Chapter XIV - The Mission

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    “This might be confusing, but your times I mean Sororice is the past. My time, Bristol city is the present, and Ghiglea is the future. I don't know how this could have happened but the past and the future has been divided into two worlds. Upper world and underground world. This is like a time machine because you are the beginning of my place. And you will experience as people from my place on next hundred years, after that all of you will turned to be Ghiglea too. This is the process of how ancient times can turn to be modern,” Lucas explained it slowly so they could understand what he just said.     They are silent for a moment and Zuonn just say, “Wow... it's like a dream...”     “I also think so. I just want to go back to my time but I don't know how,” Lucas sighed again.     “And the reason why I'm telling you this because I want both of the worlds can live in peace and help each other. No need to war! Ghiglea could teach you about the technology so you can live with easier. And you could give them some of Similan tree sap for them in exchange,” he added.     “Similan tree sap?” they are confused what the connection between this tree with them. Lucas nodded.     “I have seen in Ghiglea, there are no trees or greens growing up there. That's because they need Similan tree sap to produce trees. This is why they came into Sororice before, they want to make greens town,” he replied. Zuonn nodded because he starts to understand what's the problem right now.     “I do believe in what you just said. It makes sense because I saw them near Similan trees and observe it. But, how about the others? It's not just the three of us who should understand. There's a million people live in Sororice and I doubted they will believe you,” Zuonn makes sense by telling Lucas this problem.     “I know that too. I already think that I should talk to your head chief. Maybe he will do something,” Lucas mumbling and thinking so hard. If the head chief understands what he told to them, this will become a peaceful world.     “Head chief?” they are confused by what Lucas asked for.     “Yeah, I think you have someone who rules everything in Sororice, right?” Lucas asked them back. They were looking to each other.     “We don't have someone like that. We don't have any rules. We just depend to our self for living,” Bea explained. Lucas frowned his forehead.     “No? So you never obey someone that control the town?”     Lopo raised his eyebrows, “There's just for the strongest man in here. We do obey the strongest one.” “Yeah! That's it! I mean that person! Can I meet him?” Lucas looked at him with full of hope.     Lopo just blinking and pointed to someone next to him. Lucas turned his head and confused. Lopo just pointed at Zuonn.     “Zuonn is the strongest man in Sororice. Everyone obeys him.”     Lucas really surprised to know about it. He already admires Zuonn for his calmness and this fact makes him more admiring him.     “That's good! Zuonn, you can help me! Don't you want Sororice feel the warm of the sunlight? If we can make Sororice and Ghiglea living together, everything will be fine!” Lucas really pumped up. Zuonn just looked at him. “I don't think they will listen to me,” said him casually. “You don't need to talk to them. Just make them not attacking Ghiglea. I'll try to talk to Ghiglea too,” said Lucas.     “How you go there again? Jump to that cold river?” Zuonn asked and Lucas started to gulping. He forgot about that thing.     Lucas thinking for a moment. He wants to help them get along but he does not want to jump into that freezing water. He thinks that he might be die by the coldness. But, he did not have a choice.     “Maybe... wish me luck.”                                                                               ***      Lucas waiting the right time to go diving to that frozen river. He does not want to diving in early morning because the weather colder than usual. Until he looked at the sky and see it a little bit brightly, he dares to go to the river. Lucas could feel his heart beat faster because just in minutes he will be freezing until he could not feel anything.     Zuonn already asked Bea and Lopo to go to the main town and waiting for them. Only him who accompany Lucas to go to the river and Lucas really feel so grateful. He cannot imagine if Lopo accompany him. Maybe he will have endlessly arguing with him.     Lucas did not know how many times he had already sighed and gulping when looking at the frozen river. He really hopes that he can keep his live while diving. But, half of his heart hope that if he dies in this place, maybe he could return to his place. He still believes that this is just a dream. But, somehow he could not understand why this dream feels so real.     “Ready?” Zuonn asked and already took his hammer.     Lucas cannot talk because of his nervous. So, he just nodded. Zuonn then take a long gap between his hammer and the river surface. He suddenly smashed the surface with incredibly power that shocked Lucas. Lucas could not hide his surprised face when see that strong power. He then realizes that this is the reason why Zuonn has been choose as the strongest one.     The surface started cracking and suddenly break down. They could see the river current below it. This scenery makes Lucas more nervous than before because it is the time when he will face the coldness. He let his fur jacket slipped down to the ground and rub his hands several times to keep them warm.
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