Chapter three

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There was a knock on Diego's room, and the door opened, "did I tell you not to ever disturb me by this time of the day No matter who that person is ?" Diego roared furiously at the maid who peeped in her face. "I am sorry sir but there seems to be an issue, there are some people outside, and the cops too. I tried to stop them but I couldn't. They are in the living room already." The maid responded, her voice shaking as she spoke. Diego was taken aback, "Why should the cop be in my house?" He thought and came down from his bed and hurried outside. "What's going on here?" He barked at the cops who were intruding into his house. One of them came closer to him, and with his hands in his pocket and the other hand with a rifle, he said, "You signed your property, this house off. And you haven't evacuated yet and that's why we are here" Diego's brain spun for a second, "When did I sign this?" He questioned his inner self. Tapping the cop by the shoulder, he exclaimed, "Look here! You should tell me who I signed this off to. I never signed this house to anyone, and who is this person taking over?" He yelled but the cops never said a word to him. "I am going to call my lawyer!" He added, with anger he immediately dialed his lawyer's number. Cutting him short, the cop showed him his signature and the paper which he unknowingly signed. "I can't remember signing that" He retorted, tightening his fist. "I am going to find out who the hell dares to do this. This is a very big slap on my face" He barked. "Please leave… please leave this premise sir" One of the cops ordered, shoving him out slightly, not minding his status in the city. "Don't you dare touch me!!" He commanded and went towards one of his cars and he drove out. ****** In Luna's room, she sat on her bed crying profusely as she mumbled, "We sat under the oak tree that night, the way he held me so close was so emotional, the look on his face and everyone. I could remember seeing him wolf out under the full moon..why would he ever do this to me and why would he say he wasn't ready to have a child but he got someone else pregnant? That's so unfair!" Looking up, she saw her mom standing by the door watching her."Remember I told you not to hurriedly get married but you said that was your mate. Your only love and that you couldn't live without him!" Mrs. Howlin said in a low tone and walked closer to her daughter, she touched Luna's chin, lifting her face. "Look here, honey! You need to gather yourself up okay? There's no need for all these tears. You are the princess of this pack and you should be strong! That's what is expected of you. Even though you are in a tough situation, you have to pack yourself together." Mrs Howlin chided and changed her tone, and commanded "Now look at me, wipe your eyes. Clean it !" "Now stand up strong and you know what he hasn't mated with you so you don't need to cry! Go and get a life honey and stop sobbing" The words pierced through Luna's soul like a sword and a wave of anger, regret, and a new feeling struck her immediately. "But firstly Mom, I'll have to party to clear my head out. I'll do things that I never had the chance to do. After All, I am a free woman, isn't it? I'm freed from the shackles of Diego" "Anything that's gonna make you happy but I don't support the idea of going to the party. Anyways, do whatever makes you feel happy!" Her mom replied nonchalantly and stood up, leaving the room. Later in the evening, Luna got dressed up for the night party as planned. She had no friend who could go with her. Ember, her closest friend had betrayed her so she had to dine and dance alone. Luna left the house looking all hot and arrived at the party. The hall was dimly lit, hundreds of people flocked in and out of the party. Getting in she moved straight to the bar, and she ordered "I need Vodka and tequila". "Let me pay for that" A voice that stunk with alcohol said from behind as she turned, giving the person a hard glare. She retorted immediately, while getting the drink from the attendant, "No no, I don't need your money. Go and get a life" Shoving him aside, slowly she walked to take a seat as she watched people dance and twirl their waists under the sound blaring from the speakers. As she sat there, a man came forward to her and asked, "Aren't you Luna Diego? The..wife of Diego Sirenu?". Looking up at him, she snapped back, "Ex-wife, we divorced. Bye," She replied rudely and took a shot of vodka. She hated questions like that, and she also knew that the people in the city loved to gossip a lot and before you know it, the divorce story is all over the news, blogs, name it. Taking another shot of alcohol she grunted, "I am tired…let me go and dance" She mumbled and stood up and went to the dance floor which was already filled with different smells from people. She twirled her hips while still holding the alcohol in one hand, making her look like the drunken master. She could feel the electricity surge in her as she danced from one arm to another. The dancing throughout the night led her to see herself on the bed of a stranger. After consistent blinking, she opened her eyes which felt heavy, everything seemed blurry to her and her head churned with pain. She tried to stand up but felt a strong