Chapter III - Sororice, Chelsky

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        Lucas really confused right now. If it is not a dream, then how could he went to unknown place like this? The cold wind dashing on him and he almost feel he will be frozen in a minute later. Lucas then running to some direction randomly. He wants to find a shelter. His leg already numbs because of the cold but he forced it to keep running.          The snow rain was getting heavier and Lucas hard to see his way. This snow field seems endless no matter how far Lucas has running. He almost feels so hopeless and fall down because of tired. Even his lungs bumping so faster to gain more oxygen for him to breath. He suddenly hard to breath normally because of the cold wind start to freeze his lungs.          He almost fainted before he heard something. The sound of hoofs approaching him. He then saw some people ride in horses and stop in front of him who did not have any strength left.          “We found someone!”          He could hear those words before he closed his eyes. He even hopes that he will wake up at his apartment later. Then, everything turns to be black...                                                                                          ***                  Lucas did not know how much he has been fainted or sleeping. He doesn’t know which one the best word for his state right now. But, the coldness has been decreasing and he could feel a warmth of the fire. Lucas slowly turned his head to the right and found a small bonfire at the center of the room. He feels so weak and move slightly. He found out that he was lying on the hard flat rock with a fur carpet covered it.          It's still not his apartment. He found out that the ceiling was made from the ice. It seems like an igloo. He tried to wake up and look around. Nothing in this room except his bed right now and the bonfire. He realized that someone has covered him with a fur coat so he did not freeze.          He tried to walked outside the igloo and he startled a bit by the coldness of the floor he steps. He doesn’t have slippers or shoes to cover his feet. Lucas was imagining that he must be kidnapped by someone and brought up to here. Later on, he shook his head because he knows that there's no one wants to kidnapped him. He does not have any special ability, he did not have any family left, and he is not rich. If someone tried to kidnapped him, maybe the reasonable answer is they wants to make him as a slave.          Ah, you think too much! he thought. He continues his way to exit the igloo and found another igloo around him. Did he was brought to Alaska?          Lucas heard some people were talking behind the igloos. He tried to approaching them. He need to asked where he is right now.          Three men gathered and they seem to talking about something that Lucas did not understand. Their bodies are bigger than him and wears some of fur clothes with rough seams. One of them looked at Lucas who still standing and looking at them.          “Oh, are you awake?” they asked without smiling. Lucas nodded.          “Where am I?” Lucas asked them straightly.          All of them looked to each other. They must be think the same thing, this man lost his memories.          “Do you know who are you?” they asked in return because they need to make sure about this one.          Lucas frowning his forehead. He then realized that his question might seems absurd too them, “Ah, I do know myself. I mean I don't know where I am right now. Could you tell me what town is this?          “This is Sororice. A town of Chelsky,” they answered.          “What? Chelsky? What country is that? I mean, is it still in Europe or America?” Lucas never heard about that name before.          “Europe? America? What did you say???” those men really confused right now.          Lucas tried to patiently explain it to them, “I mean the continent.”          Those men looked at each other in confused. Lucas really don't know how to communicate with them. They seem to be so ancient from their looks.          “Hey, man. Maybe you are too cold so you talk nonsense like that. You should take this shoes for walk so your head did not freeze,” one of them gave him a pair of leather shoes.          Lucas accepted it and looked at the shoes. Basically when you heard about leather shoes, you must be thinking of formal office shoes, right? But, in Lucas hand it was two pieces of fur with a couple of laces. So he tried to imagine how to wear it. He looked down to their feet and found that it was same as his thought. You put your feet in that fur fabric and tied it with the laces. Kind of some ancient stuff in his mind.          But, he did not say anything and just wear it because his feet almost numb again. It was warm but he could feel the ground when walking. He did not realize that his act was being watching by those men.          “You never wear any shoes?” they asked.          “Err, my shoes were not like this. This is the first time I tried some ancient stuff,” Lucas smile a bit. But, the three of them did not smile. They even saw Lucas like a strange man. They even frowning their forehead.          “What?” Lucas asked if his words has something wrong in it.          “Ancient stuff? It’s new model right now! I even give you the best quality of leather shoes!” he shouted in angrily.          Lucas blinking in confused. Is he already too out of fashion date today? But, he was not wrong. He never saw any man wearing leather shoes like this. Maybe the world has turned to be crazy or the fashion designer already out of ideas.          That man also thought that he might be restless these days. Too tired makes him dreaming some crazy things.
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