Chapter two

1975 Words
Later in the evening, as Diego stood upstairs watching the environment and taking in the cool breeze, the gate opened, and three vehicles drove in. He immediately recognized the car, "f**k! The Howlins are here without my permission? What the hell is wrong with them? Not even a phone call, nothing or did Luna invite them over?". Diego tightened his fist and hurried downstairs. Bumping into them, "Heyy.. my baby boy..See how sweet you look. You're still looking as fresh as ever." Mrs Howlins exclaimed and walked towards Diego with her hands spread out for a hug. Without hiding his anger, Diego asked, "You guys didn't tell me you were coming. Why?" "Oh sorry we didn't tell you. We just wanted to surprise you guys…where's my daughter?" Mr Howlin asked. "Oh your daughter, she's in her room." Diego turned to the maid who stood at a corner " Get the mistress" he commanded and the maid rushed upstairs to call Luna, and returned with her, " Oh hi mom, hi dad, welcome! I'm so happy to see you both" Luna exclaimed, and hurriedly rushed down the stairs hugging her parents. "Are you just going to stand there? Take their luggage upstairs!" Diego commanded and the maid rushed fidgeting and nodding in fear as she packed the luggage away. Mrs. Howlin gave Luna a peck on her cheeks and whispered, " I hope you are okay my daughter". Luna nodded, "Yes I am". "So when do you guys plan on giving us, grandchildren? I wanna carry some kids on my lap so badly. You guys better be snappy before I pass out of this world" Mrs Howlin said and chuckled. "I mean this generation, they scare me with their wants and desires." Mr Howlin added and coughed. Luna and Diego exchanged glances at each other, "Mom!!! Please!!" Luna cried out as that was one discussion she never liked to have with her parents. Diego and Luna had married for three years without a child because Diego told her he wasn't ready to have children. He made her take drugs for birth control which Luna never really supported. Diego never said a word to the commentary Mrs Howlin made." What should I get you?" Luna asked. "Oh nothing honey, just water! I and your dad just came from Mcdonald's before coming here" While they all sat in the living room talking, the door creaked open. "Who do we have here? Wow, today's a surprise surprise day!" Luna got up from the seat and went forward to hug the woman who opened the door and walked in. "You didn't tell me you were coming or are you coming to see your friend?" Diego's face twisted into a fake smile. "No I came to see you, it's a business talk" Diego stood up from his seat, "Please excuse us! I'll be right back in a jiffy". He walked away with the lady to a secluded room, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming, Ember?" Diego asked, dragging her by her arm. "Please stop, just stop! You didn't even talk about the baby, and you just hung up on me. Here I am, I am not planning on aborting this child anytime or ever!" Ember firmly spoke. "And I didn't say you were to abort the child either, look I am going to take full responsibility," Diego affirmed her and she smiled faintly. "So what about Luna?" Ember asked, "Don't worry about her! She's irrelevant." Diego said tugging her closer and giving her a peck on her forehead, " I am going to divorce her, we have spoken about that already. You have no reason to fear." "Oh seriously? " Ember exclaimed, and wrapped her arms around him well and Diego brought his lips closer to hers. His tongue battled with hers and his hand already began traveling around her body and grasping her butts. "What the hell is going on here?" Luna exclaimed, walking into Diego and Ember She was shocked to her bone marrow as he never in her life expected this. As Ember turned her face to see Luna her heart stopped to race for a second. "Ember?" Luna slammed the door and ran downstairs. She went back to sit with her parents, her face moody and eyes teary. "What's wrong with you my daughter? What's the problem?" Mrs Howlin noticed her expression. Instead of saying anything, Luna began to cry and Mrs Howlin became bothered, "Where's Diego where is Ember? What happened? Talk to me, that's why I am your mother and that's why I am here. To support you!" Without saying a word Mr Howlin stood up, he went upstairs and later came back looking angry as he yelled while Diego and Ember followed behind, "What the hell is going on here Diego? I see that, you are the reason why my daughter came here looking all moody!" Mr Howlin turned towards his daughter, "Did you see him kissing? Honey, we need to leave this place! And you too if you care to". Mr Howlin was already tired of seeing his daughter go emotionally and physically low. He was also tired of advising her to come home too. "Are you not Luna's best friend from high school and university?" Mrs Howlin attacked Ember who averted her face. "Mom, Dad, there's something I want to break to you guys!", Diego said, keeping a poker face. He paused, taking a glance at everyone once at a time. "I want to divorce your daughter. I told her already, and she is refusing to get a divorce…" Mrs Howlin cut him off, "Wow, is that why you had to cheat on her while we were still here? It seems you have already made your decision." "I didn't finish, I know