arm over her shoulder, her heart seized to beat, "What? What'd I just do?!!!!" She freaked out, throwing his arms off her shoulder, and jumped out of bed. The man whom she laid with opened his eyes too, and as their eyes met their jaws dropped. "What the f**k did you do to me you fool?" She yelled as tears started dropping down her eyes while she packed her clothes. "No, I should be the one, asking you why you are still back in my arms! Are you the weapon fashioned against me? Is that what you are? Luna?" The voice howled back at her angrily. "You must be foolish, Diego! You got someone else pregnant and you still came to the club? So this is what you have been doing and I don't bother anymore. It's my fault and it's myself I blame, I should have stayed back at home!" Luna clapped back and wore her clothes hurriedly but Diego rushed towards her making her scream. "Don't you dare touch me ever again, except you want to sleep in jail!" She ordered. Diego pinned her to the wall, with his eyes glaring at her, "Now tell me the truth! Did you make me sign my house away in any way?" Immediately he regretted why he asked. "Oh really? What would I do with the f*****g house of yours? And why do you think that should be me? Do I know whom you promised the house because you were intoxicated or carried away by her beauty?" Luna retorted sarcastically and she let out a faint chuckle. He freed her arms from her grip as it all made sense to him. He had to question himself. Luna spat at him in annoyance and picked up her purse which was strewn on one side of the room. But Diego roughly dragged her back, to himself, "You ain't going anywhere! I will deal with you!" Luna used her upper arm and hit him on his cheek " Now get out of here and meet Ember, you i***t. I don't just know the reason why I am not filing a case against you, you bully". She angrily stormed out of the house. She got into her car, hitting her hands on the steering wheel uncontrollably, "Are you okay ma'am?" A tender voice called out as she turned her head to see a child barely ten standing by her window. "Yes hunny, I am okay. Where are your parents?" Luna asked "I don't have a daddy and mummy. I ran away from my aunt's place who mistreated me." The child replied softly and this melted Luna's heart. She loves children a lot even though her ex-husband didn't allow her to make one. The child tried opening the door but couldn't. Luna came down from her car and opened the car, "Get in" she said, thinking about what to do about the child in the car. "Hey, where are you taking that child too? Bring her back!!" A heavily built man called, running towards her. Luna hurriedly jumped into her car and immediately hit the pedal. She could see from the rear mirror that the man brought out his phone and took a picture of her car before hurriedly jumping into another vehicle that was around. He chased her car, and before she knew it, the cops were also chasing her vehicle. "Didn't you say you were living with your wicked aunt? Why are those vehicles chasing us?!!! And the cops too!" Luna questioned the girl, as she noticed the quality of clothes the girl wore. The girl kept quiet, keeping a straight face. Before Luna knew it, she was already surrounded by the cops and she had no way to escape so she stopped her vehicle. "Get down now! Your hands up!" Her hands started trembling as she exchanged glances with the girl who was still keeping a straight face. The police removed her from the car, and put the handcuffs in her hands, "come with us! Anything you say here will be used against you in the court of law. The heavily built man who was chasing her took out the girl from behind the vehicle, "Why did you run away? Hope she didn't hurt you?" "Leave me alone! I don't like y'all and miss Trisha especially!" The girl responded, struggling with the man who took her away. Luna was taken to the station, where she sat down for questioning. While she sat there, a handsome man walked in, and she looked up at him with the sound of his voice. Her eyes scanned his chiseled jaw and piercing blue eyes and his dark hair perfectly styled. The man who came in was well-dressed, with a tailored suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and narrow waist and he smelt like dollar notes. "Release her!!" He commanded and Luna looked up at him in surprise and watched as the cops hurriedly rushed towards her to free her. "Who could this man be? I remember seeing him at some point" Luna thought. The thoughts flashed back to him and her eyes widened once she remembered. He was one of the royal heirs and he owned multiple firms and companies around the globe. "Now you come with me" He ordered, taking a deep look at her and Luna followed like a meek lamb and they got outside the station. Before them was a Rolls-Royce Boat Tail. The man opened the car door for Luna and commanded, "Get into the car! Now!" With her heart beating fast she shook her head and replied, "But why? You can't just tell me to get into the car without a reason. I don't even know you" Luna shuddered, moving slightly away from him. "Oh, I see you can't get into the car. But you took my ten-year-old daughter away without caring about her family! Now get in or go back to await your trial." He gaslighted.

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