Mackenzie Clarke (mack): A 17-year-old female teenager, born in Nemani, a crafter city in the east of Flumen, where she has lived her entire life and according to the laws of Flumen where she will spend her entire life, something that she has hated since she remembers, she wants to travel all around Royale, to find her mother; Mack's mother, Molly escaped when Mack was ten, she was the head of the Nemanian lictor, the most powerful member there ever was in Nemani, she controlled and created fire, she was really good at it, but she hated being a part of an organization that killed thousands a year; as so does Mack; as she couldn't quit she left her son and daughter with their father, forcing him to promise he would never let anything happen to their kids and to never let them search her.
Mack has always hoped to be normal, to have no burst so she wouldn't be forced to become a lictor member, but she knew that most bursts are hereditary and her brother has the same burst as their mother, she has feared to be as her mother ever since she disappeared.
Mack is white, with lots of brown freckles all around her face, her lips are thin and colored, her nose is small and so is her mouth, her teeth are incredibly white and perfect for someone with a poor rejected family, her eyes have a light blue color that contrasts with all her face in a beautiful way that can only be reached naturally; her hair is thick, extremely black, short and wavy; she is really skinny as she can eat just once or twice a day; she is also really tall with almost a hundred and seventy-five centimeters.
Mack's family is originally from Ireland, long before her ancestors were transferred to Royale because of the radiation.
Mack is a lesbian, a fact that is well known to everyone around her, and as it's normal in all of Royale, no one has a problem with it
Isaac Galanis: A 18-year-old Gender fluid teenager, born in Nemani as well as Mack, they never got to meet the man that made their life possible, as he abandoned their mom when he found out she was pregnant, their mom once told them that the man was a lictor officer but that's all they know about him.
Isaac has always wanted to change the world, they have suffered all their life because they have to completely depend on their mother work as a s*x worker, Isaac's mother has always tried to give Isaac everything but is impossible for her to keep them fed and alright since no many men are single or want to spend their money in what she offers, Isaac has known what their mother does since they were a small child and truly wants to change that, they know their mother deserves better and they plan to give her everything she deserves, she has always supported him, she has always been the best mother anyone could ever ask for, and they love her, more than anything in the world.
Isaac has always longed for a burst, they want one so they can change the world, they know they don't need one to do so, but it's still their dream to be able to control the forces of nature, to shapeshift, to turn into n animal, to do so many things, so many incredible things he can only do with a burst and according to what their mother told them, they may have a chance of having one.
Isaac is smart, funny, hard-working, suffers from anxiety and from low self-esteem which causes him to always seek everyone's approval; he also uses the pronouns he/them since he was five, the same year he discovered he was gay.
Isaac is really small compared to all the other teenagers in Nemani, they're also really weak and have a kind of starving figure, their skin has an olive tonation and it's surprisingly smooth what gives them a natural glow; his hair is dark brown, curly but wavy at the same time, it is long but not too much; their nose is narrow and his lips are well-shaped, their eyes are brown but they shine when the sun hits on them turning them into a gold color; sometimes he looks like a living dead, but it is because how hard he has to work to eat, and yet he rarely gets to eat good, as he prefers his mother to eat more than him and only eats well when visiting Mack.
Their family is originally from greek, Isaac and their mother Maya keep some greek traditions as they really respect their ancestor's culture.
Amara Genet:
The 19-year-old princess of Flumen; born in Oromia with a powerful tonitrua burst, (which means she can control and create thunders). From the moment Amara learned how to walk, her mother forced her to learn how to control her burst, by the time she was four she could control it better than almost anyone in Flumen, her powers were even superior to her fathers, The Queen Elsabet was thrilled, "she will be useful" she used to say. The great King Teshome died by mysterious poisoning when his daughter was just four years old, The Queen became the ruler of Flumen and as the royal laws of Flumen say so clearly, an heir or heiress can just become the ruler monarch once they get married, something that the queen hated. When the great Teshome era came to an end and the feared Elsabet reign started, several drastic laws were imposed for everyone, except for the novelty, of course.
Amara was raised mostly by the palace staff, who tried to prevent her to become as cruel as her mother, but they failed incredibly, Amara became as merciless and evil as her mother, she assured she was superior to anyone else, that her destiny is to rule over Flumen with fear, she wants all the commoners to fear her, to fear the great thunder nigisiti, she also believes that all the commoners must obey everything she asks them to do, "they are your puppets" Elsabet always repeats and so she believes.
Amara has always missed her father, she has always wished for a life with him; she never got to really meet him, she knows him through the stories of the staff, they tell her how kind and amazing the great Teshome was... She misses him and she would like to be like him, but the queen would never allow that "weakness has no place in my perfect kingdom" she says every time Amara shows any kind of emotion that's not hate or disgust.
