Chapter 4

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Dear Eli. I was really wondering what's happening outside this cell, it's been a year. My chance of seeing you again is about to pop, I miss you so much. I really wish you a happy life, you are the most kind, beautiful and smart woman. I can't seem to forget you, every night I pray that one day I'll be able to see you soon. That I'll be able to hug and kiss you, your happiness is what I wanted for you. I hope that the man who had your heart? He will take good care of it and love you as much as I do. Eli, take care of yourself. My sentence is near, before I took my last breath I want to see you. I'm hoping to have a glance of you, I love you my dear Eliza. - N Eli wipe her tears away, the letter she reads has a spot in her heart she is sad and curious at the same time. What in the world did that man do to deserve his sentence? The world is really unfair, it seems like the man whose writing the letter really loves the woman he's pertaining too. She was startled when her phone started ringing, her eyes automatically rolled when she saw her mother's name. She stood up, went to the balcony to get some fresh air talking to her mother is sometimes stressful. "Hello daughter!" Her mother's cringe voice said. "How's your vacation with Nexus?" Eli sighed, so they still haven't know. After their Argument Nexus just call twice and never call again, maybe he's enjoying someone's company now. And she doesn't care at all, then she remembered Niccolo and the kiss her face flushed at that thought. "It's fine, why did you call?" "So I don't even have the right to call my daughter?" Eli rolled her eyes she sat on the chair. She loves her mother but sometimes she just don't want to be with her. Rosalinda left her when she was just a kid to work abroad, it was hard for her. Everything was hard because her father's family didn't accept her mother and now they are controlling her life just like her father. "Eli are you still mad at me?" Eli sighed, a tear suddenly rolled down her cheek but she didn't let her mother notice that. "No, I'm just tired." Eli muttered. "I'll call you back." She didn't wait for her mother's answer before ending the call. She get that point, that her mother needs to work for herself but she shouldn't left her with her father's family whose as hard as stone. "Why does my life so complicated?" Eliza shook her head, she stood up and went to her room. She took her hoodie then wear it, she put her shoes on and leave the room. Eliza went to the elevator, she sighed and just ignore does stare they are giving her. Eli immediately stepped out when the door open, she walk towards the exit and call for a cab. "Where to ma'am?" The driver formally said. "Do you know a seafood resto perhaps?" "Yes ma'am." Eli smile and nodded. "Take me there." The driver nodded, Eliza's thought was pre occupied the whole ride. She is watching the building's they were passing by till she notice the drivers looks giving to her. Eli cleared her throat pretending she didn't notice his glance. The driver is about in his mid sixties he has this mix colored of mustache. "I'm sorry but I can't help not to glance on you." The old man said. Eli uncomfortably nodded. "You just resembled a name Eliza Rodeen Santos that much." Suddenly she felt really interested. "Really?" She asked pretended not to know although Niccolo already told her that. At the thought of Niccolo her face flushed so she immediately shook it away. "Where is that woman now?" The driver glance again to her and gave her a friendly smile. "She died at the very young age." He said. Eliza gasped at what the old man just said, so the letter's? The man who right the letter didn't know that Eliza died at the young age? "It was long ago, Elizabeth was a popular young lad in the city. She is the most beautiful among the maiden in the city apart from being beautiful her family is the most powerful people. Eliza became a trophy to Bachelor's but her heart only belongs to Niccolo Reyes, a Gardener in their mansion." Eliza froze, is that really a coincidence? That she met someone named Niccolo? "They had a secret relationship, at first they were so happy they shared those love but it was just for a short period of time. Because Elizabeth's father learned about their relationship." Eliza kept silent, she doesn't know what to feel. So their love story is a tragic one? "Señior Theodore framed Niccolo, they made a story saying that Niccolo tried to r**e Eliza. The community despise him, he was immediately taken to custody and was sentence of death penalty after staying in prison for two years." "So they had a tragic love story?" The old man stopped the car infront of an old looking resto but people lined up outside. "Yes. It was so sad but maybe that is how life works. We are here at your destination." Eliza blink, she didn't realize that they already reach their destination. Eliza took a money in her pouch and gave it to the old man. "Be careful, history may repeat itself." Eliza suddenly felt goosebumps she nodded and step out of the cab. She immediately walk towards the resto . "Hi ma'am do you have a reservation?" Eliza blink them shook her head. "I-I don't.." "I'm sorry ma'am but the resto is full and their is a long line waiting you can wait outside if you—" "Eli?" Eliza blink numerable times when she realize that Niccolo is standing infront of her. Eliza step back and was about to leave when Niccolo gently holds her wrist. "It's okay Dona, she's my friend." The woman named Dona smile and nodded. Eliza felt so uncomfortable standing next to Niccolo, she can't erase that kiss from her mind! "I mean I can just leave." Niccolo glance in her then he chuckled. "Silly, don't waste your time traveling here for nothing." "I can eat somewhere else, and what exactly are you doing here?" Niccolo chuckled that made her more irritated. "I own the place. And since you treat me for a cup of coffee I'll treat you." "I can pay for what I eat." She said rolling her eyes. "I know but I still want too." Eliza didn't complain she just go with the flow and let Niccolo do whatever he wants. When they are set on the table Niccolo called someone to take their order since it was for free and she's irritated to the man whose sitting infront of her she ordered almost everything on the menu. "Are you sure you can eat all of that?" Eliza smirk. "Of course, I'm kind of starving." Niccolo nodded. "So how many days do you have?" "A couple of days." She said in a bored tone. " I thought your job is to tour people around?" Niccolo take a sip to his water before nodding. "It is my job, a part time job to be exact. Listen about the kis—" "Stop right there!" She hissed. "Don't mention it anymore let's just forget about that mistake." "Mistake?" Eliza glance on him and nodded. "Yes! Mistake I'm getting married Niccolo it's not nice that I'm kissing someone when I'm engaged!" "But do you love him?" Eliza froze at what he just asked. At first No, she was against that stupid arrange marriage till she realize she loves her bestfriend Nexus but after that incident everything became void and now she's questioning herself whether she still loves him or not. "It's not a mistake Eli." Eliza didn't speak she just waited for their food to arrive. "You are cute." Eliza rolled her eyes. "Try harder." She said. "I have a question. "Go ahead." He said seems really interested. "What happened to Elizabeth Rodeen Santos?" Niccolo chuckled. "I thought you'll never ask."
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