Chapter IV - Ancient Time

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        “Uh, okay. I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to offend you,” Lucas chose to yield rather than make a fuss. He still does not know this place.         Those men nodded and let him be. Lucas chose to go back to that igloo because he felt so cold outside. He can warmth himself at the small bonfire.          When he sits in front of the fire, he tried to remember what happened to him while he was sleep. He was a typical person who easily wake up just by a small sound. But, he could not remember if he heard some strange noise in his room or not.          The three men followed him to the igloo. He looked at them with curious because they began to sit around him. They put their hands in front of the fire to warm themselves so Lucas just ignore them. But, suddenly one of them start talking to him.          “What's your name? I never see you around here,” he asked.          “Ah, I think I've got lost. My name is Lucas Morgan Whitlock, please call me Lucas,” he smiles at them tried to be friendly. He did not know this place so he would like to befriend with them even he never tried it before.          “Your name was unique. What country do you lives?” they look interested on him now.          “Bristol,” he said directly. They frowning their forehead.          “What is Bristol? I never heard that name before and I think there's no town called Bristol around here. You have lost so far then,” they assumed. “I think so too. May I know what's your name?” asked Lucas with politely.          “I'm Loposwee Merilque,” a man with bushy mustache said in low voice. Lucas never heard such a name.          “Beribea Pulloxy,” said another man with a long scar at his face. Another unique name, Lucas thought.          “Szuonn Sororii,” the last man who asked him first told him.          “Ehm, it's hard names. What should I call you?” Lucas get confused by how to call their unique name.          “Just call us, Zuonn, Bea, and Lopo,” Szuonn pointed at his friends. Lucas nodded.          Lucas then understand why they said his name was unique. The citizen of this country must be has difficult names as them.          “We never see a clothes like you. Who design it? It looks so strange,” Bea frowned his forehead as he looks at Lucas from the top to the bottom.          Lucas look himself. He just wearing a shorts and a loose shirt to sleep. He understands that they never see his clothes because they were wearing a fur coat that wrapped their bodies and tied it with some rough laces in the middle to separate upper body and lower body. Lucas does not want to know what kind of underwear they were wearing behind that coat. Must be strange as well.          “Um, it's a common clothes in my country,” Lucas did not want to explain everything to them because it will feel like teaching some kids about the world and he was not so good at doing that.          The three of them nodded and they start to stand up. Lucas curiously to see what they did. They exit the igloo so Lucas quickly asked them.          “Where'd you go?”          “Hunting. It's about time for dinner,” said Lopo who the last out from the igloo.          When Lucas heard what they said, he was sure that he already lost to some rural area where hunting still become a way to get their meals.          Now, Lucas wants to go back to the first place where he was awake before. He need to find a clue about what happened to him.          “Err, excuse me? May I join with you?” he asked with chasing them quickly. They turned around and look at him.          “Oh, do you want some meat too? Don't worry, we will share our hunt with you later. You need some rest because you just fainted,” Lopo declined his favor.          “No. I just need to go back to the place where you found me. There's something I need to check,” said Lucas quickly.          They looked each other when heard Lucas. They seem to discuss it before talked to him again.          “Alright. We will drop you there. Follow us,” they said and keeps walking in front of him. Lucas tried to keep the same path as them because he hard to walk with ancient shoes like this.          They went into a snowy field near the igloo and Lucas could see some trees already frozen and does not have any leaf left there. Everything was covered in white. There was a horse stable near the trees. Lucas could see some horses were tied up to the trees. Zuonn, Bea and Lopo took their horses and out from the stable. Lopo who came to the last approaching Lucas.          “Jump in,” he said.          Lucas widened his eyes. He never rides a horse before and he does not know how to do it. He just stunned at his place and gulping. He afraid that the horse will kick him from his back.          “What's the matter?” Lopo asked again because Lucas just stunned and looked at his horse.          “I never ride a horse before...” he said in low voice.          Lopo did not laugh at him. Before Lucas realized, Zuonn the big guy already lifted his body and put Lucas behind Lopo with easily. Lucas really surprised and afraid that he quickly held Lopo's waist.          “Don't fall, man!” Lopo laughed and he started to move his horse.          The horse neighs before dashing off. Lucas really afraid and he did not realize that he screaming in fear. The surge he felt when the horse was running scared him to the death. He could feel that his body was thrown up several times to the air. His face turned to be pale. He was not an athletic guy and this sport really makes him lost his soul.          The chill that blows to them also make Lucas shivering. His legs turned to be so cold because he just wearing a shorts.  His teeth chattered all the way. He could not open his eyes because the cold wind makes him hard to see.         
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