this might come as a shock to you but, I am having a baby too, with her" Diego spoke and pointed at Ember's stomach. "You are having a baby?"The Howlins chorused, while Luna let out a soft cry. "You didn't want to have a baby with me? So all this while I was waiting, it was all in vain?"Luna sobbed and walked towards Ember who retraced her steps. "And you, you dare do this to me!! You needed a job and I gave you a chance at my husband's workspace. You were not even fit but grace found you. Now look what you did, you had to stab me behind my back." Luna yelled and moved to Ember, giving her a resounding slap. "Don't you dare try that again Luna!", Diego thundered and walked closer to Luna, and back to the Howlins, who were already mumbling, "You all made all of us grand-childless wow!" "I am getting a divorce !" Diego kept a straight face as face and moved to Ember, and tugged her closer to himself. Luna retorted vehemently and stamped her feet on the ground, "And I am not getting a divorce. I am not signing any divorce papers." "Oh please just sign the papers baby girl "Mrs Howlin mumbled and slumped on the floor. Luna rushed towards her mother, taking her in her hand. With no emotions, Diego turned to Mr Howlin and repeated, "I already served her the papers. She tore the first one but there is another, I'll get it now." "To hell with you." Mr Howlin barked and carried Mrs Howlin in his hands and he took into the car. An hour later, they arrived in the hospital as the doctors tried their best and Mrs Howlin was brought back to life. As she woke up, the first words that escaped from her mouth were, "Get a divorce, my dear, your husband doesn't like you. Just leave him! He no more has you at heart." "No Mom, I won't. I am not getting a divorce. I love him and I built everything he has now with him. Why would I want to get a divorce after everything I did? I stood by him from day one." Luna replied softly, with tears rolling from her eyes. "Oh please stop it." Mrs. Howlin said in frustration and kept quiet afterward. Later in the day as Luna got home, she was served the divorce papers again. "I said I am not signing any papers." She flung the paper back at his face. "What is wrong with you woman? Have you no shame?" Diego thundered, he grabbed Luna by the wrist and flung her to the wall making her hit her head on the wall. As if that was not enough, slapped her hard on the face. He continued hitting on her, while Luna struggled to free herself from his punch. He rolled himself over her and left her to wallow in pain. "If you don't sign the papers, you'll continue receiving this like a meal, "Diego grunted and wiped his forehead as he left her. Luna rose from the floor, went to her room, and wept. "How am I going to survive? Do I continue to stay here and watch all this? He is the only one I love! What is wrong with him?" "He is the only one you loved but you were dating a guy online? And you even planned to hook up with him, which you did?" She heard a voice say, and she turned her head to see Ember standing right at the door. Her blood rushed as their eyes met, "How dare you?!" She charged toward Ember and beat her which resulted in a fistfight. She didn't notice when Diego stepped in until he separated them by taking Ember away. He grabbed Luna by the neck and pinned her to the wall, he whispered into her ears as he applied force on her neck, "Now if you know that you don't wanna sign the divorce papers just bear in mind that you want to face hell here and right now!" "Diego!", Luna mumbled, "But I love you!". Diego snorted and slapped her hard again, "Now say something normal and stop being delusional! Maybe you can be delusional in your grave". As Diego spoke he tightened his hands around her neck. "I will sign the papers right now!" Luna replied, and Diego freed his hands from her neck and she fell, still grabbing her neck. She coughed and mumbled, her voice barely audible "I'm tired! Just get me the papers, I'll sign and leave you in peace. How about the business deals I had, my shares and all that!" "Read the papers, everything is stated there, don't be a fool," Diego responded harshly and he walked away to get the contract. As he left, Luna called her dad, "I'm coming home dad, I'm signing the contract. I can't do this anymore…I can't, I just can't " She cried painfully. An hour after signing the contract, she packed all her belongings which she needed and returned them to her father's house before going to visit her mom in the hospital. While she drove to visit her mom in the hospital, she couldn't believe that the same person she helped and trusted could go behind her back and betray her. "She gave me the advice to meet someone else, at least try to forget about Diego, she made me go to the hotel."She mumbled, sobbing as she sat behind the wheel. In the hospital room, her mom sat up on the bed, with a smile on her face, "I am happy you are finally freed from the shackles of that toxic marriage. Look at your face, all swollen and red." Her mom brought her hands to touch Luna's face but she averted it. Her father who sat at the corner spoke, "We should sue him for assault too, just imagine!" "No Mom, don't. My poor heart will bleed to see him in prison"
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