasily in her seat, her eyes darting between Landon and I. I knew she was quite uncomfortable talking about Alexander in front of him. “You can speak freely, mum.” I said. “He knows everything.” Her shoulders relaxed immediately and she exhaled. “What did Alexander do? Are you both fighting again? You know he cares for you deeply and he’s going to be officially crowned the Alpha of this pack. You should try to understand him sometimes.” My mother had always liked Alexander and she was so proud of us. She would boast to her friends and tell them how I was going to be the future Luna of the pack. Right then, I didn’t know how to break the news to her. With a deep breath, I spoke. “Alexander cheated on me, mum. He cheated on me with Martha.” I watched as the intensity of my words hit her. Her eyes widened with shock and she rose to her feet swiftly. “What?” “He’s no longer my mate. We’ve both rejected the mate bond.” I broke the final news to her.
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