Amara has really dark, clean, and smooth skin; her hair is black and extremely curled, she usually has the lower part of her hair loose and the upper part with dreads in a beautiful way, proper of a princess; her eyes have an Ambar color that goes with her skin; her lips are big and brown, she usually wears light pink lipstick that goes with the white, gold, red and green of her dresses; she is tall but not too much, she has a greatly powerful burst that has been trained since she was a small child, her burst is tonitrua, the ability to control and create electricity and thunder, her thunders and manifestations of electricity are white.
The royalty of Genet was originally from Ethiopia, the royalty of Flumen has been taught to respects their past generations, so they try to follow Ethiopian traditions and are really Informed of how was life like in what once was Ethiopia.
Ghiacco Romano:
Ghiacco Romano is a 21-year-old Lictor member originally from Nemani who got transferred to the royal palace of Oromia because of his great glacies burst he can control like nobody else. The queen herself invited him to be a part of her inner circle of guards, he has gained lots of respect and money since then, money he sends to Nemani with the hope of helping others that were as poor as him; Ghiacco hates his job like he hates nothing else, he never wanted to be a part of the Lictor, but he wanted to learn how to control his burst, so he just enjoyed it, he made the ice a part of him, he became a hero as he usually helped those who he was supposed to punish, he was merciful, something none of his co-workers liked, but they respected him, but just because they knew he wouldn't doubt in freezing them to death.
Ghiacco is an orphan, his parents left him at the church, he was raised by the nuns who loved him like a son, once his burst appeared at the short age of five years, they tried to hide it but it was extremely clear he had an extremely powerful burst, every time he used it, his entire body started freezing, something he never felt, but everyone around did; when he was ten years old he could freeze water and walk over it, at fifteen he could make the entire Nemani to snow for hours and at seventeen he could turn the humidity in the air into ice, making him deadly.
As the law says, when a commoner with a burst gets to seventeen years old has to become a member of the lictor and his powers must be drained via a microchip implanted in the back of their neck. Ghiacco didn't fight at all when the lictor showed up to recruit him, he went silently with them; the chip in the back of his neck drains his powers so he's never been able to do most of the things he did before joining the lictor but has trained restlessly to become as strong as he can with that "parasite", as he calls it, inside of him.
In the lictor, ghiacco has been trained in several martial arts of different cultures and the use of at least twenty different weapons, including swords, bows, spears, guns, among others... even though he prefers to fight with just his burst, freezing his opponent feet and immobilizing them as soon as he gets a chance
Ghiacco is albino, his hair, as well as his skin, have the color of snow, his eyes are purple and his lips have a light pink color, because of his albinism, Ghiacco can't be under the sun without some kind of heavy protection like a strong and expensive solar protector or black clothes that cover his entire body, he also usually to keep his body as cold as possible because he can't stand the heat. His face is almost completely white except for his cheeks that are light pink. He has several scars all around his body caused mostly by himself when learning to control his burst, most of them were small injuries, but there is one that almost killed him: one in his neck caused by an icicle he created out of air and was controlling until he got distracted by Isaac and it fell directly into his neck, two centimeters aways from his aorta, luckily Isaac helped him as soon as he realized what happened and got him to the nuns where they grounded and helped him.
Ghiacco has a really muscular body, he is also tall so everyone around him has a crush on him; boys, girls, others... sadly for most, he's not interested in girls and currently is only interested in one, one being Isaac
The nuns gave Ghiacco a note from his mothers when he was ten, the note said:
Dear ghiacco,
we are extremely sorry, we love you, but we cannot give you the life you deserve, the nuns promised to love you and take care of you like they would their own child. We want you to know that we would never do this if we had another choice, but we don't, we hope you have a great life, someday... we may meet again, our sweet child.
with all the pain in the world, your mothers.
Adaora Abdullahi:
Adaora is a fighter in the royal Arena, she has been there since she was seven as she got caught with her mother trying to escape to Litore, and like the laws of Flumen state, they both became the queen's property, who as she does with all her "puppets" were sent to the arena where they fought for their life for several years, until her mother was assassinated by Adaora's lover; this broke Adaora to the core, the child that she once was disappeared and she became a cold-hearted badass, she began a mission to become stronger and stronger, to be the best metallum and to end the traitor that killed her mother, and so she did once she was strong enough.
Adaora swore she would never love again, love had made her suffer enough for her entire love, "love is not made for me" she repeated every night.
She has been waiting for a chance to escape many years ago, but she knows what would happen if she doesn't do it right, so she just stays there, suffering each day, with almost no hope.
Adaora is 20 years old, she is black, she has vitiligo, her eyes are green; her hair is black, long and has always been in dreads; she is strong, tall, very muscular, her lips are big and brown, her teeth are a little yellow; she has an incredible burst, she controls metal, this is a very common burst in Royal, but she has developed it like almost no one else.
She is the best fighter in the Royal arena, the queen gives her extra food as a prize, food she sometimes shares with others.